Greetings, all you Commanders, Eagles, and Angels!
We send our Love, with a heart full of Thanks for all you are! In his latest White Knight News Report, Rama hears from the contacts including : "I was given some classified information concerning the Solar Flash. Supposedly it is going to be coming from Galaxy M87. That is where it may originate.** "Then it would travel to Super-Galactic Center, then to our great Central sun, Alcyone. "Then to Helios and Vesta, the sun behind the sun; then to our sun Sol, and finally to Earth. “And again, it is going to raise the vibration to even higher thresholds of bliss! "However, for the dark side, it is going to create more chaos and confusion. Yet the Light will upgrade them, nevertheless. "It is a gift from Creator Source. This is the biggest upgrade of Light, Love, Peace and joy EVER in the last 26,826 years on Mother Gaia! . . . For more from the latest Update, go here! OR ? CLICK HERE LINK... https://www.rainbowroundtable.net/post/rama-s-white-knight-report-april-10-2023