The important truth to understand right now is that we are living in an age of transition!
I'm not talking about the end of the world or that solar flare that's going to cause the planet to crumble into dust. I'm talking about a much more subtle change taking place as we interface with higher dimensional realities.
The transition is upon us. The dimensional shift that is coming, the fifth dimension, will happen shortly!
The fifth dimension will have a higher vibration frequency than you are used to. You are going to have to step up your game in order to function with it.
This transition could be described as a black hole or a singularity, on the other side of which lies another reality. The new reality is often not visible from this side, but if you look closely, you will see a small light shining in its center. This light indicates that you have entered another dimension where time moves at different speeds and where everything exists simultaneously in all its aspects: past, present, and future.
This is going to be very exciting because it means that we are going to function in many realities.
This is part of our journey in this lifetime, and we are all about to change fast.
In order for this to happen, there must be a change in our consciousness.
This can only happen when you realize that you are not separate from God or the universe. Only then will you be able to move into other dimensions without fear or worry.
The first step toward this realization is accepting yourself as part of nature and using your spiritual gifts as well as your intellect. You must learn how to use your intuition and listen for guidance from within yourself.
Once you realize this truth about yourself, then you can begin working on developing your own spiritual gifts through meditation and prayer. This gift is unique because it allows us all to hear from others who have gone before us and learn from their wisdom.
You have been given a new set of faculties that will enable you to function in higher dimensions. Your consciousness is now quite advanced so that you can work with your spirit guides, who are much more advanced than you are at this time.
You have also been given a soul group that works with you and has been assigned to help you evolve through your third-dimensional life. You will find this soul group very helpful as you go through the life experience that lies ahead of you.
There are many teachers who are interested in helping people learn how to use their new abilities, but I want to do it without disrupting the flow of your life or taking away from your daily responsibilities.
I know that if I try to teach too much too quickly, it will only confuse you and lead to difficulty later on down the road.
You need time for yourself now; don't try to learn everything all at once!
The old paradigm was based on separation: we thought we were separate from nature and from each other. We believed in competition and war as the only ways for humans to conquer challenges. We thought there was a winner and a loser; there was no equality or harmony between human beings or between different cultures and nations.
I want you to understand that everything is ONE: there is no us versus them; there is only us - all of us together - who are One Being with God/Prime Creator/Source Energy/All That Is/Everything In Existence As One Whole Being.
The old paradigm of separation and duality is crumbling, and humanity is learning a great lesson at this time: the lesson of realizing our Godhood, our connectedness with the Prime Creator, and all that exist. This is an exciting time for us as it allows us to see how we are all part of one big family and how we can help each other on our journey to realize our true potential.
This lesson has been coming for many years now, but it seems to be coming more rapidly as we go through this transition. As we begin to realize our connection with everything, we also begin to realize that we have a responsibility for each other and for all life on Earth.
As we move from one form of reality to another, it is inevitable that we will have to learn new lessons and adjust to new ways. We have been through many transitions before, but this time is different. It is different because the world has changed, and humanity itself has changed.
The world is changing because people are learning new lessons about how to live together with each other and how to live in harmony with nature. The human race has evolved at a rapid pace over the past few centuries, but now it has reached a point where it can no longer live by its own rules.
We must learn to live in harmony with each other and with nature if we are going to survive as a species on this planet, Earth.
The human race is evolving into something new at this time, something bigger than what it was before. We are becoming one with the Prime Creator, and all that exists, not only here on Earth but also throughout the universe!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation