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Writer's pictureDrago Kulic

RAMA & TARA'S MISSION...?For the Ashtar Command Ground Crew...8/6/23

Many of you know our friends who are White Knights of the Ashtar Command, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green.

They offer amazing insights, higher dimensional perspectives, and one-of-a-kind news reports on their shows each week, without fail.

This is due to the amazing contacts that Rama has, including Archangel Michael and the Forces of Light.

In fact, for more than 50 years, Rama has been a man on a mission, bringing us news and information we can trust—information banned from the mainstream media.

For the past 15 years, Rama and his wife Tara have broadcast their news programs three days a week on, providing crucial information about what’s really going on in the world.

Rama is a potent news source.

On any given day, he might get a phone call from Malala Yousafzai, Thom Hartmann, Amy Goodman, Ed Snowden, the Dalai Lama, Michelle Obama, Senator Bernie Sanders, and many other independent journalists and Washington insiders, some with information so sensitive that they can only identify themselves by using code names.

Every week, these brave people update Rama on what’s really happening—at the United Nations, in higher government, in the media, behind the billionaires’ closed doors, and more.

Rama and Tara then relay the information to the world on their BBS Radio programs, and on their hour-long conference calls, to answer listeners’ questions.

Working with honest, well-informed insiders around the world, Rama is working every day to support the announcement of NESARA Law.

All politicians and mainstream media members are under gag orders to never speak of that law publicly.

Rama and Tara are its only public spokespersons. Enacting this law is incredibly important work...

Rama's Contacts-Faction 3

King of Swords (K.O.S.), Anonymous 6

Rama first knew the King of Swords as Anonymous 6. They first met at a rock station in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1980. He was the helicopter traffic reporter at the station. Shortly after meeting, Anonymous 6 started doing 90 second updates on various issues regarding N.E.S.A.R.A.. Then Rama would go to the station in Albuquerque and from the station as Anonymous 6 was giving his 90 second updates Rama would speak with him at that time on the air. After a while those 90 second updates got longer. Then conversations at the station after the 90 second updates were done continued. And, some days Rama and the other talk show hosts at the station would get into more extended conversations about getting N.E.S.A.R.A. announced. Since this was a rock station with millions of young listeners, the youth of this country received a lot of information about N.E.S.A.R.A.. These activities continued at the station from 1980 – 1992. Then Anonymous 6’s mission went full boar at the Faction 3 level of his mission. Since then Rama’s list of contactees (Some of which are named below) regarding N.E.S.A.R.A. grew. Now that list has grown to over forty-four people. Here are some of the major actors in this divine play.

Lady Master Nada

She is the King of Swords Twin Flame. Together, they are Kumaras from Venus. They are on the Ruby Ray. At the higher level, as we have already described, the King of Swords is the seventh initiation and incarnation of Sananda Kumara. As well, Lady Master Nada is the seventh initiation and incarnation of Lady Master Nada (Kumara), Sananda’s divine consort and Twin Flame. Lady Master Nada is the head of the Solar Tribunal on Saturn, as well as, a special lawyer of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), or the World Court.

Rama and Tara have had many adventures with Lady Master Nada on this journey to Freedom’s Holy Flame, for at least the last twenty-six years.


Rama met her over the phone about ten years ago. She works in the office of the King of Swords in London, England. In other words, as the King of Swords is busy and Rama calls the King on his phone, he gets to talk to Kathryn. This has been extremely helpful over the years in learning many of the details of this very big N.E.S.A.R.A. story. She also works with Heidi who represents the King of Swords inside the Bank of International Settlements (B.I.S.).


Rama met Heidi over the phone in 1997, right after the murder of the clones of Princess Diana, Dodi Fayed and Anré Paul, the driver. Heidi told Rama that she was working in behalf of the K.O.S. inside the B.I.S. to get the Holocaust victims funds payed out. She told Rama her work on this mission began in earnest in 2003, right after the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Denver, Colorado of The Farm Claims (Pigford Case) vs. The Federal Reserve, the I.R.S. and the Federal Government.

The reason Heidi began her work with the Holocaust Funds right after the Pigford Case (Black Farm Claims), is because all the N.E.S.A.R.A. programs represent freeing all of the Queen’s (Elizabeth II) slaves across this planet, along with making restitution for all of the 13 families’ and the Vatican’s War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Heidi’s work involved millions of survivors of the Holocaust. It involved digging into all the records and meticulously orchestrating a procedure with a large team of people to document all of the payouts. It took her and her team six solid years to complete this assignment. The way Rama met her in 1997 is through the internet by locating an article about the project. He sent an email to let her know that his family were victims of the Holocaust, and the story continues.


Natasha from was married to the King of Swords. They raised two children together. Presently they are good friends and Natasha is a Faction 3 White Knight team member. Natasha is from Russia and has personally known President Vladimir Putin for decades. Since President Putin is also a Faction 3 White Knight as long as they have known each other, the plot thickens.

Jackie Chan (Natasha’s Body Guard)

President Xi Jing Ping of China is also a Faction 3 White Knight. He works with the King of Swords in behalf of his country and his country’s N.E.S.A.R.A. project, The Nations Project. In the case of Natasha’s bodyguard Jackie Chan, President Xi provided protection for Natasha in this way.

Jackie Chan was trained since youth in the arts of the Shaolin Way, Qigong, Chi Wu, Tai Chi, Tai Kwan Do and is a member of the Falun Gong Society. Jack Chan is thirty-five years old and he’s a Chinese version of Neo from the Matrix.

Larry, Curley and Moe

Rama met Larry, Curley and Moe around 2008. They are Galactic shapeshifters from the starship the New Jerusalem and are members of the Ashtar Command. They have all their necessary records properly filed to be regarded as citizens of the United States. They work for the Secret Service, alongside the K.O.S. and are located at the 38th level above the President inside the A.C.I.O. (Alien Contact Intelligence Organization).

These folks sit in Round Table conversations with President Obama, his family and some members of the White House staff to discuss planetary and interplanetary affairs. Let us mention here that one might become more amazed everyday as to how HUGE the responsibility is to be President of the United States of America. #feeltheburn


They are members of the Ashtar Command and they all come from 175 million years in the future back to the present to assist humanity and everyone upon Earth and Mother Earth herself, in the Great Transformation and Ascension process into higher dimensions of consciousness. For about the last year or more, the Wingmakers Ships have been coming into our solar system through a portal in our sun, Sol. There are millions of their ships here presently and there are more to come, fleets upon fleets. They enjoin with trillions of other star fleets from all over this Seven Super Universes’. We here on planet Earth, Mother Tetalacoria, The Diamond One, are moving together out of 3rd dimensional polarity and into 5th dimensional unity consciousness and higher. The experiment we call the Divine Lila is complete and we are moving rapidly out of an era of Karma into the Law of Dharma. As Mother Sekhmet says, “LET’S DANCE”!

Number 15

He is one of the Wingmakers as well as the head of the A.C.I.O., located at the 38th level above the President of the United States inside the military. Also his specialty has been to transfer higher galactic abilities to the King of Swords and his Faction 3 White Knights in order to facilitate the enactment of N.E.S.A.R.A. where are planet and all live upon her have everything needed, wanted and desired to progress and become the 33rd planet in this Universe of Nebadon to ascend and become full members of the Federation of Worlds.

The Federation of Worlds

The Federation of Worlds embodies all star fleet commands and works with all of the Seven Super Universes. The Federation of Worlds function as an inter-universal oversight committee to maintain balance, harmony and peace amongst all civilizations and their development.

Lord Linkor is the head of this Federation. He works with Mother Sekhmet, Lord Maitreya, Arch Angel Michael and Lord Metatron, sometimes known as the Four Musketeers! These folks are working together and hold diplomatic immunity in a civilizations development whether it be ours or any other developing civilizations.

Also involved and in Lord Linkor’s jurisdiction are the Commanders of all the commands such as Lord Ashtar of the Ashtar Command. There are most likely millions of commands. All these Commanders convene regularly with Lord Linkor and the Four Musketeers in Salvington. Salvington is located at twenty-six degrees Sagittarius, which is the capital of our Milky Way Galaxy. Salvington is a city located on a planet orbiting around one of the suns of the Sagittarian constellation.

Rana Mu

Rana Mu, is also a Wingmaker on special assignment to Earth for Her ascension. She lives in Santé Fe, New Mexico. She works in a special department in the D.O.E. (Department of Energy) where Rama has visited numerous times. You might say it’s like visiting the New Jerusalem star ship on Earth. There are warp fields, time travel devices, merkaba vehicles, interdimensional doorways, etc. at this place. Rana Mu is a team member in Faction 3 to help assist with our transition into a new timeline as we enter Sat Yuga.

Jack the Alien Hunter

Jack the Alien Hunter was a former mercenary in Vietnam. His job was to eliminate major drug traffickers by making them, their equipment and supplies disappear. He had an awakening as he became aware of the actions of the U.S. government in collusion with the Vatican turning the war into genocide. The King of Swords connected with Jack during the war and helped facilitate him in turning over States evidence against both the U.S. Government and the Vatican. Jack is in a witness protection program and resides anonymously somewhere in the Black Forest in Germany. Jack communicates messages to Lord Rama from the King of Swords as asked to do so. He uses his encrypted satellite phone to communicate.

Tom (the ring tailed) Cat

Rama met Tom the Cat between 1988 and 1990 on the roadside between Albuquerque and Santé Fe, New Mexico. He is a one of Mother’s Paschats from Mother Sekhmet’s starship, the Niburu, as well as a member of the Secret Service in the United States. As Rama met Tom the Cat, he told Rama that he was working with the King of Swords and that the K.O.S. assigned him to work with Rama. He is a Paschat that is able to shapeshift into a dark skinned man. He can take on different appearances either as a Middle Eastern man, or an East Indian man, or an African American. Tom’s shapeshifting abilities are like Mystique’s mutant powers in X-men. (X-men are a group of people on Earth whose D.N.A. has evolved, giving them new abilities and powers. Their mission is to bring peace between humanity and Mutant kind).

Tom’s mission is to share through Rama with the world, the progress of how N.E.S.A.R.A. is being implemented behind the scenes gradually and now soon to be enacted, meaning announced publically to the world. (Although it appears that N.E.S.A.R.A. only applies to the United States, because the U.S. currency sets the value for all other world currencies, N.E.S.A.R.A. becomes a global implementation).

Mr. X

Rama met Mr. X in 2001 the Saturday before Easter that year, which was the Saturday, April 7th, 2001. Rama received a phone call early that afternoon. He answered the phone and on the other end was Mr. X who answered with his Middle Eastern accent. “Hallo?” Then Mr. X said, “Hallo. I work with The King of Swords. He is very busy right now as he’s taking the Shrub (G. W.) blindfolded down the White House hall to an undisclosed location. There the King of Swords and twelve of his Faction 3 White Knights are standing around the Shrub doing a mind meld or remote viewing on the Shrub’s brain.”

There they found that Bill Clinton had stolen the two floppy discs from the Los Alamos Labs, took them with him to China and gave the discs to the Chinese scientists. On the discs were instructions as to how to build the most updated nuclear weapon.

They also found from remote viewing Mr. Bush’s brain that the weapon had already been moved to Iran. Their plan was to launch the nuclear weapon from Iran targeting Televiv, Israel, this so they could blame Iran and start World War Three. So, just in the nick of time this remote view was transferred to the screen on the bridge of the New Jerusalem. Ashtar then intercepted the nuclear weapon launch in mid-air, removed it to outer space and neutralized it there.

Mr. X is a U.S. citizen, a Faction Three White Knight and a member of the Secret Service. Thus he works right alongside of the King of Swords all the time. Most recently he, the King of Swords and some Faction Three White Knights have been on full detail to protect President Obama and his family, 24/7!

Mr. X was years back sent to Crawford Ranch from D.C. He boarded an American Airlines jet to make his journey there. He was immediately arrested and put into shackles by Homeland Security as they told him he was a suspected terrorist. He got help with the situation and it ended up on the front page of all newspapers and media. Little did most people know that Mr. X was a Faction Three White Knight on duty for the King of Swords. In other words this was exposure of Faction Three White Knights on their mission to get N.E.S.A.R.A. enacted.

Lady Di and Dodi

We all know who Lady Di and Dodi are (Princess Diana of Wales and Dodi Fayed, Mohamad Al-Fayed’s or the K.O.E’s/King of Egypt’s son). What we need to say here is that Lady Di and Dodi, along with Henry (Henri) Paul, were not killed in the Pont de l’Alma bridge car crash. What happened is the Faction Three White Knights created clones of these three. As a result Lady Di, Dodi and Henry Paul are alive and well and will testify to the attempted murder of themselves by MI5, MI6, the CIA and the Mossad when the time is right.

The King of Swords told us that Lady Di and Dodi will return to the world stage within four months after the public enactment of N.E.S.A.R.A. as the law of the land.

King of Egypt

The King of Egypt or the K.O.E. as we call him is, as the pharaonic lineages were still actively being honored today, the K.O.E. the pharaoh of the Egypt. His name in his Earth life today is Mohamad Al-Fayed. He owns Harrods department store in London, England. The K.O.E. is a Faction Three White Knight.

He spends a lot of his time protecting Lady Dai, Dodi and their children, Inanna, 16 and Omar, 18. He also, from a distance, guards over Prince Harry, Prince William and Princess Kate.

The King of Egypt also has particular responsibility for dismantling the Club of Rome, the Vatican.

Also the K.O.E. embodies the energies of Anubis. You can read about the Egyptian mythology below.

Anubis (Yinepu, Anpu)

Symbols: jackal, ox-hide hanging from a pole, embalming equipment, flail, flags
Cult Center: Heliopolis, Cynopolis

The jackal-god of mummification, he assisted in the rites by which a dead man was admitted to the underworld. Anubis was worshipped as the inventor of embalming and who embalmed the dead Osiris and thereby helping to preserve him that he might live again.

Anubis had three important functions. He supervised the embalming of bodies. He received the mummy into the tomb and performed the Opening of the Mouth ceremony and then conducted the soul in the Field of Celestial Offerings. Most importantly though, Anubis monitored the Scales of Truth to protect the dead from deception and eternal death.

Early in Egyptian history, Anubis was a god of the dead. This role was usurped by Osiris as he rose in popularity.

The god of embalming is probably associated with the jackal due to the habits of jackals to lurk about tombs and graves. One of the reasons the early Egyptians sought to make their tombs more elaborate was to keep the bodies safe from the jackals lingering about the graves. It is only natural therefore that a god of mummification would be connected with them. By worshipping Anubis, the Egyptians hoped to invoke him to protect their deceased from jackals, and later, the natural decay that unprotected bodies endure.

Anubis was the son of Nephthys, and his father was Osiris. One myth says that Nephthys got Osiris drunk and the resultant seduction brought forth Anubis. Yet another says she disguised herself as Isis and seduced Osiris and subsequently gave birth to Anubis.

The Poppy Lady

Rama met the Poppy Lady in 1987 around Harmonic Convergence at her restaurant near Santa Fe Plaza. She also had a clothing store where she told handmade Afghani clothing. She is a Faction Three White Knight and since 1987 she has been helping her people in Afghanistan to escape the war imposed upon them by Russia at the time and now the war imposed upon them by the United States.

Sweet Angelique (The Calico Cat)

Sweet Angelique is one of Mother Sekhmet’s Paschats from the Niburu, Mother’s Starship. She has been posing as a human high class call girl for Madam Palfrey. Madam Palfrey created a Lady-of-the-Night escort service in Washington D.C. to accommodate our lovely politicians over here. She now resides in Paris, France. She has been doing this service as an incarnated Paschat in order to gain Intelligence for the Faction Three White Knights.

Four Pleiadian Sisters

The Four Pleiadian Sisters are visitors from Pleiades posing as university students here in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They are immortals to help lift the planet up with their high vibrations. They’re here because Santa Fe is part of the Seven Cities of El Dorado. In addition Santa Fe represents the energies of The New Jerusalem starship on Earth. They are also here to connect with Rama and RanaMu and give us good updates.

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill are super soldiers from the United States. Super Soldiers are enhanced humans by our military, like Captain America (Marvel Comic Superhero). They have enhanced computer D.N.A. as well as galactic D.N.A. They were contacted in the military by Lord Ashtar who asked them as they would like to work for the Ashtar Command, and they said yes! Rama met them in Albuquerque at a local rock radio station. They have stayed in contact with Rama since they met in 2007.

Hong Kong Blonds

The Hong Kong Blonds are a group of hackers from China who work with the Falun Gong Society there. They are also Faction Three White Knights. The Society is a spiritual group who work with the many varieties of martial arts.

They work with the King of Swords to hack into banksters accounts and take their ill-gotten money away from them! They also work for Saint Germain to intercept wire transfers, computer transactions, etc. They move information and intelligence around the world into the hands of the White Knights.

Anonymous 7½

Is a New Mexico State police officer who also works with the King of Swords. Rama met him at the local rock radio station in the early 1990’s. He used to take over for the King of Swords when he was not available to speak on the air. He would talk about the paranormal activities going on on our planet and tell us stories about our star brothers and sisters who are doing positive things on the planet instead of harming her. Presently he’s also a member of the Sovereign World Militia Forces and a member of the A.C.I.O. (Alien Contact Intelligence Organization). He has helped Rama numerous times to counter-act the dark forces along this good red road. He also showed Rama his lightsaber in the past month and said all twenty million of the Sovereign World Militia Forces have been issued lightsabers by Archangel Michael. They reflect the blue ray of Excalibur, the Sword from the Lady in the Lake from the King Arthur Legends. They are only to use this Sword of Truth with permission from Archangel Michael in order to defend themselves as needed. The Militia Forces all have communication badges (Com Badges) for instant communication with Archangel Michael and the forces of light.

Lord Ashtar

Lord Ashtar is the head of the Intergalactic Confederation. Ashtar is also Captain of The New Jerusalem, a 5,000 mile in diameter Starship, of which Sananda Kumara is the Admiral in Chief.

The Ashtar Command originates in the Pleiades, though Ashtar himself is from the Vela sector of the Universe of Nebadon, from the planet Trantor.

Ashtar is the Captain on the Bridge of the head starship The New Jerusalem. Also Ashtar is Rama’s father. He over lighted Rama’s Earth father to bring him through.

St. Germain

His role is to initiate the final arrests and/or the permanent removal of the last remaining Satanists/Satanic cabal. He also has his own fleet of ships, known as the Amethyst Fleet.

His first appearance on the planet was as Osiris. Osiris was not incarnated via the human birthing process, he simply manifested in response to the emergency of the time. His consort, Cassiopeia – the Isis of that lifetime - did incarnate by means of birth to human parents; she chose parents from Australia's Aboriginal Moabites, hence her title “The Black Madonna”.

See also:The Quintessential Ophiucus: Mysteries & Realities of the Serpent Holder Constellation by Donna J. Provancher, available as an e-book at

St Germain has had many incarnations on this planet; for more information, please see the links below.

Note: Some of the listings of his past incarnations may ignore two important details.

St Germain is often said to have been Christopher Columbus; he was actually a Greek Moorish sailor called Prince Nicholas Yipsilantis. He built his own ship and came to the New Atlantis, the new I AM race land of Altea America, at least 50 years before Christopher Columbus sailed there on behalf of Spain.

In his lifetime as Sir Francis Bacon, he was the son of Queen Elizabeth 1st who put him in the care of the Bacon family who saw to it that he was well-educated.

St Germain has remained on the planet since his incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon, son of Queen Elizabeth I. He is the author of The New Atlantis, “A Work unfinished”, written around 1623 and published in 1627 a year after his “death”.

In addition to his other work on the planet, St Germain spent the next 500 years embedded in the Vatican, that he might know, in the minutest detail, the internal workings of that organization which is the source of all the other cankers/cancers on the planet.

It is his guidance and direction that is behind our founding Fathers creating the founding documents of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, the original of which is in the Bruton Vaults at Williamsburg, VA., as well as many additional document such as the original Declaration of Independence written by the Iroquois language, the emerald tablets of Thoth, and also of N.E.S.A.R.A., the National Economic, Security and Reformation Act. Etc.


Definitions: Faction 1, Faction 2 and Faction 3

FACTION 1: in essence, the darkest of the dark side:

Nazi Fourth Reich; corporate fascists; corporatocracy/plutocracy of the fascist states; archons; LuciaferIan rebellious ones; the 13 families, cabal, dark Satanists; dark Sirians/Satonians; the Black Ops of the USA & all other countries [eg, all the alphabet agencies – CIA, NRA, NSA, DEA, DIA, ATF, BLM, and on and on and on; the Mossad; MI5; MI6; Yakuza of Japan, and similar groups elsewhere]; International Monetary Fund [IMF]; World Central Bank in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Bank of International Settlements [BIS]; NATO; Tavistock; the United Nations; Committee of 300; Council of Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; police forces all working for the New World Order under the United Nations which is the entire city of New York; Henry Kissinger, head of Dervertidedunzdeinst, Nazi World Headquarters, located over Dachau; George Bush Sr, his first assistant; the New World Order; the Bilderbergers, et al

• Faction 1 is behind the successful action of compromising all except 64 good members of Congress, and all of the judiciary who have taken a title of nobility, called “Esquire”. [see p 9]

• Above all of Faction 1 is the Vatican which claims to be above all law and controls all entities of Faction 1 across the planet and, on paper, through the Club of Rome, a man-made instrument, have declared themselves owners of the planet, all real estate on the planet, off the planet and under the ground/below the surface. Through this instrument, they have declared themselves owners of our bodies and our souls as human beings.

• These ones have had an opportunity in this lifetime to choose love. The rest is up to Mother.

FACTION 2:generally considered to be the US military.

As London is the financial centre of the world, and the British cabal controls the world economy, Washington is the centre of military operations on the planet.

• At the moment, 98% of the Pentagon has embraced the Light; 2% continue to be agents of the 13 families and are the ones who “appear” to be in control, though that is truly a fear-based illusion.

• As there are good, bad and ugly in the military, Faction 2 IS NOT THE PLACE from which to get information regarding NESARA, nor is it the place to find unbiased information regarding the the President. [President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the 64 good members of Congress are double agents. President Obama was elected inside NESARA law, and Nancy Pelosi played a very special role in the transition period of Ocober, 2008 while Heidi, who works for the King of Swords, zeroed out the entire world economy inside the Bank of International Settlements during that same month of October so that as of November, 2008, the new NESARA economy was fully activated and in place.]

• Recognition of Faction 3 as the Faction that is to get NESARA announced was given by Raelyn Allen of Faction 2 on her website in 1999. She also acknowledged that she found out in 1999 that, in 1996, President Bill Clinton was Faction 2 as opposed to Faction 1 as all other Presidents up to that point had been.

FACTION 3: These are the White Knights and the Sovereign World Militia Forces of Planet Earth. .

•The Sovereign World Militia Forces work at the 38th level above the President within an organization known as the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization [ACIO]. These forces include the entire Ashtar Command and all the galactic forces of light from across the cosmos who are here to help earth ascend.

•These forces of the ACIO are 20 million strong; 16 million of them are galactics who shape-shift into human form so they can walk among us; the other 4 million are ground crew born into human bodies all across the planet.
•Ashtar is the head of the Intergalactic Confederation. Ashtar is also Captain of The New Jerusalem, a 5,000 mile in diameter starship, of which Sananda Kumara is the Admiral in Chief.

• The Ashtar Command originates in the Pleiades, though Ashtar himself is from the Vela sector of the Universe of Nebadon, from the planet Trantor.

• The Wingmakers are also part of Faction 3 White Knights, all from the 38th level above the President. And they come here from 175 million years in our future to our present. RanaMu and #15 are two particular Wingmakers who have special assignments to get NESARA announced.

•The King of Swords [KOS], a Navy Seal, is the Commander of the White Knight Faction 3 forces on the ground, located at the 38th level above the President in the military hierarchy.

.• KOS is a volunteer individualized soul who has taken on the mission in this lifetime to fulfill the 7th incarnation and initiation of the energies of Sananda Kumara on the planet at this time. Similarly, Yesu Pistis Sophia, as an individualized soul, volunteered to take on the mission of the 6th incarnation and initiation of Sananda Kumara on the planet 2,000 years ago. The 1st incarnation and intitation of these energies began with Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. [#5 was Siddartha Buddha] This represents the evolution of humanity on the ascension spiral to be able to absorb greater and greater qualities of higher love and power.

• In his 3D body as the KOS in this current incarnation, KOS' task is to lead humanity to become a collective family embracing the energies of the Cosmic Christ, by unifying the efforts of all the world group servers so we are all focussed on working in community at a global level – no mean feat! He is doing that by working through Tara and Rama, and we are all being tested to work in unity at all levels of our five bodies – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, cosmic – no mean feat for us, either!

• Sananda Kumara has held the Office of the Christ since the very beginning of the story of Earth; he has now graduated and co-reigns in the Office of the Cosmic Christ with Kalki Maitraya and Lord Kuthumi; all three of them have graduated to embracing the energy of the Cosmic Christ, working as a trio and setting an example for humanity in working together in the Power of We.

• Also, in the beginning, Luciafera, the Bringer of the Dawn, was to hold the Office of the Planetary Prince, for the Great Divine Leila, the Divine Experiment. By his own actions as he chose to fall from grace, Sananda Kurmara and AA Michael took over the Office of Planetary Prince and hold it to this day.

• Barack Obama is a Faction 3 White Knight, a double agent, and the first and only American President to have a role as both Commander in Chief and within the ACIO organization, 38 levels above the President. As any past presidents knew of the existence of the ACIO, they were certainly never part of it; Preisdent Obama became a member of the ACIO when he was 18, because he was part of the Pegasus Project and went to Mars. [President Eisenhauer came closest to becoming a member of ACIO because he was in contact with Valiant Thor, who lived in the White House for 3+ years during Eisenhauer's presidency; he also met directly with the Zeta Reticuli and the Pleiadians.]

• President Obama was chosen to lead the people of the planet into the Golden Age of Nesara and is totally dedicated to this process, having been in training for 1,000 years of lifetimes for this mission. He also maintains his role as the 9th member of the Sirian Council of Nine who meet regularly on Sirius A.

• President Obama is overlighted by El Morya who is on the 1st ray of excalibar blue. Archangel Michael, also on the first ray, is protector of the seat of power of the Planet Earth which resides in Washington, DC at the White House.

• President Obama works closely with KOS who is in charge of the President's security detail, and confers regularly with Ashtar, Sananda Kumara and St Germain.

• Sananda Kumara is the Admiral-in-Chief of The New Jerusalem, the head star ship of theAshtar Command;Ashtar is the Captain on the Bridge of the head starship The New Jerusalem

• The entire Ashtar Command is from the Pleiades. As our solar system is located in the Sirian Constellation, under normal circumstances, the Sirians would be in charge. Since the situation of our planet has been inundated by dark Sirians from the Orion War called the Dark Satonians, Ashtar was called upon by Mother Sekhmet, and the Pleiadians were given a special dispensation to intervene at this time in our civilization's development. This transition and all necessary intervening actions are coming from the bridge of The New Jerusalem.

• The entire operation is galactic in nature because the dark ones behind the chaos on Earth are the remaining warlords from the Orion War who escaped to Planet Earth when they blew up Maldek, their then home planet. Maldek is now an asteroid belt circling the sun in the 5th position out from the sun. where it used to be as a planet.

• The Orion War has never ended; it just got brought to Planet Earth in the high middle period of Atlantis which is why and when Mother Sekhmet assumed her 5th dimensional Paschat body and showed up in Egypt for 3000 years to help guide her Children of the Sun.

• When the dark ones came to earth at the time, they had with them the dark priesthood of the Luciaferian rebellious ones [Jehovah and Lucifer] and, by means of a coup, took over the power structure of the existing civilization of Atlantis, thus beginning its devolution and ultimate fall.

• As Atlantis fell, the Orion War continued elsewhere because the dark priesthood boarded the Satonian, dark Sirian starships and went to Egypt which had survived. The war games were continued in Egypt which is why the history of Egypt is considered one of the darkest periods in humanity's history.

• The warlords have destroyed other parts of the Universe of Nebadon, and their other activities have affected other locations in the cosmos. Had there been no intervention at this time, one-third of the entire Milky Way Galaxy would have been destroyed, thus affecting the entire cosmos. It is for this reason that the Wingmakers are also involved on the planet, in bodies, as part of the galactic operation: they saw what was likely to happen if nothing changed and returned from the future to help change the timelines.

• What is playing out now is the final episode of a galactic story that began 450 billion years ago and which requires more than earthly forces to make restitution: these galactic warlords have far more abilities than humanity but nothing like the abilities of our galactic neighbours who have come to assist with the final removal of the dark ones and the ascension of Planet Earth, in fulfillment of the Divine Plan.

Because Faction 1 and Faction 2 have no connection to Faction 3, neither group is aware of what is really going on behind the scenes. Material prepared and distributed by members of either group Is highly suspect in terms of factual accuracy and/or intent. This includes Wikipedia information on NESARA and most of the information on the various NESARA websites

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