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Yeshua: Ascension, BY by James McConnell, April 4, 2024

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

I am Yeshua.
And I come to be with you at this time, in this time of not resurrection, not my resurrection, not to be counted or looked at as my resurrection, but as ascension, the ascension process that is for all of us, not just me, not just those of the ones you know as the ascended ones, but for all to ascend.
But this is the goal, the plan for all eventually to move through their own ascension.
Will it take an evolutionary leap? Not necessarily, because you each have the ability within yourselves to find that ascension within yourselves at any time that you are ready to do so.
There is no time limit. There are no limits that are placed upon you for ascension. You could ascend tomorrow if you were ready to do so. But you all have a plan. You all have a life path that you are following. And in order for the mass ascension, it takes for all of you that are ready for ascension yourselves to be a part of the greater whole, to be a part of the greater ascension plan for everyone.
Will everyone ascend at this time in this space? Likely not. But that is not your concern. Your concern is to prepare the way yourself first and for all of those to come after you. That is what you came here to do, to pave the way, to show the way.
Just as I came those thousands of years ago to show the way to prepare it for those to follow after me. Was I the only one, the only son of God? Certainly not. Did I die for your sins? No, I did not. I did not die. I did not resurrect a lifeless body. That was not what actually happened.
I ascended just as you have the ability to ascend at this time. I showed the way. Here is the way for all of you. And now you are going to show the way for others after.
For the Christ consciousness is there for all of you to find it within yourselves. Just as I found the Christ, you can find the Christ and become the Christ as well individually and as a collective.
You can have a collective Christ consciousness across the planet. Imagine what that would be like, what that will be like, to have everyone across the planet feeling and knowing the Christ consciousness within them, knowing and understanding the I AM presence within each, each one being one with the Father, Mother, God all connected as one, unity consciousness together.
That is the goal, that is the plan, the universal plan for mankind here upon this planet. And know that ascension is not only happening here on this planet, but is happening throughout the solar system and the galaxy. And ascension has happened many times before in many other planets and systems and stars and everywhere.
You have participated in ascension many times before. This is not the first go around for each of you, but it is the first remembrance of doing so since you last went through the ascension.
As you all know, you all volunteered to come here to lower yourselves in consciousness, to lower yourselves in vibrational frequency, and to be a part of the greater awakening here on this planet and the greater extension process for all to achieve this that are ready to do so. You, my friends, my brothers and sisters, are the chosen ones.
You may not like that term, but you are indeed the ones that have chosen and then been chosen to be here. So continue to follow your path, whatever that is, wherever that will take you. But know that it is a process that you have intended when you first came here and a process that you are continuing on each and every one of you.
So find that within yourselves, find that consciousness, that Christ consciousness within yourselves and know that it is right there for each one of you.
I am Yeshua and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and for you to know that I, as the Christ consciousness within, am always here with you all at a moment’s notice, I can be here with you just as my higher self, Sananda, can be here with you and Archangel Michael and Ashtar and all of the ascended ones and all of the archangels and the angels are all here to be of assistance to you.
You have never been alone and will never be alone.
Peace and love with all.



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