Steve Beckow
Just as we reach a point with a certain food where we can’t eat it any more, I’m feeling that way about the drumbeat of events. So much of it seems to be a distraction.
A distraction from what?
To answer that, let me first digress. Michael once said to me: “You have reached a point in your heart, in your being, in your life, in your consciousness where you are realizing … the magnitude of our partnership.” (1)
I am getting an inkling of it. I am starting to “feel” the presence of millions of ships above the Earth. I can tell you that it happens when I hear a sound of a certain frequency. I can’t tell you what that frequency is.
I’m getting at deeper and deeper levels that the Divine Mother has sent her legions of angels, literally, to rescue the Earth from certain destruction.
Don’t believe me? Depleted uranium alone would have killed this planet. Michael said:
Steve: If the galactics had not neutralized depleted uranium, would this planet have died?
Archangel Michael: Yes. Now let me explain. It is not just that she would have died. It would have been that her will to continue on would not have been there.
Steve: Wow, eh? That serious.
AAM: Yes, that serious. (2)
Now add to that the fact that our star family will prevent any nuclear weapon from exploding and will not allow a world war and “you are realizing … the magnitude of our partnership.”
This legion of angels, which includes us, together with our star family, having saved the Earth from certain destruction, is now preparing it for Ascension.
What’s the value of really getting that? It creates space, landscapes, worlds, visions. Planet Earth is saved. The planet prepares to rise to a higher level of consciousness. Such visions inspire; they lift us up. These are noble themes and dramas.
When we really get their importance, I suspect that we’re then ready to play on the world stage that will soon be opening up. The intergalactic stage. Or any stage for that matter.
Not me. My mission is writing. I have no other ambitions and would resist efforts to get me away from writing. (3) But just because I don’t choose it doesn’t mean it isn’t a hugely important role.
Not till we can see in a much broader way than we do now and also not until we have the confidence for the job will we be ready, I think, for the larger roles that soon will be opening. But I don’t see those things as taking years to develop, I believe that the help will be there when we need it.
Let me give an example: If you’re sitting there thinking, I don’t have what it takes, remember what happened to me: Constant Comment and my lingering sense of unworthiness both one day simply disappeared.
The change in me was fantastic; first a still mind and later a native confidence which my vasanas had earlier obscured. Neither occurrence was predictable. Both were a great help.
Judging from the wave of bliss that hit me right after writing those words, someone over there agrees. And that wave of bliss itself shows how they’re aware of us and our thinking.
It’s my intention to fully let in the magnitude of the project that all of us are involved in: The first Ascension by a planet en masse and retaining the physical form; the first into a brand, new space, to be followed in time by the rest of the galaxy and universe. (4)
Letting in the magnitude feels like the next place to go. I’m inspired by what Michael says here:
“It is the awakened human that acknowledges that they are inter-galactic or galactic; that they are part angelic or archangelic; that they are sheer energy and a spark of life; that they have been the most grievous sinner and the most beatific saint. It is that integration into the aware human being, and from that place of being able to create Nova Earth. (5)
More and more I can see why the acknowledgment of these things, to ourselves not necessarily to the rest of the world, (6) is so important. It’s as if it opens the door to accessing the qualities, in this case, that are needed to build Nova Earth.