Greetings, all you Commanders, Eagles, and Angels!
We send our Love, with a heart full of Thanks for all you are! See the latest White Knight News Update, Rama hears from Lady Master Nada, who shares: “There are secret, high level meetings going on in an undisclosed location. "These secret meetings are going on between galactic ambassadors and the world’s so-called leaders, primarily the G7 and the G20. "The Galactic Ambassadors have shown these so-called world leaders the red line in the sand, and they have crossed it! "Therefore, it is the prerogative of the galactics to step into the affairs of Earth! “There have been rumors of nuclear threats put out by the fake Putin and the oligarchs of Russia who control him. They are threatening to deploy tactical nukes on the battlefield of Ukraine. “Meanwhile, the US and Ukrainian representatives at this secret meeting are threatening to do the same!” At this point, Nada said; “Lord Rama, the nukes won't work! "Lord Michael’s legions upon legions are here. This the end game for the dark side . . . "
CLICK ABOVE PICTURE, LINK, TO READ THE FULL NEWS REPORT, OR CLICK HERE.... https://www.rainbowroundtable.net/post/rama-s-white-knight-report-march-7-2023