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Whitney: Crossing the Threshold, June 4, 2023 by Steve Beckow

Steve Beckow

On the journey of Cosmic Ascension, the last threshold to cross is Faith. Faith is the final spiritual frontier to explore. It’s also the ultimate invitation to accept if we are interested in moving from ignorance to enlightenment.
What does it mean to have faith? It is the act of having moved beyond mental obscurations and into clear self-awareness, which is a manifestation of inner knowingness. This is where we meet the Light as a very real phenomenon and also as the source of our existence. To have faith means that we move from the harrowing clenches of suffering and into the release of inner understanding, inner power, and inner light.
If we want to have faith, we can’t just look the part, we must Be It. We must bring the Light of Life into our deepest most selves, not as a spiritual colloquialism, but as the absolute truth of who and what we are. It is the realization that we are first and foremost spiritual beings. And when this light dawns on us, we must then learn to live in this light, and also the radical truths that emanate from within it—and within us.
Each one of us is finding our way back to our true selves. As we walk this path, we meet many doubts, many issues, many lies. It’s up to us to vanquish them, one by one, so that we can reclaim our light-filled lives. The roadmap looks different for all of us, yet ultimately, finally, the destination is the same. This is the ultimate journey, as Ascension is the ultimate evolutionary process. There is nothing else. This realization is faith.
Most people live under the illusion that we are merely physical beings in a physical world without any such spiritual nature. Many of us succumb to the deadened reality of such a philosophy—and the results only bring more suffering, more problems, more angst, more setbacks. What is called for is a radical truth, a radical new reality—and this is the Light. To find this light, we must first find and cultivate that seed of faith in ourselves that yearns for more: some different, some sublime, something real, something reliable and enduring and true. Only the light can be this.
So where are you in your walk toward faith? Where are you holding tightly, regarding stiffly, communicating falsely, living unrighteously, embodying artificially, gripping fearfully, stepping haphazardly, thinking untruly, or simply shrugging off and ignoring the Wisdom of the Light? It’s this light, the energy of life, that feeds us and sheds light onto the nature and conditions of our individual lives. When we turn our attention and power away from this light, we have moved away from faith, which is the spiritual glue that binds us to all that is good and true.
So let’s turn toward the light now. As we identify those areas that create inner blockages, we then can release them, one by one, and replace them with the Wisdom of the Light. Only we can do this for ourselves, though, of course, collectively, we share this wisdom as the Family of Light that we are all remembering and becoming.
If you’re dealing with blockages, begin by lovingly tending to them. How can you start to love them into wholeness? Don’t deny them, but See them. How can you bring the pure light of self-awareness to each and every one of them so they can finally fall away? Let’s let all of the our past lives fall away from us now. They’re all ashes at our feet—or soon they will become so—as we faithfully embrace the Wisdom of the Light, and the magic of its intelligent healing grace.
As we begin to awaken to the truth of our spiritual reality, we are beginning our individual walk in faith. Step by step, little by little, truly and surely, we are reclaiming ourselves. And as our awareness of this inner light grows, so too does our faith. We don’t have to wonder our way forward—we become led from within, and our inner knowingness pulls us, pushes us forward, instead.
Ascension isn’t an exotic destination but a reclamation of that which we already are. That’s why it’s also called The Great Awakening: we are waking up from the sleep state where we have forgotten our spiritual nature and the spiritual truths that govern our most sacred selves and our most sacred earth. As we remember, we have faith. And when we have faith, we can move mountains.
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