On God
From 2022
The origin of everything in existence in the cosmos is the love-light essence of Creator, Source, I AM, Oneness of All, the Totality. (Matthew's Message, Feb. 3, 2022.)
From 2017
Like you, in our free will and in our choices and experience of serving our beloved Mother and yes, Father/One … but our actions, our service and our missions are directly aligned with the Mother. (“Transcript ~ Galea of Neptune Returns to Speak of Intergalactic Language & Porlana C, Jan 31, 2017,” February 20, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/20/transcript-galea-neptune-returns-speak-intergalactic-language-porlana-c-january-31-2017/.)
From 2016
What is the reality? Only the attributes of Source are reality, and these forever held in place by Divine Law. Peace, abundance, joy, completeness, wholeness, intelligence, creativity, etc. are only some of the aspects of the Divine lying unrecognized within everyone. Claim your Divinity dear ones, for you are ready. (Arcturian Group, Sept. 11, 2016.)
From 2015
My Divine Infinity: I AM the Infinite on which all these beautiful, strange, absurd, obscene, dark, unhappy, excited worlds exist and feed on. They cannot exist if I AM not. As I AM Infinitely, they always exist as long as I allow. And as long as I allow separation from Me. Because ALL these world’s consciousnesses exist separate from Me. While I do not exist separate from them. This is the mystery I still allow, but just as long as you do not desire to Unite with Me again. (1)
There is no Real God in all this glitter, nor in ‘ascension,’ because you do not ascend to Me. You, the separate entity, with all your subtle bodies and even higher mind, surrender to Me, to the All-and-ALL, your Own Divine God-Self, the Reality of Divine Consciousness, to Be en-Lightened Only by Me. One with Me.
No, I AM not your higher self, as many of you choose to think, but I AM your God-Self, That Which is the Love-Bliss of Infinity, and not a separate entity in the subtle worlds. I AM prior to the subtle worlds. I AM not subtle. I AM Reality.
In ME there is no illusion, no deception, but only Truth. In Me you do not fly, you do not dream, you Are Awake beyond the dream. You Are Awake as the One You Are.
Now choose. There is no Yuga where you cannot choose Me, because I am the Substance of every Yuga, call it light or dark. I am the Substance on Which the play of ascension happens. I AM. And so You Are. Infinite Love-Bliss. All depends on how fascinated you still are with the wonders of the mind. For this reason I have allowed all these gods to seduce you into glamorous worlds, that you call ascended, to fulfill your desires for experience.
But My Domain is Real. I AM not an experience. My Realm is Divine Love, prior to all dimensions. You Are always welcome to the Real. Now and ever.
I AM your God-Self! (“Our God-Self: You Are Always Welcome to the Real,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, October 9, 2015, at http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2015/10/message-from-our-god-self-you-are.html)
(1) "This entire universe is pervaded by me, in that eternal form of mine which is not manifest to the senses. Although I am not within any creature, all creatures exist within me. I do not mean that they exist within me physically. That is my divine mystery. You must try to understand its nature. My Being sustains all creatures and brings them to birth, but has no physical contact with them." (Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 80.)
“The various nonreligious references to God are confusing. Is God a Supreme Being Soul, Prime Creator, Creator Source or Highest Angel?” God is a soul—every life form everywhere is a soul—and, as the Supreme Being of this universe, He is the source of all life within this universe, but He is not Creator Source or Prime Creator. Those are other designations for Creator/Creation, the energy source and the being-ness of everything that exists throughout the cosmos. Only for ease of speaking do we say simply Creator.
Nor is God of the angelic realm, but He is one of their manifestations—the first souls with life form potential. They were the androgynous gods and goddesses, who had the option to remain as pure light or take on a form; of those who chose to be light, Creator selected some to co-create the universes and rule over them.
You call the god chosen by Creator to co-create this universe and be its Supreme Being by different names, including God. Eventually, some of the gods and goddesses who wanted to embody lived for a time on Earth; they could manifest whatever physical appearance they wished, which is why some figures with quite unusual features are in drawings and artifacts of ancient civilizations. (Matthew's Message, Aug. 17, 2015.)
From 2014
There is only the One Creator of All That Is, and the One God of this Universe regardless of the different names by which they are known. Therefore you are One with All That Is and it is worth noting when you are challenged over your beliefs. (SaLuSa, Dec. 19, 2014.)
From 2013
Is there a God? Yes. In this reality you believe that there is a God, and you have many definitions of God. That is why you have so many different religious gatherings where the one who is in authority will stand up and tell you what you believe about God. You are seeing now some clashes, unnecessary but yet they have been brought about so that you can examine who and what is God.
Is there a God, first of all, and the answer is Yes. Who is God? Everything you see. What is God? It is the divine one Mind going forth to express and experience Itself, and how It does this is in a multitudinous variety of ways; many different varieties. And it is all God. ("Jeshua: Questions Basic to Your Reality," as channeled by Judith Coates, October 2013 at http://www.oakbridge.org/.)
It has been your observation that as soon you integrated a new scientific insight into the nature of creation, that this always coincided with expanded consciousness. Expanded awareness and new insights in your scientific endeavours signified therefore also the evolutionary expansion of your spiritual growth.
I suggest that you all use your understanding of quantum physics, which is in the Knowing of your heart, to expand the awareness of your soul. The symbolism that is expressed in your advanced science of physics is a doorway to understand yourself and the Nature of Consciousness better.
Ultimately you will find, that many observations in the field of physics which are depictions of reality, point to the same Truth. And soon you will be able to interchange them, recognizing that they describe the same what your soul increasingly is able to feel, intuit and Know as Divine Reality.
However, this applies only to the world of phenomena. As soon as structure is released there is no science and no spirituality. Both are transcended in the Gigantic, Infinite and Undivided Source of Ultimate Reality, in which no structure exists, but from which all structures are arising.
This is important to understand, because without this understanding you cannot recognize what is beyond your soul and you cannot surrender to What is Greater than your soul. Although your soul is a beautiful Emanation of the Divine, it is still in some sense separated from its own Source. You can comprehend this, because you know that there are many souls, not just yours.
And this tells you that the soul is not the Ultimate, in and of itself. But Source is Only One, and not many. It cannot be divided, It cannot be diminished. It Is Pure Radiance, Infinite Consciousness in Which and from Which Everything arises.
What arises can be given a name and can be objectified. Source cannot be objectified. It Is forever Subjective Substance of all objects. When you Realize Source, you transcend any object-subject relation, and objects are recognized from a Subjective “Point of View”. However this is not something we can speak or think ‘about’, it must be Realized, you must become It. ("Sananda: Your Soul’s Expansion to Infinity," channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, May 24, 2013 at http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.co.uk.)
You do not need the apparent environment that your illusion provides in order to ensure your continued existence. You are divine and immortal beings who have chosen to experience a state that could actually never be – a state of unreality that is exempt from, free from God! But God is all that exists and contains within Him all of creation in absolute freedom. Without Him there would be less than nothing, let alone a state free from Him, because there would be no consciousness that could imagine nothing!
In recent generations humanity in the so-called civilized or industrialized parts of the world has generally dismissed the idea of God as an aberration, a case of illogical thinking, having seen it scientifically “proven” that the Universe, and all that it contains, occurred randomly, by chance, despite all the evidence to the contrary – evidence pointing very clearly to the fact that it could not have occurred without a very powerful, conscious, and intelligent form of Intent. We often wonder why you choose to continue to be so blinded by the voluntary limits that you have imposed upon yourselves. They do not make you happy! And what are you always seeking? Happiness! (Jesus through John Smallman, May 15, 2013.)
Beloved one, down through the ages ones have wanted to know, “Who is God? What is God?” There have been definitions; wise ones have come up with an explanation, a description of God, and yet that is not God. They may describe an aspect of God, but not all of God, for to describe and to define God is to limit It.
God is not a him or a her, not even an It as in gender, but an ongoing infinite Energy which is forever expanding from before time began. ("Jeshua via Judith Coates: The Master Secret," April 18, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/jeshua-via-judith-coates-the-master-secret/.)
From 2012
Of course Father never talks or says much of anything. (Transcript: Archangel Michael - The Light Agenda, December 19 2012, Final Episode)
From 2010
Reality, God, is all that exists. Nothing does, or could, exist outside of Him, simply because He is all that exists, and He is infinite in every way. He is the unending abundance of energy within which all that is exists. He is the life force, the divine field of indiscriminate, unconditional Love. He is Love; He creates in Love; consequently all that exists is Love. (Saul, Nov 7, 2010)
There is no God pouring scorn or anger upon you but instead a great love of understanding, which welcomes you back into the Light when your experiences in duality have finished. Because there is a fundamental belief amongst many that God demands obedience, there is also an acceptance of self-recrimination. You would be kinder on yourself if it were in the form of self-analysis, to determine why you consider yourself guilty of some misdemeanor that is considered a sin.(SaLuSa, Feb. 5, 2010)
From 2009
The mighty wheels of the Universe relentlessly continue to turn, as does all that exists. A majestic path that is foreordained is followed, as all movement brings each Sun and its planets into a cyclic pattern that propels its solar system ever on its journey through Space. There are cycles within cycles, and all moves in perfect harmony as it motions towards the centre of All That Is. We wonder how with such knowledge that the intelligence behind it all can be ignored. (SaLuSa, Sept. 23, 2009)
Creator picked some of the gods and goddesses to be the rulers of the universes and co-create everything in them and in this way you are inseparably connected with Creator through the reigning god of this universe. The only law Creator gave to those rulers is that always they must honor Its free will gift to all souls in their particular domain. Therefore, you have the right to choose what to co-create with this god that you call by God and other names. Ms. Suzy, with respect to your customary name for this highest power in this universe, I will say God. (Menta of Retorno in Matthew Ward, Revelations for a New Era: Keys to Restoring Paradise on Earth. Med. Suzy Ward.; Matthew Books, 2001; revised 2009, p. 181)
Some of you wonder what our belief is where God is concerned. Your language is inadequate to convey our understanding, but the principle difference is that so many of you have personified God as humanlike. Your reason is often connected with the biblical reference that refers to Man being made in the image of God. Dear Ones that was meant to convey to you that you are of the same essence as God.
Have you not been referred to as God sparks, and told that you were breathed out by God. Furthermore, you have been called gods, because you are all the Sons and Daughters of God. We prefer to call the Source of All That Is the Supreme Creator, and therefore you also exist within the same energy. With this understanding you can see that all around you is connected and is One. It makes your relationship with all life more understandable, and indicates your responsibility to it.(SaLuSa, Dec. 16, 2009)
God is All Love without exception, and everything that lives carries the God consciousness. (Ker-On, July 6, 2009)
The ultimate power in this Universe is God, and God has the final say as to your future. You are each to be given the opportunity to ascend, and if you are ready it will take place. This assurance should see you go through the remaining years of this cycle without having to worry about the outcome. God is a fountain of continual love that is sent out into the Universe. It is a love that knows no boundaries or favors one against another. Anything less that is attributed to God is a product of Man's misunderstanding or false teachings. God is All Love - all of the time without limit and is within the heart of every soul. Some have deceived themselves into accepting lesser gods, but even so God still loves them and cherishes them as his own. As you ascend, so your understanding of God will grow clearer, and you will become as One. (SaLuSa, June 19, 2009)
From 2008
What you are beginning to understand is that you have never travelled alone, although there have been times when you have felt extremely isolated and separated from the Source. All life is inextricably linked by what you sometimes refer to as the glue of the Universe. The energy that it exists in can be considered as the body of God, and therefore All Is God. (SaLuSa, Dec. 30, 2008)
There is the One God of complete and utter Love in which you have your being, and that God Is All That Is. There is no place for the many gods you have created with a multitude of attributes, including the human frailties of anger and revengeful acts.
As so many of your teachers have pointed out, you were made in God's image and not the other way around. God is not a physical Being with form such as you have, but is an all pervading immutable energy that contains All That Is. Jesus and other notable teachers are Sons of God, as you are also One with God and there is no escaping this fact. (SaLuSa, Nov. 7, 2008)
Now then, I have been asked to speak about Mother God. Although by your definitions, "mother" is female and "god" is male, the issue isn't about definitions. It's about universal reality. The supreme being of this universe is a god and in some of the other universes is a goddess, but in all cases these beings are androgynous, the balance of feminine and masculine energies. The rulers were selected by Creator/Creation, the source of all energy and thus the life force of everything throughout the cosmos, which contains all the universes.
Using the essence of Creator, which is pure light and love, the universal rulers create, and therefore are a composite of, all that is within their respective domains. This includes celestial bodies, civilizations, and everything within the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, each with a level of consciousness in accordance with the vibrations of its individual elements and the environment. Thus, everything in existence has a level of consciousness, and as the total environment rises into a higher vibratory plane, the consciousness capacity of everything within that environment increases accordingly. (Matthew's Message, Dec. 21, 2008)
God - No Capitals Please/We Want You to be Familiar
We do not want anything capitalized. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 12, 2016.)
Steve Beckow: Are you okay with the four-part article on ignition?
Archangel Michael: Yes.
Steve: Okay. I didn’t know if I was being too familiar.
AAM: You know what? We want you to be familiar. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 3, 2017.)
God Has No Gender
From 2017
Our Father looks upon everything with joy. He does not see anything to be sorrowful about. He, by the way, is not a He. She is not a She. (Judith Coates, "Yeshua: Predictions 2018," Era of Light, Nov. 3, 2017, at https://eraoflight.com/2017/11/03/yeshua-predictions-2018/.)
From 2013
Beloved one, down through the ages ones have wanted to know, “Who is God? What is God?” There have been definitions; wise ones have come up with an explanation, a description of God, and yet that is not God. They may describe an aspect of God, but not all of God, for to describe and to define God is to limit It.
God is not a him or a her, not even an It as in gender, but an ongoing infinite Energy which is forever expanding from before time began. ("Jeshua via Judith Coates: The Master Secret," April 18, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/jeshua-via-judith-coates-the-master-secret/.)
From 2008
Now then, I have been asked to speak about Mother God. Although by your definitions, "mother" is female and "god" is male, the issue isn't about definitions. It's about universal reality. The supreme being of this universe is a god and in some of the other universes is a goddess, but in all cases these beings are androgynous, the balance of feminine and masculine energies. The rulers were selected by Creator/Creation, the source of all energy and thus the life force of everything throughout the cosmos, which contains all the universes. (Matthew's Message, Dec. 21, 2008)
From 2005
Although we commonly say "He," God, or the Source by your name selection, is the epitome of androgyny, the perfectly balanced male and female energy. (Matthew's Message, May 25, 2005)
God Created Life
From 2012
As you well know God's Love embraces all of life because He created it. Life is an eternal gift from Him, offering an infinite selection of experiences from which you can choose in order to learn about Him and understand how much He loves you.
In the illusion, as you live life as a human, the pain and suffering you see and experience might well lead you to think that this could not be the case. However, the illusion is illusory and so are your experiences within it. (Saul, April 1, 2012)
God is All
From 2021
It is important to have attained a consciousness of spiritual trust. “Do I really believe that One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Source/ Consciousness/God is all there is? If so, could anything exist outside of IT? Where could anything unlike IT come from if IT is omnipresent?” Omnipresence automatically eliminates there being any reality to duality and separation. Bring this knowledge into every facet of your life where it can then grow, expand, and eventually become your state of consciousness where trust is automatic. (The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, March 28, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/03/28/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-march-28-2021/.)
March 28, 2021
From 2017
Everything that exists is born from the Creator and therefore connected to you and all other aspects of the Creator. Simply because you perceive something or someone as negative, does not mean they are isolated from experiencing an eternal connection with the Creator. Even beings or energy which seem negative hold the truth of the Creator within their beings. As you recognize this, you will realize that you can access an immense loving and inspiring power from the understanding and experience of your connection with all things and that all is the Creator.
This allows for fear, separation, disharmony and such like energies to no longer hold power over you and humanity. When the power of illusion is released then all will be able to recognize the presence of the Creator within every existence and creation. Thus the Era of Love will be fully experienced by all as a conscious collective. ("Master Djwhal Khul via Natalie Glasson: Synergy of Time," Jan. 7, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/01/07/master-djwhal-khul-via-natalie-glasson-synergy-time/.)
God Experiences All
From 2016
In every moment, God feels the collective pain of Earth’s peoples, animals, Devic and plant kingdoms and all other life forms throughout this universe. That is unimaginable to you, as it is to us. We hasten to add that God also feels the love, joyousness, gratitude and peacefulness that collectively His children and other creations do, and the light you radiate and the light continuously beamed from all high stations lighten His painful burden. (Matthew’s Message, June 19, 2016.)
God Alone is Real
The truth is that God alone is real and all else unreal. Men, universe, house, children - all these are like the magic of the magician.... The magician alone is real and his magic unreal.... God is like an ocean, and living beings are its bubbles. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Chetananda, They Lived with God. Life Stories of Some Devotees of Sri Ramakrishna. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1957; c1948, 46.) Water alone is real; its bubbles appear and disappear. They disappear into the very water from which they arise. (Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 788.) [Hereafter GSR.] [God] alone is real. Real means eternal, and unreal means impermanent. He who has acquired discrimination knows that God is the only Substance and all else is non-existent. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 327.) God alone is the real and permanent Substance; all else is illusory and impermanent. The magician alone is real; his magic is illusory. This is discrimination. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 179.) [There is] no other beside me. (Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 71.) I am God, and there is none else. (Isaiah 5:22.) There is only God. (Ashtavakra in Thomas Byrom, trans.Heart of Awareness. A Translation of the Ashtavakra Gita. Boston and Shaftesbury: Shambala, 1990, xxiv.) Verily, all is [God]. (Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester, trans., The Upanishads. Breath of the Eternal. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1957; c1948, 46.) [God] is real; the universe is unreal. A firm conviction that this is so is called discrimination between the eternal and non-eternal. (Shankara, Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood, Shankara's Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 35.) At last the gnostic [knower of God] understands ... whatever is manifested is ...that ... One Existence, One Soul, One Body; it is neither separated nor individuated; that everything in immanence is nothing other than His Manifestation and Tools. (Ibn Arabi, Muhyideen Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 7.) [Hereafter KK.] It is absolutely impossible to worship other than Him. Even the worship of an idol results in the worship of God, because the existence of the idol is also of God. To be able to understand this it is necessary to understand and to know that all existence is of God. ... The gnostic, after having understood this meaning, neither enters into nor denies anybody else's belief, because he understands there is no other existent but him and because he saw the All linked together in a chain of order, and understood that he himself is nothing other than an order and a will. (Ibn Arabi, Muhyideen Ibn Arabi, KK, 25.)
The Stillness is not Still
The core of you, the essence, the very essence of who you are does not change. It continues. It assumes different forms. It travels throughout the Omniverse. But the core of your being is constant and it is in constant movement. Even throughout what you think of as this lifetime.
You are in constant movement. Yes, there are times when you are in stillpoint of creation, but also understand that in stillpoint there is still the movement of creation and of re-creation. The essence of who you are continues throughout time and space. That is the law. That is the Law of Change: constant movement and consistency. And you remain in that movement until you actually return at the completion, the end of your journey when you reunite with the One.(“Transcript: Universal Mother Mary Discusses the Law of Change, September 3, 2013, Part 1/2,” September 6, 2013, through Linda Dillon, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/06/transcript-universal-mother-mary-discusses-the-law-of-change-september-3-2013-part-12/)
The Universe is Patterned on the Mother, Father, One
From 2018
Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare, Universal Mother of all, and let us expand this to Mother of all of the omniverse, of the multiverse, of your universe, and of you. ("Transcript & Videos ~ Universal Mother Mary – Ascension: You’re Already There," January 15, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/01/15/transcript-videos-universal-mother-mary-ascension-youre-already-there/.)
From 2017
You’re patterned on me. You are my breath. You are my blue diamond. You are of the family and you are the family. (Transcript ~ A Mass Heart Opening on This Planet," Aug. 21, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/08/21/transcript-a-massive-heart-opening-on-this-planet/.)
My essence is love. ("End of This Realm of Existence - Universal Mother Mary Channeling," May 12, 2017, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KribRHAy6Zo&list=PLKhdbUBLU4tssiQ1yfe4AyvUfim9oYNlj&index=21https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raKcQ9MDZC0&index=19&list=PLKhdbUBLU4tssiQ1yfe4AyvUfim9oYNlj.)
Steve: Is it appropriate to call the Mother, “Love in action” and the Father, “Love in stillness”? AAM: That is a wonderful way to express it. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.)
Too often you shy away, thinking that I am the unapproachable Mother, the Supreme Being, the infinite and eternal changeable and unchangeable, the I AM. ("2017: A Time of Miracles - Our Lady of Guadalupe Channeling" Jan. 2, 2017, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KribRHAy6Zo&list=PLKhdbUBLU4tssiQ1yfe4AyvUfim9oYNlj&index=21.)
This is the time of the fulfillment of the family plan. Think of this. In this family plan, that of all the levels of intervention and assistance, ... the most important, the most critical for all concerned is that you feel, that you be, that you are in the love. That is everything. That is the Father. That is the Mother. That is the One. That is the All. ("2017: A Time of Miracles - Our Lady of Guadalupe Channeling" Jan. 2, 2017, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KribRHAy6Zo&list=PLKhdbUBLU4tssiQ1yfe4AyvUfim9oYNlj&index=21.)
I am not a thundering, punishing Mother nor is the Father for that matter. ("2017: A Time of Miracles - Our Lady of Guadalupe Channeling" Jan. 2, 2017, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KribRHAy6Zo&list=PLKhdbUBLU4tssiQ1yfe4AyvUfim9oYNlj&index=21.)
From 2016
Of course I am capable of having a lap, and arms, and a gentle smile and even tears. ... I am inviting you to come and rest in my presence, in my arms. ("The Comforting Safety of the Mother's Embrace - Universal Mother Mary Channeling," Linda Dillon, Oct 23, 2016, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV7YDzPlKUw&list=PLKhdbUBLU4tvhROQ7HqKPlsYcEHK9nP7Z&index=10.)
Now is it conceivable, possible, that I would create something that did not carry my Pattern? Yes, it is. But that has not been my desire. Particularly, let us speak of each of you human beings, Gaians, angels in form, starseed, star beings, it matters not, all of you upon this Earth plane. I wanted to create a human physical reality that carried the essence, the Pattern of my Being.
And you experience this in your bodies, in your chakras, in your very breath; the in, the out. You inhale, you exhale. You bring in my energy, because it is in the air, the water, the food; everything you are. I am in and of all. And so the form, in the smallest fiber of energy that you can conceive; even before it is a fetus, my Pattern is instilled.
Now, what does this mean? It means that you have the ability to know us, to love us as we love you, to create as I create, to bring forth this place of love – because that is also the pattern of the universe that I have created, the omniverse. It is a place of love. It is a place of union. It is a place of ecstasy, and it is beyond any form of place or time or reality that you know of, because it is of One. Your pattern, your expression. When you are true to yourself what you find within is Me.
And why did I pattern it this way? So you can still know and find Me. That you remember: this is but a glimpse, a blink; yes, to play in form, to love in form, to experience sacred union in form, to replicate the truth of community, the joy of community.
You say, “How?” You tend to think – that is think – that first you have an idea, and then you plan and then you create and then you materialize. Even before an idea is born, the knowing and the fulfillment is present. Otherwise, you do not have the idea. So I am inviting you, my beloved ones, to go back. Ideation and existence is your first and second dimensions. Go back before that, beyond, and then go outside your twelve and know Me because you know your own pattern, your unique and sacred expression of Myself.
You do not need to give me a face or a form. You do not need to understand. All you need to do is to know. And in that knowing is the rebirth and the re-ignition of the Pattern. And it is already well ignited, but there will always be, long after this is completed, there will be more. (AAM in “Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother: Harmony Between the Divine Feminine and Masculine and Patterning,” July 1, 2016, through Linda Dillon, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/07/01/archangel-michael-divine-mother-harmony-divine-feminine-masculine-patterning/.)
SB: Mother, is the …can you talk to us a little bit more about how to see the Patterning of You, or your Patterning, in nature?
DM: I have mentioned to you that the most clear way, easy way, is inhale, exhale. There is not anything on your planet or beyond, by the way, that is not on this Pattern. You say, “Well, what about the rocks or the mountains?”
You see the mountains grow, and wear down. Do you think they are just wearing down because a few thousand sets of feet have walked upon them? No. It is the inhale and the exhale. It is the shifting. Everything is in constant change and everything is eternally permanent. So, when you think of it this way, inhale, exhale, every plant, every animal. and that they change.
Now, do not think of change as what you have adopted as decline, destruction, death, disease. Change: you grow, you shift, you blossom, every phase is beautiful, but it is of your making. I do not look at my creations and say, “Oh, that planet died, and so I’d better make another one.” That energy is eternal and so it is brought into a different form. But it is the inhale, exhale – even rocks, even a grain of sand. Different rhythm, same process.
SB: Now the inhale, exhale is a metaphor that we can get readily because we do this. At another level, it would be, more generically, a process of creation and then a process of transformation. Is that correct?
DM: That is the correct. You bring in the energy and you exhale it to create.
SB: Oh, okay, so inhalation is not creation.
DM: The inhalation is the gathering of the energy. The exhale is the creation. The inhale is the gathering of the energy. The exhale is the creation. (Divine Mother in “Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother: Harmony Between the Divine Feminine and Masculine and Patterning,” July 1, 2016, through Linda Dillon, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/07/01/archangel-michael-divine-mother-harmony-divine-feminine-masculine-patterning/.)
The Mother [is] the ultimate source, the supreme source of Love, the pattern of Love, the essence of Love. (“Archangel Gabrielle: Who is the Council of Love and What is Its Purpose?” Feb. 28, 2016, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=273441.)
Archangel Michael: Think of what we have said, what Einstein and the Mother and many are telling you at this time. All is patterned upon the Mother.
Steve: So, therefore, any study of the Mother, repays handsome dividends?
AAM: Think of it in this way. If you did nothing else, not only with this life but with many, many, many, many lives, if you only studied the Mother, which you know because you are fully committed, you would receive the ultimate dividend.
Now many go about this in various ways, depending on inclination, free will, and choices. But directly or indirectly, as you have always stated, beloved Steve, all is about the study of the Mother and the return to the Mother.
Steve: You are using “the Mother,” it sounds like, to include the Father when you say that.
AAM: Yes.
Steve: So Mother/Father One.
AAM: When you think of the pattern of the Universe, the whole universe, then you think of the pattern of the Mother. (2)
Is there diversity? Of course there is. The Mother is infinite so of course there is diversity. But the pattern is the same.
What is happening upon Gaia at this time, is the diversity, the infinite nature of the pattern of the Mother is being reconstituted, rediscovered, brought forward, and resurrected yet again. That is truly what Ascension is about.
Steve: One view of the Mother is that she is a sine wave, the universal creative vibration that calls worlds into being, holds them for a while and transforms them.
Are there other views of the Mother? Is that what you’re saying? In other words, you can look at this, you can look at that, you can look at the other…
AAM: You can look at everything and it will still be the pattern of the Mother.
Steve: You mean everything natural and not man-made, except at a biological or chemical level?
AAM: Think of this. Has human energy made aberrant things in their wonderful expression of free will? Yes.
But if you look at that inside the outward expression, it is still the pattern of the Mother. Because that is all there is!
So let us go back to my beloved brother, Lucifer, (3) who so many had thought was anathema, and aberration but inside was only the longing for love, the kernel of love. When the Mother said, “jump,” he came home.
Steve: She pulled on his leash.
AAM: Now she is not pulling on the leash of humanity. Well, she is somewhat actually. We will leave it at that.
But yes, if you look at the other intergalactic and galactic species that you are dealing with and will be dealing with, think of them as diverse, as having evolved in different ways but not as a hierarchy. Please do not do that.
Steve: … and not different at soul level either…
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: Whet my appetite, Lord. Tell me some other aspect of the Mother that I can look at in the same way that I’ve looked at the sine wave and the gunas and the Trimurthy. (4)
AAM: And of course sacred geometry.
Steve: So, sacred geometry would be an approach to the Mother?
AAM: That is correct because what are the various forms, the patterning? Think of what I am saying, the patterning that she can express as.
Steve: Well, surely it’s infinite!
AAM: Of course it is. But look at snowflakes. They are infinite.
Steve: They are all hexagon and they are infinite! I never thought of that!
AAM: Play with it, dear heart. Look at a leaf. No two are the same. No blade of glass is exactly the same as its next-door neighbor. No two human beings are exactly the same, not even twins. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.)
(1) The Divine Mother is a created being. I think of her as the Father wearing a mask. Just as an avatar is the Mother in a body so is the Mother the formless Father in form. As such, in my view, she can be said to have a pattern.
(2) So, in other words, when you speak of the world of form (the universe), then you can think of the pattern and patterning of the Mother.
(3) More on Lucifer, here: "Archangel Lucifer" at http://goldengaiadb.com/Personae#Archangel_Lucifer.
(4) The sine wave called Aum, which is an aspect of the Mother, is composed of three subcomponents: Akar, the upward motion; Ukar, the top of the wave; and Makar, the downward movement. Each of these is associated with a cosmic force or guna and personified as a god. So Akar = creative = rajas guna = Brahma. Ukar = preservative = sattwa guna = Vishnu. Makar = transformative = thamas guna = Shiva. The Trimurthy is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Let us begin at the beginning. All Universe, not merely this beloved planet of Earth, of Gaia, but the entire Universe – if you can imagine such an enormity – is patterned upon the energy, upon the pattern, upon the essence of the Divine Mother, of what you think of as the Divine Feminine Source.
It can only be this way. It is humorous in some ways that so much of what you think of as science… geneticists have spent so much effort and time as you think of it trying to determine genetic probabilities and genetic abnormalities, when all they really have to do is to look to the Divine Mother.
But it has amused them. It has given deeper understanding to the matrix of this planet, and of the Universe, by the way. But it is not possible in the constructs that the Mother has created initially and eternally, for there to be aberrations or what you would think of as departures from this pattern, from Her pattern. It is Divine Perfection. And in that Divine Perfection, why would you seek to change it, for that would be a waste of time and energy would it not?
Now, in the expression of that pattern, there are countless manifestations. I do not say millions or trillions or billions because it is far beyond what you can think of as numerical. But within that creation and that creation space, all is still patterned upon the Mother. It is her infinite expression, and the conjoined expression from the Mother/Father One, and that is the expression of Love, the energy of Love.
Now, let me digress a little. There are many of you who like to digress and you say, “Oh yes, but that is only the Mother of this Universe or the God of this Universe.” That is not what I am referring or speaking of this day. I am speaking about the quintessential essence of what you may think of as Source Godhead, of the All, of the Divine Feminine conjoined, powered, activated, with the Masculine. And there is but one pattern.
So, whether you are in the distant sectors of a distant Universe or sitting in the United States of America, the pattern is the same and it is the same for all beings. Now, why do I wish to emphasise this? Because this, my beloved friends, is the unifying factor of All. There are millions, gazillions, countless expressions and they are all unified as One. ("Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Albert Einstein: The Patterning of The Universe, Part 2," Jan. 15, 2016, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/01/15/transcript-heavenly-blessings-albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe-part-2/.)
But I do wish to remind you at the beginning of this phase of extraordinary change by extraordinary people that you are about to exhale. Now, what does this mean? When you are inhaling, you are bringing in life force; you are literally claiming and ingesting into your very core the energy of that Divine Pattern of Love, of the Mother.
And humanity has been inhaling it mixed with much illusion for a long time. But you cannot inhale without also inhaling the Divine Pattern of the Mother. So even with the mayhem, the chaos, the dissonance, the resistance, the reluctance, you have all been inhaling the Divine Mother. Is that not extraordinary? Even to an old man who thinks he has seen much, it is extraordinary!
But even more extraordinary is when you exhale, when that energy has merged and conjoined with your sacred self. In the exhale is the blended expression of the creation that you bring forth of you with the pattern of the Mother into the reality that you exist in. And it is certainly no longer that old third.
Now, when you exhale, you exhale not only into the renewed third dimension of physicality. You are exhaling to the fullness of your planet, of your Universe, of the galaxies, of the Multiverse, of the Omniverse, but you are also exhaling your expression of Divinity. And in that, you are sending the Mother/Father’s Love out throughout, but you are also sending yours. In the exhale, you are sharing the essence of who you are all over this planet.
So yes, Suzanne, you are correct when you say that when you exhale or send, that it reaches all corners and has magnificent effect. But this day I wish to take it even further.
When you exhale, you are bringing into form, consciously and unconsciously. And when I speak of the collective of humanity not merely preparing to exhale, but commencing to exhale, unified – not in the illusion of separation, of false uniqueness, but in the unity of concerted knowing and wisdom and Love – you are taking these very molecules in your own expression and bringing them into what you think of as materiality, whether it is a concrete building, a revised social structure, a new family paradigm, the anchoring of Peace on Earth.
And what occurs in this process of 7 billion of you exhaling together is the creation of the Mother’s pattern. It is the creation, the restoration, the resurrection and the brand new existence of a planet of Love.
Now, does the transition of putting into form take a little time as you think of it? A little, just the way it took me a little time to create and to truly understand my formulas. But my formulas were incomplete, and that is why I am so honoured to speak to you in this way. You have been breathing in, trying to gain enough life force to create. It has always been there but now you know it. ("Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Albert Einstein: The Patterning of The Universe, Part 2," Jan. 15, 2016, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/01/15/transcript-heavenly-blessings-albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe-part-2/.)
What I call upon this day is your extraordinary self to step forward in the acceptance and the surrender and the bringing, in expression and forefront, action, of that uniqueness, of that Divine Patterning that you have always carried in this and every lifetime, for that kernel has many expressions but it does not change.
This is important for you to understand, for there is also a human tendency to wish to explore, either past or present or future, the magnificence of who you have been. Many of you wish to be saints, masters, cohorts of brilliant beings, Ascended Beings.
There is a tendency to ignore or desire to overlook those times when you have been perhaps a more exploring, marauding type, male and female. But it is important that all these pieces and aspects of yourself be included. No, not the darkness or the aberrant behaviour, the dissonance or the chaos that you explored at one point or another, for all beings have done everything. But to see in that being the extraordinary Light that was underneath and ever present because it is never, not in your realm or ours, a loving gesture to judge.
And when you ignore those pieces of yourself or try to pretend to yourself that they do not exist, then what you are doing is truly judging yourself harshly.
So it is important to take the strength of all experience, realising the Divinity in those experiences and the growth patterns, and to bring them and to anchor them in your being right now because they are part of the Divine Pattern. The expression may have deviated by the exercise of freewill, but the pattern was never altered. I want you to understand this. (“Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe ~ Part 2,” at http://counciloflove.com/2016/01/albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe-part-2/.)
Now, I have said to you, and I repeat, that humanity, after thousands and thousands and thousands of years, is preparing to exhale, just as all existence, all life in all of its forms, are patterned on the Mother. Part of that pattern is breath, and it is the inhale and the exhale. (“Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe ~ Part 2,” at http://counciloflove.com/2016/01/albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe-part-2/.)
From 2015
All of the Universe is patterned on the Mother, the Father, and the One. ("Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe," October 5, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/10/05/albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe/.)
All of the universe is patterned on the Mother, the Father, and the One. Now you would think that this is very self-evident, but I know that I have been surprised, particularly in science, in mathematics, in physics, in the entire field, even in philosophy, how often this very fact has been ignored. It is not a theorem, it is not a theory, it is a stand-alone truth: Your entire universe is patterned on the Mother.
And beloved ones, you have given me the perfect intro, ... by speaking about the wind, because the entire planet, the universe, the galaxy is also patterned on breath. ...
Everything that is within you is a reflection of the sacred Divine Mother. The in-breath is the inhalation, the conjoining, the sacred union of the Father to the Mother; it is that moment of creation. I have spoken to you many times about Stillpoint and I come to harp on it again today.
Between the in-breath and the out-breath, no matter how miniscule, there is that moment of Stillpoint and in that moment, that nanosecond, is the implosion and explosion, the formulation of creation.
The out-breath of the Mother, her exhalation, is creation. It is the exhalation, not only of her desire but of all the energy…if you can fathom this…all the energy that is required to create whatever you can think of and far beyond. All life follows this pattern; so we will talk about this and then we will move on to the dimensions.
You, individually and collectively, are in the same pattern. There are many things that you can do without but you do not do without breathing; it is fundamental to your existence. All life, the grass, the trees, the elementals, the fairies, the water, the sky, Gaia herself, the gases that you know, the rocks, they all breathe. Now, do they breathe in the same rhythm as you do? No. But do not think, for example, that rocks do not breathe; that is hardheaded of you, not them.
How do you think that crystals grow? They are breathing, they are absorbing the atmosphere, they are living creatures as much as the rock on any mountain-face. And you see the mountains rise up, not only because of the tectonic plates, and you see them begin to disintegrate. You have many, many wonderful science theories, and many accurate theories, about how this occurs…but it is the breath.
Now think of this in terms of what the channel has begun to explain, or tried to explain, yesterday. When you think of a black hole, that is your in-breath; you’re bringing in all your energy and you are allowing it to collapse within you and do what it has need to do…feed your cells…and we will talk about the molecular chains as well.
Your exhale is not simply to get rid of gases, but it is also for you to create into the world. It is the biggest action you ever take. And so it is important to, not only follow your breath but follow your words and the sounds that you create.
If you think of the collective of humanity and where you are at this momentous time of change, humanity has been, might I say, ‘stuck’ in the in-breath for a very, very long time. Think of it in this way, and it is neither good nor bad, positive or negative, yes, I forget the language that these lightworkers use, I tend to say ‘good and bad’.
So, it is neither good nor bad, but when you think of the in-breath you are bringing in the energy and it is fixed. Think of it as being brought in, holding it in some form of either being stuck by the old paradigms of lack or limitation or fear…oh there are so many…and the out-breath of creation is fluid. Now, these are equal components....
So it is the intake, the Stillpoint, the output, the Stillpoint, the input…you get my meaning. Now humanity, which includes you, has been stuck in the in-breath for a very long time; might I suggest to you for thousands and thousands of years. ("Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe," October 5, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/10/05/albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe/.)
I would suggest to you, on this side, us looking at you, we’ve been waiting for you to exhale for a long time…and you are about to do so and I would suggest to several of you that it will create a mighty wind of change.
So, you have breathed in and you have been consciously and unconsciously in the Stillpoint, sometimes frozen in fear…but even the polar ice caps are thawing. So, your heart is thawing and you are preparing as a collective to exhale and to begin this new, true cycle of creation in the patterning of the Mother, in the patterning of the Father and Mother. ("Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe," October 5, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/10/05/albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe/.)
Now, I have said to you, and I repeat, that humanity, after thousands and thousands and thousands of years, is preparing to exhale, just as all existence, all life in all of its forms, are patterned on the Mother. Part of that pattern is breath, and it is the inhale and the exhale.
And I have spoken at length on this and I would refer you to that earlier lecture for I do not wish to bore you. (Linda Dillon, "Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe,October 3, 2015, at http://counciloflove.com/2015/10/albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe/.)
Let us be very basic. My essence is love. The Father and I are conjoined as One, our love. And it is from this union that all is born. This is part of what Sanat Kumara has been teaching you: The transmutation of that essence, of my being, can be a building block, can be a glue, can be a skin, can be a heart, can be a limb, can be a building, can be whatever is required. And what I do - and this is the heart of the discussion that we have this day - I give you again and again and again and again, my essence. I am part of you. Inseparable.
My essence is love.
Now, in many cultures and civilizations, they call that love by many names. That does not matter because the knowing, the feeling, the experience, the energy does not change. I am a part of thee, each and every one of you - and this has been reinforced by my Tsunami of Love.
But, beloveds, you are also a part of me, of us, of One. And that is the piece that oftentimes is forgotten. And that is why I say there is no separation. ...
So the answer to your question - and I am pleased to address this - is that all of it is my love. And I can take a billion forms, and I have just begun. So do not take your time, my sweet beloveds, trying to count the number of angels on the head of a pin, because they are all expressions of love just like you. Does this make sense to thee? (“Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/06/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-density-is-unloving-emotion-love-is-lightness-of-being/.)
Yes, I am Mother; Mother of the ancients, Mother of the new, Mother of the eternal, Mother of the infinite, Mother of the all, Mother of the one, and Mother, beloved ones, of each one of you. Yes, each one of you and far beyond. ...
Dearest, you say, when you bow, that I am your everything. I wish to begin this day, this night, this week, this year, this eon, by saying that each of you is my everything.
I am not like some apartment building or rabbit warren where the space of my beingness, the space of my love, the space of my energy is divided up into tiny cubby holes and your are assigned to one space. That is not the way in which I work, operate, or exist.
You are my all. And I am your all. And we are One. (“Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/06/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-density-is-unloving-emotion-love-is-lightness-of-being/.)
I am of such an infinite and eternal nature, that I can have, beyond counting, beyond what you consider infinity – yes, your mathematics have a long way to go - but beyond that, as many expressions as I choose. (“Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/06/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-density-is-unloving-emotion-love-is-lightness-of-being/.)
All of it [creation, preservation and dissolution] is my love. And I can take a billion forms, and I have just begun. So do not take your time, my sweet beloveds, trying to count the number of angels on the head of a pin, because they are all expressions of love just like you. (“Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/06/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-density-is-unloving-emotion-love-is-lightness-of-being/.)
Like a young adult or rebellious teenager, you have struck out to claim your own independence, your own freedom, your own path, your own way, which is delightful, necessary, desirable. But, sweet ones, that is simply you flexing your spiritual, psychic, mental, emotional and physical muscles. You are still, irreversibly, part of us. And I would say that you are part of the family, but what happens when I say that is that you then create a separation the way you do. “Well, there is Mother, Father, there are children and siblings and cousins…” and I want you to begin to anchor and integrate this day [the notion] that our bond is closer than that. You are my lifeblood and I am your lifeblood. You are my heart and I am your heart. ("An Hour With An Angel – The Divine Mother: Welcome To ‘New Time’," at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/01/27/divine-mother-welcome-new-time/)
From 2014
When you have said to each other, to Gaia, to the kingdoms, to me, that you would come to this blessed planet Earth during this time of transformation, we, the I AM, bring to your doorstep, humbly, everything that I am.
You cannot even begin to fathom what I am saying, and yet I say this not as the voice in the Silence, not as the voice crying in the wilderness, but as the voice that speaks to humanity. And I do not mean just you, my sweet angels, who listen this night; I speak to the people of Earth, I call to the people of Earth, and I beckon to all of you: please heed not only what I say, but what I offer, what I bring, among which what I bring is explanations and understanding, wisdom and vision and information, that you go forward in tandem and in your uniqueness.
I have come to your shores, the shores of your planet and the shores of your being, to wash you, to bathe you, to cleanse you, to penetrate you, to integrate you, yes, with my clarity, with my purity, with my tsunami of love. And these are catalysts for your expansion, for your raising up, for your ascension, for your great awakening.
But it is time. This day, I also add to what I lay at your doorstep, what I instill within your heart, and that is the greater anchoring of grace. ("The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans," channeled by Linda Dillon, July 10, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/07/12/the-divine-mother-we-are-creating-a-new-species-of-humans/.)
I am not merely talking about giving you more tools. I am talking, addressing you, all of you of this planet, I am talking about fundamentally changing — not evolution, shift — what it means to be human. You say to me, “Mother, can you do that?” We are Creator Force. And everything that we create is of love, including grace, including clarity, including purity, including hope, and charity, and perseverance, and fortitude. (“The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” July 12, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/07/12/the-divine-mother-we-are-creating-a-new-species-of-humans/.)
From 2013
As you ... receive the gifts, the energy, the love that we send you through divine movement, that others send you from the various realms of existence, and the many realms and dimensions, you are able not only to join with yourself, but with us and with each other. ("The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before," channeled by Linda Dillon, November 14, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/the-divine-mother-you-are-experiencing-love-in-ways-that-you-have-not-known-before/.) [The Mother is that "divine movement."]
Divine Mother: When I have begun this outpouring from my infinite being — and yes, our infinite being — it is moving directly from me to you. Very few can stop anything what I send directly, but when I begin such an outpouring, all come to my side! ("The Divine Mother: The Role of Clarity," Oct. 8, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/08/the-divine-mother-the-role-of-clarity/)
Your Mother [is] the One, [is] the movement in the silence. ("The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might," June 17, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-divine-mother-each-and-every-one-of-you-carries-divine-might/)
We are here as a part of the resources given to you by your loving Mother / Father God, your local representations of Source, who are not in and of themselves Creator, but who work on behalf of Creator even as we do. ("The Angels via Tazjima: When You Need Reassurance," channeled through Tazjima, 18 May, 2013 at bluedragonjournal.com.)
My nature, my beloved ones, is infinite. It does not have beginning or end or what you think of as boundaries or edges. It is infinite. ("Transcript: The Divine Mother on Grace on Heavenly Blessings, April 30, 2013," at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/transcript-the-divine-mother-on-grace-on-heavenly-blessings-april-30-2013/.)
There are many upon the planet who do not choose to know me. I do not take grievous offense at this because even within the most stratified being is the yearning for connection and for love and particularly for a mother’s love. ("Transcript: The Divine Mother on Grace on Heavenly Blessings, April 30, 2013," at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/transcript-the-divine-mother-on-grace-on-heavenly-blessings-april-30-2013/.)
Steve Beckow: Are my writings about the Divine Mother inaccurate? Archangel Michael: You have not been incorrect. It is more the expansiveness that the Mother is referring to. It is the ability of our Divine Mother to move to be to create, to perform. To do pretty well whatever you can imagine. So it is not so much that you have erred, dear heart. It is just the expansiveness -- which you have pretty well grasped. Now every time you think, and I use the word think, that you have a handle or a definition upon the essence of the Divine Mother … SB: Well, I am definitely headed for a a fall. AAM That is correct. So we want you to feel her smile and at times hear her laughter and simply know – keep going. You could spend, and you have spent entire lifetimes simply expanding, examining and following this pathway. It is not new to you. Dear heart, you could take 200 years. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, March 29, 2013.)
Greetings, I am Mary. The distinctions that you make between myself, Universal Mother, and Divine Mother are human distinctions and they are created so that you will have a multitude of ways in which to come to know me so that I may guide you back home. No matter how far you may wander or what the journey entails. Whatever form you choose, in any instance or reality to call upon me, to know me, to allow me to embrace you, I am there.
I have a million faces and as many names and I am still One. (The Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, The New You. Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Port St. Lucie: Council of Love, 2013.)
Know of my eternal love. I am not a distant Mother. I am with you. Go with my love. (The Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, The New You. Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Port St. Lucie: Council of Love, 2013.)
From 2012
I am known by many names, and that is appropriate. And I am thought of in many forms — as Mary, as Shakti, as Maré, which is very close because it is the word of ocean in your world and language. It represents the movement and the giver of life, the creator of life, of love, of form, of substance, of essence. “Universal Mother Mary: You Are Moving Ahead Rapidly with Ascension,” September 25, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/09/25/universal-mother-mary-you-are-moving-ahead-rapidly-with-ascension/.)
SB: Thank you. [Mother,] many of our listeners don’t know who it is I’m speaking to — not really. They may sense that you exist, but they know nothing of your nature. And by saying that we have a Divine Mother they probably suspect that I’m implying that we have a Heavenly Father as well. But they don’t know what makes you different, even though of course you are also the same.
Of you, Lao-tzu said, “Nameless indeed is the source of creation. But things have a mother, and she has a name.” Could you help us by saying what unites and separates you from the Father, please?
DM: What unites and separates us from what you think of as the Father and Mother is simply energy and love. It is a differentiation that we have decided upon — well, chosen, created — long, long ago, outside of time, outside of what you even conceive of as creation. It is the ability to move in and out of form. It is the ability to create and to co-create. It is the ability to be silent and to be of sound, of vibration, of movement, of sweetness.
If you were to think of the Father in terms of what you will come to understand, you would think of the Father as complete stillness, still point. And in fact so often when we urge you to go to that place it is that union that you are seeking with the Heavenly Father, with that complete sense of simply being.
I am the creative force throughout this universe, throughout the multiverse, the omniverse, but we source each other. We source each other’s energies and we move as one and yet separate and distinct.
And you say, “Well, Mother, how can this be?” And I would say back to you, “How can this not be?” For it is that perfect balance. It is the way in which we bring forth plans, discoveries, creations, universes, galaxies, humans. It is the way in which you come to know and to have an experience of One, and with me and through me, of the One as well.
So that is the explanation I offer you. ("The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2," Oct 17, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)
From 2011
Stteve Beckow: When we talk about the Logos, the Word, not the planetary logos, but the logos of the trinity, are we referring to the Mother or the child of God, the Christ? Archangel Michael: You are referring to the Mother. SB: Okay. I thought that was the case. (Personal Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 18, 2011.)
Steve Beckow: I've written a number of pieces on the nature of the trinity, on the nature of the father, the child and the divine mother. I need to know, am I correct so far in what I've said, or do I need to revise any of that information in any way? Archangel Michael: No, it does not require revision. Will it require controversy and discussion? Absolutely, that is the purpose of it. But no, dear heart, you are on track. SB: Oh, I am so glad to hear that. That's such a relief. Okay, then I can forge ahead with those writings. (AAMN, Feb. 18, 2011.)
God’s Will - God is the Only Doer
God alone is the Doer. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 236.) [Hereafter GSR.] Do you know the attitude of one who has realized God? He feels: "I am the machine, and Thou, O Lord, art the Operator. I am the house and Thou art the Indweller. I am the chariot and Thou art the Driver. I move as Thou movest me; I speak as Thou makest me speak." (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 211.) The thought that "I am the doer" should go. God is the doer. (Mata Amritanandamayi, Mata Amritanandamayi, Awaken, Children! Vallicakavu, India: Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust, I, 49-50.) [Hereafter AC.] Bondage is nothing but the feeling "I am doing." (Mata Amritanandamayi, Mata Amritanandamayi, [Hereafter AC, I, 57.) I am not asking you to give up all of the “I.” You should give up only the unripe “I.” The unripe “I” makes one feel: “I am the doer. These are my wife and children. I am a teacher.” Renounce this “unripe I” and keep the ripe “I,” which will make you feel that you are the servant of God, His devotee, and that God is the Doer and you are His instrument. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 269.) If a man has the firm conviction that God alone is the Doer and he is His instrument, then he cannot do anything sinful. He who has learnt to dance correctly never makes a false step. One cannot even believe in the existence of God until one’s heart becomes pure. (PR in GSR, 220.)x The feeling of “Thee and Thine” is the outcome of Knowledge; “I and mine” comes from ignorance. (Pamahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 265.) On account of God’s maya the unreal appears as real. The world is unreal. This moment it exists and the next it disappears. But on account of His maya it seems to be real. It is only through his maya that the ego seems to be the doer. Furthermore, on account of this maya a man regards his wife and children, his brother and sister, his father and mother, his house and property, as his very own. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 1013.) Both worldliness and liberation depend on God's will. It is God alone who has kept man in the world in a state of ignorance; and man will be free when God, of His own sweet will, calls him to Himself. It is like the mother calling the child at meal-time, when he is out playing. When the time comes for setting a man free, God makes him seek the company of holy men. Further, it is God who makes him restless for spiritual life. ... When that restlessness comes, man longs for God. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 225.)
God’s Will - There is no Other Will
From 2015 There is no alternative to the divine Will because there is no other will. Options and choices are as illusory as the dream that you are presently experiencing, and which the vast majority of you consider to be reality. It is not real, it is a dream or nightmare from which you have no option but to awaken. Yes, you can delay your awakening, as some misguided ones may choose to do, but humanity's awakening will not be delayed. The moment in which it is to occur was chosen in the instant that you chose to play your games of separation, because your Father's Will for you is that you live in everlasting joy, nevertheless, while you play your games that state remains hidden from you. (Saul through John Smallman, May 21, 2015.)
From 2013
To align your wills with God’s is your task as humans, but you were created one with Him so your wills are already aligned with His; you have just lost your awareness of this. At your centers, at the deepest levels of yourselves you know all this, but you are also intensely aware of your unloving attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions – the illusory attitudes and behaviors in which humanity always seems to engage – and you know, truly and deeply know, beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are not and never can be in alignment with the will of God. (Saul through John Smallman, June 30, 2013.)
God’s Will - Everything Happens by God’s Will
From 2019
And I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not my plan then it will not occur. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.)
From 2012
Keep in mind that as these matters develop, they are done so in a specific order for a specific reason that is interconnected to a much grander plan that we cannot reveal to you now. (Wanderer of the Skies, March 25, 2012.)
One should be aware that everything happens by the will of Rama. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans.,The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 245.) [Hereafter GSR.] Everything happens by His will. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 236.) Everything depends on the will of God. The world is His play. He has created all these different things - great and small, strong and weak, good and bad, virtuous and vicious. This is all His maya, His sport. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 2, 211.) Both worldliness and liberation depend on God's will. It is God alone who has kept man in the world in a state of ignorance; and man will be free when God, of His own sweet will, calls him to Himself. It is like the mother calling the child at meal-time, when he is out playing. When the time comes for setting a man free, God makes him seek the company of holy men. Further, it is God who makes him restless for spiritual life. ... When that restlessness comes, man longs for God. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 225.) Suddenly, in one dazzling moment, [Totapuri] sees on all sides the presence of the Divine Mother. She is in everything; She is everything. She is in the water; She is on land. She is the body; She is the mind. She is pain; She is comfort. She is knowledge; She is ignorance. She is life; She is death. She is everything that one sees, hears, or imagines. She turns "yea" into "nay"; and "nay" into "yay". Without Her grace no embodied being can go beyond Her realm. Man has no free will. He is not even free to die. Yet, again, beyond the body and mind She resides in her Transcendental, Absolute aspect. She is the Brahman that Totapuri has been worshipping all his life. (Nikhilananda in GSR, 31.)
God’s Will - What God Wills will Inevitably Happen
From 2019
And I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not my plan then it will not occur. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.)
From 2016 Where the Will of God is concerned nothing can change the outcome regardless of any actions taken by the Illuminati. (Mike Quinsey, Oct. 7, 2016.)
From 2015 When the Mother has a desire, it is an intention that stretches out from her essence and being into infinity and everything and everybody lines up - because that is the Love. (“Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/25/transcript-archangel-michael-on-mastery-and-leadership-april-16-2015/
Your awakening is inevitable because it is the Will of God Who is infinite unconditional Love, and Whose Will is for you to live in eternal joy. (Jesus through John Smallman, Feb. 27, 2015.)
From 2013 That decision is powerful and irrevocable, as it has the Will of God to support it. Humanity has chosen a new direction, a direction based on loving kindness, which is but a reflection of your true and divine nature. All in the spiritual realms support this change of direction with joyful enthusiasm, and rejoice that it has been made. (Jesus through John Smallman, June 16, 2013.)
Raj [Sanat Kumara]: : If you are talking about the full restoration of heart consciousness, of course this is the plan of the Divine Mother. So if you were to think of it in human terms, she is the boss. She is the beginning. She is the end. She is the All. And So while there are many of us who are involved in this undertaking and process of restoration, understand, it is always in accordance with her plan, with the plan, and always in accordance with Universal Law. So nothing that we undertake in her name, or even in the name of Gaia or humanity or any of the councils, is permitted to go forward unless it is in alignment with that overall plan. ("Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions," May 28, 2013, http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/sanat-kumara-many-of-you-have-already-ascended-and-straddle-dimensions/.)
From 2011
As you know, God's Will for His beloved children is quite wondrous, and what He wills, is. (Saul through John Smallman, Jan. 4, 2011.)
Nothing can come about or continue in existence for an instant contrary to his will. (Blessed Henry Suso in Frank Tobin, trans. Henry Suso. The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 131.) The time for war is passed; it has never served you. It has only caused you grief and suffering, despite the high and mighty aims it was always supposed to protect and preserve, and finally enough of you have made the decision, the collective decision, to cease engaging in it.
Everything appears and disappears through the will of God. (PR in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 378.)
God’s Will - God’s Will is Constant
From 2015 Reality, the field of Love, the energy field in which all exists, was created to provide eternal joy for all, and that is what It does. That is God’s Will, and His Will is constant, unchanging, and in effect now! (Jesus through John Smallman, Feb. 27, 2015.)
Undated Return To the will of God, Which is, I say, to constancy. (Lao Tzu, The Way of Life. The Tao Te Ching. trans. R.B. Blakney. New York, etc.: Avon, 1975, 16, 68.)
God’s Will - What is God’s Will?
From 2015 Do not doubt that we are watching over you lovingly in every moment. Call on us for confirmation, and we will respond. Our task is to assist you and ensure that nothing prevents you from completing yours. We shall not fail and nor will you because the divine Will insists on success, astounding and, to you seemingly, amazing success! God's Will is achieved instantly, but within the illusion that is frequently not apparent. (Jesus through John Smallman, May 21, 2015.)
From 2013
And even that choice [unawareness] has a sell-by date at which point awareness, full consciousness must and will be re-established. When that happens, infinite joy will replace all emotions, feelings, and sensations that are not in alignment with it. In the end, only eternal joy is possible, because that is the Will of God for all of creation, and you are rapidly approaching that end, that inviolate sell-by date. You are surrounded and enveloped in the field of Divine Love, which is to dissolve back into nothingness the illusion in which it seems you have been trapped and imprisoned for so long. Focus on that truth whenever you go to your quiet inner space. Intend that all become aware of it, and relax in the certainty of your coming awakening. (Jesus via John Smallman, August 25, 2013.)
From 2010
Never forget that every single one of you is infinitely loved and cherished by our divine Father, who created you all as perfect beings of Light. Your personal sense of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, or worthlessness is quite unjustified and is a major distraction that can prevent you from accepting the fact that you are a divine, lovable and totally irreplaceable part of God, always, and in every moment. Decide and learn to accept yourselves, warts and all, as God does, and enjoy the wonderful sense of peace it brings you, knowing that it is God's Will for you. (Saul, Nov 24, 2010.)
Maya won’t allow us to know the will of God. (PR in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 1013.) It is God's will that one pray to him. (Blessed Henry SUSO, Frank Tobin, trans. Henry Suso. The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 130.) Sin is part error or ignorance; a diversion, a misunderstanding of truth, undeveloped good. Selfishness, pride, and independence of God are the roots of all evil and the beginnings of sin. Thence come dissension, strife, and conflict. ... It is not God's will that any should perish. (Ivy Northage's spirit communicator Chan in Paul Beard, Paul Beard,Living On. How Consciousness Continues and Evolves After Death. New York: Continuum, 1981, 87.)
God’s Will - We Have the Free Will of a Tethered Cow
Where is man's free will? All are under the will of God. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 159.) Is there any one who has free will or anything like that? It is by God's will alone that everything has always happened and shall happen. Man understands it in the long run. But then something has to be added. Just as, when a cow is tied to a post with a long tether, it can stand at a distance of one cubit from the post, or it can go up to the whole length of the tether according to its choice, so too it is with the free will of man. A man ties a cow with the idea, "Let her lie down, stand or move about as she likes within that area." Similarly God has give man some power. And He has also given him freedom to utilize it as he likes. That is why man feels himself free. But the rope is fastened to the post. And mark this: If anyone prays to Him in all humility, He may remove him to another place and tie him there; or He may lengthen the tether or even remove it completely from his neck. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Saradananda. Sri Ramakrishna, the Great Master. Madras, Sri Ramakrishna Math, 2 vols, 1979-83, I, 94.)
God’s Will - Surrender to God’s Will
From 2014 But those separated ones are not separated, because separation is not an option, they are merely unaware because they have closed their eyes to His Light, and their hearts to His Love. When you surrender to the Will of God, which as you well know is also your will, you open yourselves to His Love allowing It to flow through you, thus intensely strengthening your own individual energy fields and encouraging them to join together with those of others bringing you together as one. And in that surrender lies your eternal power, a power that you can never lose and which makes you as invincible as your Source. No one will remain forever closed to God, because the Light of His Love burns within each one of you and is, in the end, utterly irresistible. So send Love to those who are lost and shut down, no matter how harshly they are behaving, and thereby intensify the Love burning within you. As we keep telling you Love, and Love alone, is the answer to every problem. You have only to allow It to flow freely, without let or hindrance, and all will be eternally well. And there is no way that you can stop It from flowing freely, abundantly, and eternally, because It is All, there is nothing else. (Jesus via John Smallman, January 8, 2014.)
From 2013
A human life in the illusion is a very difficult undertaking. Originally, at the moment of apparent separation from your Divine Source, you were One, seeking a different experience or expression of consciousness, and you did this by the separation, by the splitting-off of Yourself into myriad individual conscious entities, each with free will. Your true One-Self desires to awaken, but to do so it must bring all the myriad individual entities, each an essential and irreplaceable part of itself, along with it. Your true One-Mind, the only Child of God, has a will that is one with God’s, that is totally in alignment with the Will of God. On Earth, within the illusion, all those individual entities with free will need to bring those individual wills into alignment with each other, with the True Self that you are all a part of. (Jesus via John Smallman, September 8, 2013.) You are on Earth as guides, Light-bearers, and wayshowers, so renewing your intent to awaken and reminding yourselves that you are the beloved children of God are essential characteristics or facets of your daily lives. … Hold firmly to your faith that you are a Divine Being, intending to surrender to God’s Will in the absolute knowledge that you cannot fail to do just that. (Jesus through John Smallman, July 7, 2013.)
From 2012 Heaven's intent for humanity is leading you all forwards towards this supremely auspicious event that will bring with it joy, happiness, peace, and prosperous abundance for all; and that event is, of course, your awakening into your natural and fully-conscious state. That moment is fast approaching and will not be delayed, even though it appears that many are still not ready to release the unloving and judgmental attitudes that, by their very adoption and maintenance, preclude them from accepting the unconditional divine Love that is constantly offered to them. However, you lightholders are ensuring, by your loving determination to do God's Will, that the necessary awareness of the insanity of those attitudes will dawn on the vast majority. A tidal wave of release will sweep through humanity as it at last embraces the incontrovertible truth that Love gently but inevitably conquers and replaces all that is opposed to it. Realizing that resistance is futile, and that it offers only further pain and suffering, the vast majority of humanity will surrender themselves joyfully into the loving arms of God. And when they do, it will be a moment of supreme glory, and to use an analogy that cannot at all compare to what you will actually experience, it will be similar to the effect you might experience if you moved instantaneously from the depths of an unlighted coal mine into the brilliant midday sunshine on a tropical beach. And then a stunning and amazing sense of wonder will clear from your minds the last few remnants of the fog of doubt and confusion in which it seems you have been embroiled for so long. (Saul, April 8, 2012.)
From 2011 You will no doubt understand why your freewill choice is so carefully honoured. Even God does not force God's will upon you, but there are laws that are applied should it cause harm to others, or interfere with their freewill. Yet as you evolve and set your sights on returning to the higher dimensions, you learn that there comes a stage where you gladly accept the Will of God. It becomes the most natural and desirable advancement, as you become a Being of Light. (SaLuSa, May 25, 2011.)
Reality is a state of divine bliss, in which all is in a state of perfect harmonious wholeness, where nothing is hidden, and where all is at peace. By holding on to even the slightest amount of anger, resentment, non-acceptance, or self-pity you anchor yourselves firmly in your illusory reality, where such attitudes are quite normal. To feel that you have been treated unfairly and to expect God to compensate you for the suffering that you have experienced makes absolutely no sense. The illusion does not exist; nothing happened there. Those negative attitudes onto which you are holding cannot be reconciled - they can only be released. There is only Love, which is all-enveloping. (Saul through John Smallman, Jan. 4, 2011.)
You … have free will and can choose not to participate with Him. You chose to do your own thing by building the illusion and hiding from Him within it, and how long you remain within it is truly your choice. You may think you want to leave it and return to His divine Reality, but until you forgive yourselves and one another unconditionally, and release all the grudges, judgments, and resentments you hold, you do not truly intend and will to return Home. (Saul through John Smallman, Jan. 4, 2011.) Undated
What God's Will gives He takes and is contented. (Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 52.) And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.c (I John 2:15-7.) Every adult has the ability to focus something of God's will or God's plan into his life. (Albert Schweitzer, Robert Leichtman, Priests of God. Atlanta, GA: Ariel Press, 1997; c1980, 37-8.) Give your power of attorney to God. One doesn't come to grief through letting a good man assume one's responsibilities. Let His Will be done. (Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 209.) All who constantly strive against God's will and who would gladly carry out their own will, if they could, have to be in suffering. (Blessed Henry Suso in Frank Tobin, trans. Henry Suso. The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 131.) [Hereafter HSU.] A liberated spirit has God and peace always present to it both in repugnant and in pleasant situations because God is truly there doing everything and being everything. How can the sight of suffering be difficult for them when they see God in it, find God in it, carry out God's will, and know nothing of their own will. (Blessed Henry Suso in HSU, 131.)
God’s Will - What is the Benefit of Following God’s Will
[I teach] what is true and what is not true, that it is true that you will not die, that it is wiser to live according to God's Will than to defy it. (Thavis in Harry Homewood, medium, Thavis is Here. New York: Fawcett, 1978, 32.) All things exist in true peace, then you are progressing rightly in truth. And this all comes about through losing one's own will, for such people are driven out of themselves by a terrible thirst for the will of God and his justice. And the will of God tastes so good to them, and they attain such majesty from it, that everything that God has ordained for them is so welcome to them that they neither want nor desire anything else. (Blessed Henry SUSO in Frank Tobin, trans. Henry Suso. The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 130.) [Hereafter HSU.] I will say nothing about the dazzling consolation and heavenly enjoyment with which God often secretly supports his suffering friends. These people are somehow just as though they were in heaven. Whatever happens to them or doesn't happen, whatever God does in his creatures or doesn't do, all works for the best in them." And so a person who knows how to suffer well is partly rewarded for his suffering on earth because he attains peace and joy in all thing. And for him following upon death is eternal life. (Blessed Henry Suso in HSU, 131.)
God’s Will - What is Life Like in a World Where All are Surrendered to the Divine Will?
From 2013
Living without laws or limits, as you will be doing – the laws of science, physics, human laws, religious laws, in fact, any kind of law or limit you can possibly imagine – is most wonderfully freeing. In reality, in Heaven there are no laws or limits because all life, all consciousness, all sentient beings are perfectly and completely in alignment with the Will of God. It is the only Will, and It is utterly free – an impossible concept for you to grasp as you strive and struggle with the constant laws and limits that a human existence imposes upon you. This infinite freedom provides an environment of boundless harmony in which all that exists melds and integrates in an endless selection of creative opportunities that complement and add to each other in the enormous and constantly expanding field of divine energy – Love – whose never-ending beauty and wonder will ceaselessly delight and astonish you. Does this perhaps sound too good to be true? I assure you that it is not. It is the limits with which the illusion has basically ensnared you which make it beyond the bounds of possibility for you to imagine the wonders of God’s Domain that awaits your awakening. Know that what God has created by His Will is for your everlasting joy, and that nothing can prevent even one of you from being an essential, inseparable and totally aware and fully conscious aspect of that state: eternal Oneness with your Father. (Saul, June 16, 2013.)
God’s Will - Misuse of God’s Will
From 2007
Many people have become inured to war as a way of life and just go about their daily affairs; employees of companies that supply the war machine are interested in their jobs continuing; young adults who see no sense in making long-term plans escape into drugs or immersion in violent computer games; feelings of the religiously devout who believe their religion is the only true one range from despising the Muslim "enemy" to accepting that their death and destruction of their country is God's will; and believers in Armageddon are simply waiting to be "saved." All in these population groupings could be considered passive supporters of the status quo by either creating more negativity for Earth to deal with or by putting forth no energy toward change. And there is another group supporting the status quo by the energy of their thoughts and feelings. The troops in the trenches need to feel that they are serving a valuable purpose and so do their anxious families. The many thousands who have sustained life-changing physical and psychological wounds and their families need to feel the same. And certainly the families of the women and men who have died on the warfront need to feel the deaths were for something meaningful or they would be inconsolable. The combined energy attachments of all those souls who need to believe [in] what they do also slows the process of change in the government that approved of waging the war and wants it to continue. (Matthew's Message, Jan. 1, 2007.)
God’s Will - We Serve the Will of God and the Divine Plan - see The Galactics and Celestials Follow the Divine Plan at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Plan_for_Ascension_I#The_Galactics_and_Celestials_Follow_the_Divine_Plan
God’s Will - Misuse of Divine Powers/Denial of Free Will
Undated Every individual in the world has an inalienable right to his free will. A saint will not encroach on that independence. (Sri Yukteswar Giri in Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. Bombay: Jaico, 1975, 114.) [Hereafter AY.] Unless necessary I do not invade the seclusion of others' minds. Man has the natural privilege of roaming secretly among his thoughts. The unbidden Lord does not enter there; neither do I venture intrusion. (Sri Yukteswar Giri in Paramahansa Yogananda, AY, 114.) Whether there is a negative personal being who can be called the devil I cannot say. I have not seen anyone personified as the devil. There certainly is an evil force which builds up from the negative aspects of life and has a tremendous influence. Thought forms which are evil certainly play a part, but I don't think they are the whole answer. The problem of evil is a very perplexing one. We have not solved it here, either. There is a negative aspect in existence which causes man to react contrary to God's will. What the original source of that negativism is, we do not know - only God knows. (A.D. Mattson, Ruth Mattson Taylor, ed., Witness from Beyond. New Cosmic Concepts on Death and Survival from the Late A.D. Mattson, S.T.D., through the Clairvoyant Margaret Flavell Tweddell. Portland, ME: Foreword Books, 1975, 57.)
God’s Will - Learning About God’s Will
The trail of thought went on a long way. This man's mental life was made up of almost endless chains of thoughts leading nowhere in particular. His mind was filled with unessentials. He had no time for thoughts beyond those which revolved continually around himself, his worldly interests, and his people. His was not a vicious mind, simply uncontrolled, self-centred, unillumined. It was shown to us as a common type. The Teacher then showed us a similar mind belonging to a man who had just come across. He was lost in the mists. Some of the senior students among us went out into the mists to help him. He was a wanderer, without home or peace. It was long before the chains could be broken and the man released from the meshes of his mind. Now he is a student here, filled with the desire to make his life of service to his fellow-men. By this and similar examples, showing the working of the human mind, we were instructed. Human will-power and its relation to the emotions; the cleansing of the human mind from sensuality; how to reflect within ourselves God's Will, and through that Will (and not our own) to harness and purify the emotional life - all this we learnt gradually. (Private Thomas Dowding in Wellesley Tudor Pole, medium, Private Dowding. The Personal Story of a Soldier Killed in Battle. London: Neville Spearman, 1966; c1917, 57-9.) The reason a soul chooses to go to Earth or any of God's other worlds ... is for the purpose of learning, of obtaining new knowledge. We spend our time here learning as well. We learn God's Will, His Way. But each of us - each individual soul - is given the privilege of choosing its own learning process. Each soul can choose how it wants to develop. (Thavis, Harry Homewood, medium, Thavis is Here. New York: Fawcett, 1978, 76.)
The Nature of the Trinity/Trimurthy/Gunas/Aum, etc.
You cannot reach God without experiencing the three states of consciousness - Holy Ghost [the Mother], Christ Consciousness [the Child], and Cosmic Consciousness [the Father]. (Paramahansa Yogananda, Self-Realization Fellowship Lesson S5 P114, 5.)
From 2015
All of the universe is patterned on the Mother, the Father, and the One. (Linda Dillon, "Albert Einstein: The Patterning of the Universe,October 3, 2015, at http://counciloflove.com/2015/10/albert-einstein-the-patterning-of-the-universe/.)
From 2014
Lord Maitreya: The magician is the Divine Mother. The machinery, the one who is running the machinery, very quietly, is the Father. ("Lord Mitreya: Come Walk with Me," channeled by Linda Dillon, Aug 20, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/08/22/lord-maitreya-come-walk-with-me/.)
From 2013
First came the Void and then came the Light, and within the Light were all good and wondrous things. ("Archangel Michael: Are You Ready to Embody Your Sacred Fire Energy?" Channelled through Ronna Herman, November 29, 2013, at: http://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html.)
Steve Beckow: The balance point is the still-point. So are you saying to us, that we should, by our own efforts, bring ourselves as close to the Father’s state of being, so to speak, as possible?
Archangel Gabrielle: Yes, I am. Because you are in the balance of both the divine masculine and feminine, the stillness and the movement. But you have the still-point within thee as well. You have this capacity. It has been part of what has been your spiritual DNA. It’s within you. SO yes, I strongly — cannot say how strongly — urge you to go to this place of stillness. (“Archangel Gabrielle on the New Golden Grid, the Process of Ascension, and the Advent of Global Prosperity – Part 2/2," channeled by Linda Dillon, August 26, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/archangel-gabrielle-on-the-new-golden-grid-the-process-of-ascension-and-the-advent-of-global-prosperity-part-22/.)
Steve Beckow: Let me ask you two questions that you don’t need to take a long time to answer. I’ll ask them both at the same time. And the first is, is what Hindus call Brahman, Atman and Shakti the same as what Christians call the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? And the second is, what is the connection between what Hindus call Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and the gunas or the cosmic forces of rajas, sattwa and tamas?
Sri Shankara: I can answer this very quickly. There are no differences.
But yes, your understandings and your efforts to bring unification of terms — because that is what it is; it is simply language; it is different words for the same energies — [are welcome.] Now, do I ask you to stop using these words? Of course not.
But is there inherent in your growing understanding a cross-cultural, as you have put it, spiritual underpinning? Because we are not speaking religion. We are speaking spirituality. We are speaking faith. We are speaking the core of your life.
You do not have to change your language or your reference points, because they all end at the same place [Brahman or God]. They all begin, travel and end at the same place. (“Sri Shankara: Everywhere You Look will be a Monsoon of Love,” June 26, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/sri-shankara-everywhere-you-look-will-be-a-monsoon-of-love/.)
In large portions of the Middle East the Divine feminine is still held in bondage, but that too must change for reality is a balance of the masculine and the feminine energies. Both energies are necessary to make the whole, one is not better than the other. Both the masculine and the feminine aspects each carry unique gifts and energies that together manifest the Divine Idea designed and created in the beginning. Man, woman, child are material, third dimensional interpretations of the higher truths of the sacred Trinity. (The Arcturian Group, June 16, 2013, in “A Gloss of the Divine Idea” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=274658.)
Creation [the Mother] is eternal and it is born of stillness [the Father]. (Divine Mother, "Mother Mary Discusses the Divine Quality of Hope-the Foundation, the Bedrock of Human Existence," February 21, 2013, at http://counciloflove.com/2013/02/mother-mary-discusses-the-divine-quality-of-hope-the-foundation-the-bedrock-of-human-existance/.)
From 2012
SB: Thank you. [Mother,] many of our listeners don’t know who it is I’m speaking to — not really. They may sense that you exist, but they know nothing of your nature. And by saying that we have a Divine Mother they probably suspect that I’m implying that we have a Heavenly Father as well. But they don’t know what makes you different, even though of course you are also the same.
Of you, Lao-tzu said, “Nameless indeed is the source of creation. But things have a mother, and she has a name.” Could you help us by saying what unites and separates you from the Father, please?
DM: What unites and separates us from what you think of as the Father and Mother is simply energy and love. It is a differentiation that we have decided upon — well, chosen, created — long, long ago, outside of time, outside of what you even conceive of as creation. It is the ability to move in and out of form. It is the ability to create and to co-create. It is the ability to be silent and to be of sound, of vibration, of movement, of sweetness.
If you were to think of the Father in terms of what you will come to understand, you would think of the Father as complete stillness, still point. And in fact so often when we urge you to go to that place it is that union that you are seeking with the Heavenly Father, with that complete sense of simply being.
I am the creative force throughout this universe, throughout the multiverse, the omniverse, but we source each other. We source each other’s energies and we move as one and yet separate and distinct.
And you say, “Well, Mother, how can this be?” And I would say back to you, “How can this not be?” For it is that perfect balance. It is the way in which we bring forth plans, discoveries, creations, universes, galaxies, humans. It is the way in which you come to know and to have an experience of One, and with me and through me, of the One as well.
So that is the explanation I offer you. ("The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2," Oct 17, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)
Steve Beckow: I have a question for you from our Hindu readers. They want to know if the gunas, the cosmic forces which are called rajas, sattwa, andtamas, are the same as the Trimurthy [Triad] of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Divine Mother: Yes. We are the same as that triad.
SB: All right. And the Trimurthy of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is a subset of the Universal Creative Vibration that you are at your essence. Is that correct?
DM: That is correct. It [the Trimurthy] is much the same as we have been speaking of. It is a way in which my beloved children can come to know me and to have that experience. It is formless, and yet it is form. It is a way of connection, and it is a way of understanding and entering into a higher vibration of being. So it helps the emergence into my energy.
SB: Sort of like stair steps?
DM: That is correct. ("The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2," Oct. 17, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)
When Archangel Michael told me that our Father/Mother God were not two separate Beings, but one unified BEING with two sets of individualized qualities, virtues and aspects, I was amazed and overjoyed. At the universal level of consciousness, there is no division, no opposition. (Ronna Herman, "The Mystery of the Vesica Piscis," Oct. 2012, athttp://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/mystery-vesica-piscis.)
From 2010
The LAW OF THE TRIANGLE is another important component of Creation. You are familiar with the Trinity concept from your Bible: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which in actuality is the Masculine facet of God, the First Ray of Divine Will/ Power, and the Holy Spirit is the Mother Facet of God, which has been infused with the Seed Thoughts–Adamantine Particles– from the mind of the Father God.
The Seed Thoughts are then activated with the Second Ray of Love/ Wisdom within the Heart Core of the Mother God and then sent forth out into the universe via the River of Life, to be used by the Suns (sons and daughters) through the qualities, attributes and aspects of the Third Ray to create worlds and wondrous things without end.
The Power of the Trinity has been a driving force throughout this universe. AA Metatron, Lord Melchizedek and I, AA Michael, form a Trinity of Consciousness at the universal level. We bear and RAY-DIATE the Divine Light / Divine Wisdom / Divine Will aspects and qualities of our Father/Mother God out into this universe. The Trinity of Consciousness is an important component of the creative process, for you must use the attributes, qualities and aspects of the three powerful God Rays if you wish to become a successful, proficient cocreator of form at any level of Creation. ("Archangel Michael: Law of the Circle. Law of the Triangle," October 5, 2010, at https://sbeckow.wordpress.com/2010/10/05/archangel-michael-law-of-the-circle-law-of-the-triangle/.)
The Father and Mother are One
From 2021
I am your connection [to the Father]. ...
I am All. I am One. ... I give you human ways, not in a way of speaking down — quite the contrary — but in ways that you may understand. When I am Father, there is a stillness, complete.
This is something that the human race is simply learning now. It is the union and conjoining of stillness with movement, and how that is the balance of everything. When I am in the Father, I do not require that movement, for that is not the way that I have created the Father.
So, they are the two halves of the whole. Many who listen to this will be a little confused, and yet, my children, there is no need for confusion.
Let me explain further. In many traditions, I am considered the Mother of All; in some traditions, the Mother of God, Source, One. Now, what does this mean? It means exactly what it says: I am the beginning and I am the completion, the end. ...
Creation comes from movement, and it is movement into form, into energy, into substance, into essence — however you conceive of that. But do not negate the role of the Father, of the masculine, because in that is the stillness of the moment of creation, what you think of. So it is the combination.
You say, 'Mother, how can you do both?' It is who I am. ("Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012," at http://goldenageofgaia.com/the-2012-scenario/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-on-an-hour-with-an-angel-may-7-2012/
From 2020
I come today ... as integrated Source of One. (The Divine Mother in "The New You" Course, Nov. 28, 2020, channeled by Linda Dillon.)
From 2017
Yes, I am Mother, and I would be remiss if I did not say that I am Father. I am One. ("An Hour With An Angel – The Divine Mother: Welcome To ‘New Time’," Jan. 27, 2015, through Linda Dillon, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/01/27/divine-mother-welcome-new-time/.)
From 2015
When Archangel Michael told me that our Father/Mother God were not two separate Beings, but one unified BEING with two sets of individualized qualities, virtues and aspects, I was amazed and overjoyed. At the universal level of consciousness, there is no division, no opposition. ("THE MYSTERY OF THE VESICA PISCIS" transmitted by Ronna Herman, Sacred Scribe: LM-10-2012," at http://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/messages-aam/607-aam-10-2012.html.)
My essence is love. The Father and I are conjoined as One, [by?] our love. And it is from this union that all is born. “Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/06/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-density-is-unloving-emotion-love-is-lightness-of-being/.
From 2014
Divine Mother: Not only are we, and you may frame that as the Father and I – the One – not only are we constant and never-changing, we are also ever-changing, expanding, growing, creating. But the fabric, the constructs, the concepts, the divine love, the sacred blessings and virtues, what you think of as divine qualities or values, practices, these do not change. (“Universal Mother Mary explains the last Universal Law in our series: the Law of Constancy and Continuity,” Dec. 4, 2014, through Linda Dillon, at https://counciloflove.com/2013/12/universal-mother-mary-explains-the-last-universal-law-in-our-series-the-law-of-constancy-and-continuity/)
Divine Mother: I am, yes, Mother/Father One. I am honored, I am joyous to speak to you as Mother.
Steve Beckow: Thank you.
DM: But you know, and all of you know, I speak to you as One, and I speak to you as love.(“The Divine Mother: Beloveds, You are at a Critical Juncture – Part 2,” July 25, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/07/25/the-divine-mother-beloveds-you-are-at-a-critical-juncture-part-2/.)
Archangel Michael: The Mother ... is the ultimate architect, you know.
Steve Beckow: Yes, and just for our listeners the Mother and the Father are not different.
AAM: They are one.
SB: Yes, they are one.
AAM: You differentiate for purposes of clarity and understanding. But you do not differentiate in terms of when you think of as Source, and that is why I have used this term today, to say that we are fueled by Source. (“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/06/13/archangel-michael-on-the-angelic-kingdom/.)
From 2013
There is no true separation between the Father and me. There is delineation and definition, just as there is in your own roles and the choices that you have made time after time. ("The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before," channeled by Linda Dillon, November 14, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/the-divine-mother-you-are-experiencing-love-in-ways-that-you-have-not-known-before/.)
You may address me however you choose — Father/Mother One, All — but certainly I come to you this day in what you would think, or feel, as the presence of the Mother. ("The Divine Mother: The Role of Clarity," Oct. 8, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/08/the-divine-mother-the-role-of-clarity/)
Divine Mother: Not only are we, and you may frame that as the Father and I – the One – not only are we constant and never-changing, we are also ever-changing, expanding, growing, creating [depending on what aspect of her we look at].
But the fabric, the constructs, the concepts, the divine love, the sacred blessings and virtues, what you think of as divine qualities or values, practices, these do not change. (“Universal Mother Mary explains the last Universal Law in our series: the Law of Constancy and Continuity,” Dec. 4, 2014, through Linda Dillon, at https://counciloflove.com/2013/12/universal-mother-mary-explains-the-last-universal-law-in-our-series-the-law-of-constancy-and-continuity/)
From 2012
SB: Mother, you say you are movement, and that implies that the Father is stillness. But you are the Father as well as the Mother. Can you, if it’s at all possible, explain to our listeners what the difference is between your aspect as the Mother and your aspect as the Father?
DM: Yes, because, as I have said, I am All, I am One. And, if you will, as you will be speaking with the Father, (1) of course there will be more information. But also know, I am All. So, I give you human ways, not in a way of speaking down — quite the contrary — but in ways that you may understand. When I am Father, there is a stillness, complete.
This is something that the human race is simply learning now. It is the union and conjoining of stillness with movement, and how that is the balance of everything. When I am in the Father, I do not require that movement, for that is not the way that I have created the Father. (2) So, they are the two halves of the whole. Many who listen to this will be a little confused, and yet, my children, there is no need for confusion. Let me explain further. In many traditions, I am considered the Mother of All; in some traditions, the Mother of God, Source, One. Now, what does this mean? It means exactly what it says: I am the beginning and I am the completion, the end. (3) Each of you — and I have strongly encouraged you not only to discover but to find the masculine aspect of yourself, and the feminine, the stillness and the movement — you cannot have creation of any kind without both.
Creation comes from movement, and it is movement into form, into energy, into substance, into essence — however you conceive of that. But do not negate the role of the Father, of the masculine, because in that is the stillness of the moment of creation, what you think of. So it is the combination.
You say, “Mother, how can you do both?” It is who I am. And you, each one of you, are embedded with these qualities directly from my being, from my heart. I give you human ways rather than just sheer energy, which I also transmit to you now, but not only to embrace me, but to understand, because you are in your process also of fulfillment. It is part of your progression. It is already created.
I invite you to stay in the Now but also suggest to you and tell you, it is already done.
Does this answer your question, child?
SB: Well, I have to ask you one further question, Mother, to make sure that I understand completely what you just said. And I regret that I have to use a little bit of jargon, but I’ll explain to my readers later.
When you use the word “the Father,” are you referring to the conditioned Brahman? And if you are, could you tell us about your aspect as the transcendental Absolute? (4)
DM: Many who listen do not understand this or these terms.
SB: Yes, I realize that.
DM: And part of my desire is to make very clear, that people do understand. So, ensure, beloved, that you do make these terms very clear for your readers and listeners.
SB: I will. But if you would just confirm for me that you are speaking about the conditioned Brahman rather than the Transcendental Absolute, I can do the rest.
DM: Yes, that is exactly what I am speaking of. ("The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2," Oct. 17, 2012 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)
(1) The InLight radio team had earlier discussed speaking with the Universal Mother for Mother’s Day and the Holy Father (what I have called elsewhere the conditioned Brahman) for Father’s Day. The conditioned Brahman refers to God in form, in the material world of the Mother, in the phenomenal domain. God can be formless or in form. The Mother would have to be referring to the Father in form here because the formless Father cannot speak.’ The Father in form would indeed be her creation; she has created everything in form. For more on this see “The Father and the Father … by the Mother,” May 7, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/05/the-father-and-the-father-by-the-mother/
(2) The Father is uncreated and created the Mother. But insofar as the Father has a “created” aspect, the Mother has created that aspect. In form she is the only Creator. Outside of form, he is the Source of creation. This is why the Mother says “creation comes from movement.” Creation in the world of form does come from movement; when something moves not, it dissolves back into the Formless or Transcendental Absolute.
(3) The Mother and the Father are not different. They are one. Therefore it is as true for the Mother to say I am the beginning, the middle and the end as it is for the Father. When It moves, God is the Mother; when It is still, God is the Father. That is the chief difference between the two.
(4) See footnote 1.
Who is the Mother?
From 2020
Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare [the Ocean of Love], Universal Mother, Mother of Hope, Mother of Change, Mother of One, Mother of All – and yes, sweet one, Mother of thee. And I come this day in this capacity, but I also come as Infinite Eternal Creator.
And I come as Guardian, for although it is the Father’s and my Eternal Divine Plan, I am also Guardian of this Plan – I am Overseer, I am Implementer, I am Guardian. I guide the pieces as if this was a chess board; no, not that I am suggesting to you, like many arrogant leaders, that in fact I do not take into account the hearts and minds, positions, yearnings, progressions of each and every one of my angelic children.
And let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings. And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle. It does not matter your colour, your hue. You are my Angels, birthed from my being – birthed not only from my womb, but from my heart. ("The Mother’s Clarion Call to All of Humanity!" April 21, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=309417.)
The Father and the Mother Create the Child
From 2017
I have chosen and created and birthed you into form. That is the Plan at work and I have done this, we have done this, with that spark of divinity so that you would be divine in form. ... ("Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017," February 28, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/02/28/transcript-divine-mother-take-divine-authority-ahwaa-february-23-2017/.)
From 2015
Each being is a sacred expression of our Divine Mother. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 11, 2015.)
The Mother Leads the Child to the Father
Steve Beckow: Mother, you’re also known as the Word of God, and Aum, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, the noise of many waters. Solomon called you Wisdom. Why is the knowledge of you “more precious than rubies”?
DM: Well, first of all, it is the way that human beings can express how they know me. But knowledge of me is more precious than anything, because I am your connection [to the Father]. When you are with me in the fullness of union, as full as you can know it while in form, then you are connected, and in, not only my creation, but my wisdom and my love. And in that is all. It is all you need to know or can know or will know.
It brings you beyond the human experience. And, yes, I am also the voice crying in the wilderness. ("Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012," at http://goldenageofgaia.com/the-2012-scenario/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/transcript-of-the-divine-mother-on-an-hour-with-an-angel-may-7-2012/.)