So you have chosen to ascend while still in embodiment.
You have chosen to become fully conscious and own fully the Christed Light that Shines within and through you (crystallising every cell in your body- and thus the “growing pains”) .
You have chosen to be fully committed to the LEAD of your “Soul Self” and “Spirit Mentoring”.
You must have done this otherwise you would not be here making this transition to total unconditionality of this evolving New Earth reality.
It can be a journey of continued struggle of “ups and down” or it can be one of Grace and Ease.
This is your choice, moment by moment, for you are a Master Being. And if you will not Listen to your own Voice within and let go, allow, and Love what “was/is/will be” then something will be taken away from you. Your house, your job, your relationships, your health, etc, etc…..Whatever will make you “Listen Up”.
YOU, your “Soul Self” makes no compromise in this choice you have made. Neither does iit judge you nor censor you.
So every iota, “jot and tittle”, of thought that holds you to your stubborn refusal to look, listen, and accept this Grande choice by making aligned choices has to be “rooted” out.
Not necessarily through stress, angst, and pain but through your willingness to observe your own process, through the Love, acceptance and allowance of it all to pass through you, to be recognised, honoured, and Loved by You.
Along with this “dispossession” comes the erasing of your identity. The person you thought you were. And thus the empty feeling, “boredom”, and temporary grieving of loss of purpose.
As you “step out of the way”, and live your Lovingness then Grace flows. You begin to see more and more clearly that the Divine does all the “heavy lifting” and you become free to Love and express your Joy and your Creativity.
You drop all aspects of being in control, bring out the 2 year old in you, and give it all over to a New authority that knows far better what is the very best for you.
Do You GET IT?
There is absolutely NO WAY you will not be OK……….Beautiful HUman
I So Love You