It can often feel like you are walking between worlds at this time, because of the immense changes which are occurring on all levels now, as the old is being churned up to be dissolved and the new is forming.
It can feel like one is in the midst of whirlwind at times, while at other times, there is that deep serenity which passes all understanding.
It is a matter of being like the skipper of a yacht at sea now, and taking it all as it comes, yet riding out the storms as much as the calm.
Both serve and both lead us to the end destination of the New Life and totally new and much higher dimensional form and life and living.
This is why it is so necessary now to go deeper within to find the still point within and to trust that inner guidance, the inner GPS and to follow that knowing, no matter what is happening outside.
I see it as far more, for our higher soul self is now fully awakening, and with it we can now access universal and galactic knowledge we simply could not access previously.
We are becoming more and more SOUL connected not only with those of our own soul groups, but also with like-minded souls, and those who are on the same wavelength and frequency as we are.
It is a deep recognition of soul, which happening, and deep knowing that we have been here before and we now have come again to see this work into fulfillment.
Yet, in signing up for this, we did not quite know how this would all constellate into form and being, but we came anyway. Indeed, we so wanted to be here, not only to witness this, but to experience it, ALL OF IT!
I was joking with a friend saying I am sure that the Intergalactics sometimes watch us from their spaceships and then scratch their heads at the way humans behave: – I am sure they often have a good chuckle, much like when we look at baboons, and have a good laugh at their antics.
Yet, the same baboons can look deeply into your eyes, and there is an ageless wisdom there, that speaks volumes. They know things we humans still need to master.
One day, long after we have left this planet, we will meet again somewhere in the Universe and remember this lifetime, as one of the most amazing experiences we have ever had as souls.
All I know is that it is all worth the ride we are on and what a ride it is!