According to the Company of Heaven the shifts that have taken place within Humanity’s Earthly Bodies during the past several weeks have catapulted ALL Life belonging to or serving the Earth at this time up the Spiral of Evolution in powerful ways. These Global shifts have moved Mother Earth and all her Life much closer to the frequency of vibration the Holy Innocents and Humanity need to reach in order to successfully accomplish the Divine Mission we are being Called to Cocreate during the 36th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will be held October 15-20, 2022, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The Company of Heaven revealed in August that in order for the Holy Innocents, the rest of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth to be able to withstand the intensity of Light that would be needed for Lightworkers to Cocreate the Divine Matrix for a Generational Changing of the Guard during the 36th WCI, we would need ALL HANDS ON DECK.
This Fiat from On High opened the door for higher expressions of Divinity throughout the Cosmos to project their Luminous Presences into the atmosphere of Earth to assist us. These awesome Beings of Light are from Systems of Worlds beyond anything we have ever experienced. The Guardians of Earth have responded to this Celestial Intervention with ELATION. These majestic Beings of Light will remain in the atmosphere of Earth through the Solstice on December 21, 2022.
We will experience more shifts during the first two weeks in October. During these important days, we are being guided by the Company of Heaven to take as much time as possible every day to Breathe Consciously and just BE. This is a critical time during which our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will help us to gently assimilate the unprecedented Divine Alchemy that is taking place within our Earthly Bodies.
The Company of Heaven is once again appealing to each and every one of us. We are being asked to listen to the inner promptings of our Heart to see how we can best serve the Light in response to the vitally important facet of our Ascension process we will Cocreate during the 36th WCI. The Divine Mission of this Holy Endeavor is for all of us to join forces as we are empowered to Cocreate the Divine Matrix for a Generational Changing of the Guard.
This facet of the Divine Plan involves the Generational shift of Power from the obsolete fear-based “old guard” who are still functioning from the mutated consciousness of separation and duality to the new Heart-based Transformational Leaders who have embodied on Earth since the first Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987. These precious Ones are known in the Heavenly Realms as the Holy Innocents and they include the incoming babies, the children, the teenagers known as Generation Z, and the Millennials. These young people have been uniquely prepared prior to this embodiment to fulfill the facet of Mother Earth’s Divine Plan that will complete the purging of the old Earth and the Cocreation of the Heart-based patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline New Earth.
I want to briefly mention that there are various ways you can participate in the 36th WCI. You can physically attend this event or you can join us each morning for a one-hour FREE VIRTUAL activity of Light that will be aired LIVE from the 36th WCI. Registration for both of these options are available on our website
The FREE daily one hour LIVE VIRTUAL activity of Light will begin at 9:00 a.m. Mountain Time on Sunday October 16th and continue every day through Thursday October 20th.
In order to receive the daily link to participate in the FREE virtual activity of Light you must register on our website Just click on the big Registration button on our Home Page. Then, if you are on a computer the Virtual Registration Link is on the left and if you are on your cell phone the Virtual Registration Link will be at the bottom of the page.
ONCE YOU SIGN UP FOR THE VIRTUAL REGISTRATION the LINK for you to have access to this LIVE daily activity of Light from the 36TH WCI will be emailed to you each morning.
The Portal of Light that pulsates above Santa Fe, New Mexico is the Portal of the Holy Breath. For millennia the Sacred Fire Breath of our Father God and the Holy Breath of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, have been flowing through this Portal gently preparing Humanity for the time when we would be Awake enough to open this Portal to full breadth. This is that time. The profound Truth of what this will mean in Humanity’s Ascension process is just beginning to filter into the Consciousness of Awakening Humanity and will be revealed step by step as we move forward in the Light. In the mean time, we are being asked to Breathe Consciously, to pay attention and to just BE.
In order to prepare the Portal of the Holy Breath in Santa Fe, New Mexico for the events that will unfold at the 36th WCI, we are being asked to empower the following activity of Light. Please KNOW that you are being joined by the Company of Heaven and the Collective I AM Presence of all Humanity no matter when you are inspired to participate in this activity of Light. And we begin:
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. As I take a deep Holy Breath, our I AM Presences merge into One Luminous Being of Light. Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her are cradled within the Heart Flame of our Unified I AM Presence. As I Consciously Breathe through the Heart of our Unified I AM Presence, I realize Beloved Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her are Breathing in unison with me.
Now, through the Power of the Spoken Word our Collective I AM Presence COMMANDS on behalf of every Son and Daughter of God:
I AM One with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity. I AM One with the Holy Breath of God. I AM One with the Holy Innocents, Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom and Mother Earth. All that my Father-Mother God have is mine and that full Divine Potential is readily available to me right here and right now.
I now Consciously Breathe in and out knowing that with every elevated Holy Breath I AM receiving the highest possible frequencies of Prana and my Life Force.
On the rhythm of my every Inbreath our Unified I AM Presence receives from the Heart of God brand NEW Frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light. With my every Outbreath our Unified I AM Presence expands this Transfiguring Divine Light through the Twelve Pointed Crown of the Elohim upon every person’s brow and through every person’s 5D Crystalline Solar Spine, our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Chakras and our Twelve 5D Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA.
This resplendent Light now pulsates through Humanity’s Acupuncture Meridians and recalibrates every Acupuncture Point to receive much Higher Frequencies of Light. This allows every person to Breathe even higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force with every Holy Breath we take.
As this incredible expansion of Light occurs through the Collective I AM Presence of ALL Humanity and every individual person’s Earthly Bodies, it simultaneously occurs through the Crystal Grid System of Mother Earth and expands through the new 5th-Dimensional Record Keeper Crystals that the Mighty Elohim have placed in Earth’s meridians throughout the Planet.
Now, within the newly recalibrated Permanent Seed Atom and Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in every person’s Heart, our Collective I AM Presence once again COMMANDS through the Power of the Spoken Word:
I AM the Open Door that no one can shut. I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Immaculate Concept of ALL Life evolving on Mother Earth. I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life. I AM That I AM. And now, I AM the perfectly balanced Breath of our Father-Mother God opening to full breadth the Portal of the Holy Breath above Santa Fe, New Mexico.
With this COMMAND from the Collective I AM Presence of ALL Humanity a new level of our Father-Mother God’s Holy Breath, beyond anything Humanity has ever experienced, is being Breathed through the Portal of the Holy Breath in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This Holy Breath will build in momentum daily and hourly as we move toward the 36th WCI. And so it is.
Precious One, be very aware of this opportunity day-by-day as you Breathe Consciously. Please contemplate the magnitude of this Cosmic Moment. Then, in deep Humility and Gratitude ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you what an awesome honor it is for YOU and the rest of Awakening Humanity to be given the opportunity to serve the Holy Innocents, Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth in this extraordinary way.
God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles