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Writer's pictureDrago Kulic


Updated: Jan 21, 2022

The new system, which is Divine Government, comes in. And then everybody is on the same playing field. Thatā€™s what weā€™re talking about, when we say that every single man, woman and child will be receiving $10 million [after NESARA is enacted].

Yet as we learn about the new systemā€”it wonā€™t be working at all like the old one. So metaphorically and physically speaking, that $10 million will be worth, within a month after the enactment of NESARA law, [due to the re-indexing (re-pricing) of all products and services], it will be worth $100 million.

In other words, there isnā€™t going to be a single soul lacking for anything. Of course the physicality of the structures that are needed, and the helping of people to get re-oriented to life on this planet under Divine Governmentā€”the whole worldā€™s going to be doing that together.

Rama Berkowitz,

who is working under the Ashtar Command.

Rama is the only White Knight who is not under a gag order regarding NESARA.

Unlike every White Knight working in media or government (and there are many), he was not forced to sign a gag order that states that the individual cannot speak about NESARA in public.

Also Ashtar is Ramaā€™s father. He over lighted Ramaā€™s Earth father to bring him through.

SAINT GERMAINE - Change is on the Horizon - Dawn of the Golden Age (Full Version)

Changes will begin in the United States. These are just a few of the reforms NESARA will bring:

Erases all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities

Abolishes the IRS and all income tax

Creates a 14% flat rate nonessential-new-items-only sales tax as revenue for the government ā€” food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as older homes

Increases benefits to seniors

Returns constitutional law to all courts and legal matters

Requires new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days after NESARAā€™s announcement

Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups

Creates a new US Treasury rainbow currency ā€” one backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933

Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation

Begins a new US Treasury bank system in alignment with Constitutional law

Eliminates the Federal Reserve system

Ends all aggressive US government military actions worldwide

Establishes Peace throughout the world ā€” US troops will be brought home from around the world as Peace is declared; in alignment with the Constitution, there will be No standing armies, and that will be permanently observed

Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes

Enables the release of thousands of suppressed technologies currently being withheld from the public under the guise of national security ā€” this includes free energy devices, antigravity devices, and sonic healing machines [6,000 technologies will be released initially, followed by the release of more than 60,000 technologies]

The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Sir Francis Bacon / Saint Germain

Portrait by Pourbus the Younger, 1617

"I have held up a light in the obscurity of Philosophy, which will be seen centuries after I am dead. It will be seen amidst the erection of Tombs, Theatres, Foundations, Temples, Orders and Fraternities for nobility and obedience ā€” the establishment of good laws as an example to the World. For I am not raising a Capitol or Pyramid to the Pride of men, but laying a foundation in the human understanding for a holy Temple after he model of the World. For my memory I leave it to Men's charitable speeches, to foreign Nations and the next Ages, and to my own Country after some Time has elapsed." Francis Bacon, Advancement of Learning (1605), Bk II.

Sir Francis Bacon was a Utopian at heart who hoped to enlighten religion and increase education and the knowledge of science and thereby create the New JerUSAlem. Bacon proposed a blueprint for a new Golden Age through all allegorical novel called the New Atlantis, his magnum opus, published in 1627, shortly after the foundation of the English colonies in the New World. It describes the creation of a scientific institute within the American colonies along the lines of the Invisible College advocated in the Rosicrucian Manifestos. Sir Francis expressed his views on this subject several times, claiming that the New Kingdom on Earth which was Virginia exemplified the Kingdom of Heaven. He was more explicit in a speech to Parliament when he called for the establishment of Solomon's House or Temple in the new colonies. In this clear reference to King Solomon's Temple in a New JerUSAlem, Bacon stated that the founding of the colonies in Virginia in 1606 was a spiritual act as well as a political one. Even given the potential sensationalism of these views, the most enduring theory about Sir Francis Bacon suggests that he actually authored the works of Shakespeare and that his original manuscripts lay in a vault beneath the Bruton Parish Church of Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia while some claim they lay buried in a vault up in Oak Island, Nova Scotia. Where they were deposited by the earliest privateers and Freemasons, who supported Bacon.

Title page of the 1628 edition of Sir Bacon's New Atlantis

In his learned romance New Atlantis, Sir Francis Bacon supposes that a sailing vessel lands on an unknown island called Bensalem, over which a certain king Solomon reigned in days of yore. It has been established that the sailing vessels of the Phoenician King Hiram of Tyre and King Solomon were at sea for forty-two days before reaching the gold mines of Ophir. Thus, North America appears not only to be a good candidate for the location of his new King Solomon's mines and the land of Ophir (Treasures of El Dorado?), but also, in all probability, to be the private source of gold for both the Knights Templars and the Royal House of Stewart or Stuart who have always protected the royal Davidic bloodline. While the chancellor of England under the reign of King James the First, Sir Francis immersed himself in a mystical, hermetic philosophy and practiced alchemy as well. Once he wrote that alchemists were like the sons of the man who told them he had left gold buried in the Vineyard. After vigorous digging, they found no gold, but they had turned up the soil and mold around the roots of the vines and so produced a plentiful vintage the coming season. Thus; "The quest for gold brought to light many useful inventions and advanced society in innumerable ways." -- Sir Francis Bacon

NESARA is all of that, yet it is far more than all of that, because it is about Ascension.

NESARA is about Divine Government, not because that is the cure to all ills, but because that is humanityā€™s way of finally permitting the freedoms, the sovereignty of all beings, to fully occur on this planet.

It is a powerfully conscious step forward into fifth dimensional living.

This plan first began in the United States, with St Germainā€™s original vision of a New Atlantis being rooted in that continent.

The forms created there would then spread throughout the world, as more and more countries saw what was possible for a free societyā€”and as increasing levels of Light spread throughout human consciousness.

The United States was never originally intended to be a place of the mass murder of millions of Native peoples, mass slavery of millions of Africans, and the mass incarceration and enforced poverty of millions in the present day.

It was meant to be, as some envisioned in the seventeenth century, a City on a Hillā€”a sign to all nations that human sovereigntyā€”human dignityā€”could indeed be established in ways that no government, no usurper, no king or queen, and no ā€œforeignā€ or off-world invader could displace.

That dream was put to one side, when the old powers-that-were succeeded in bribing, threatening, or assassinating those safeguarding the original ideals of those following and supporting St Germain.

(Yes, St Germain was present in the United States in her early years, and as an immortal, is present there still.)

Yet this great vision has never died.

It comes to fruition through the precepts and provisions of NESARA, brainstormed by a group of 14 highly conscious Congress members and one young state senator from Illinois (Barack Obama), assisted by Faction Three White Knights.

It was passed by Congress in March 2000 due to intervention of the White Knights, headed by Faction Three White Knight leader King of Swords.

It was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton in October 2000.

Yet it has never been fully enacted.

We see many questions coming to our writer concerning NESARA.

The information below seeks to inform and to encourage all to understand that though great sums of money will indeed flow for communities and individuals after NESARAā€™s enactment, it represents far more than this.

It is first and foremost a spiritual undertakingā€”Earthā€™s people actively declaring their sovereignty above all other claims upon them.

This is unprecedented for a third dimensional planet. It requires great vigilance, and some bravery on your parts.

But you are fully able. And we are by your side, at every moment.

The White Knights comprise 20 million sovereign world militia forces working here on Earth [and answering to the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization], to support Earthā€™s Ascension and complete liberation from usurper control.

They are the Earth-based portion of the Ashtar Command, answering to Captain Ashtar and Lord Admiral Sananda Kumara.

Four million come from Earth, and the other 16 million from elsewhere in the Universe ā€” the Galactics (non-Earth-born members) are able to take on the appearance of any Earth human.

The White Knights work solely within the Office of the Christ. (In this context, ā€œChristā€ is not used as a modifier for Yeshuaā€™s name, but to indicate crystalline or Lightbody higher consciousness.)

They carry out many different kinds of missions on behalf of the Ashtar Command, in service to humanity and the higher realms. They work tirelessly to support and enable the full enactment of NESARA law.

They do not break ranks in the sense of placating the dark hats in the long run, though they do hide their true identities and missions, as is necessary to ensure their safety and the safe completion of their missions.

There are also numerous ā€œwhite hatsā€ in government, media, education, medicine, and many other fields.

The white hats are not White Knights, and are not part of Faction Three.

True white hats are simply persons of high ethical standard, conscience, and compassion, who are evolving and wish to support the evolvement and Ascension of Earth and Her people, whether they would describe their work in those terms or not.

The White Knights have reported that the dinar/dong/Zimbabwe scheme was created by the Bush/Clinton crime family and a former US senator in 2004.

This is a very dark scheme, intentionally created as a way to encourage Lightworkers to invest in a currency scheme, in part so that they would view NESARA (there is no GESARA) purely in terms of money.

Most Lightworkers are unaware that the money invested in those currencies was used to create hedge funds that in turn have funded black operationsā€”covert military attacksā€”all over the planet.

These actions have killed millions of innocent people, and injured, traumatized, and left homeless millions more.

These occur in places where the old power crowd are highly motivated to keep the local population in fear and chaos, such as the Middle East.

Millions have purchased dinars, dongs, or Zimbabwes, believing the false channelings on numerous disinformation websites, which stated that those currencies could be traded in, once NESARA was enacted, and that those holding those currencies would then become millionaires.

Yet in so doing, they support and enter the energies of a very dark scheme, highly damaging to any participantā€™s energies and consciousness.

Those currencies were marked both etherically and physically so that when Lightworkers came forward to trade in their dinars, dongs, or Zimbabwes after a false ā€œrevalā€ announcement, they would be spotted immediately, arrested, and detained.

That plan has now been stopped by the Faction Three White Knights, though the dark intent behind the currency scheme is still in place.

Understand that all currencies will be equal to one another after NESARA is fully enacted.

And that NESARA will be a fifth dimensional moment, not an ā€œelevatedā€ or ā€œrevisedā€ third dimensional moment.

This is what so many have yet to grasp, because they do not dare allow themselves to envision that far and that high.

Those holding these currencies unwittingly belong to a dark etheric matrix that is draining them of their life force.

We powerfully encourage all holding these currencies to immediately trade them in, or to burn them.

There will be plentiful Abundance once NESARA is announced.

Leaves yourselves open to that very high and joyful moment.

Saint Germain, right side view of photo.....

GESARA cannot exist, except under a ā€œone world government,ā€ and you are not going toward that notion. You are going away from it, into complete human freedom and sovereignty.

Second, it matters not whether a debt is 10 minutes old or 90 years oldā€”the banks and credit institutions will be all dissolved under NESARA, as will the entire system of debt as you know it, and replaced by a fair and equality-based system of precious metals-backed currencies.

Only personal loansā€”money borrowed from a friend or family member, for exampleā€”will need to be repaid.

Regarding those who worked hard and paid their billsā€”that was their choice, to engage in and support the current financial system.

That was their individual path and experience. Anotherā€™s path, and anotherā€™s choices, have nothing to do with anyone elseā€™s path.

Most have followed the current system because they have had no idea that any other system could be created.

They have lived numerous Earth lives under a dark and heavy matrix that has steadily informed them that debt slavery is the only existing reality, and that they endanger their lives or quality of life by not obeying it.

There is a far higher perspective from which to view human life, rather than the perspective that ā€œothers do not deserve, because I have worked harder than them.ā€

All benefit from NESARA, if they are in the Light, or choose to come into the Light.

And NESARA is far more than money and debts dissolved.

As we note above, it is about human sovereignty, and the move as a planet into fifth dimensional consciousness.

Under that Unity-based ideal, there is no need for competition or the feeling that some have it unfairly easy while others have it unfairly hard.

All such comparisons fall to the wayside, except for those who prefer to remain in the struggle of third dimensional consciousness.

NESARA will apply first to the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia, followed by groups of other countries until it spreads throughout the world.

NESARAā€™s precepts and provisions will be modified so as to be culturally relevant and fair to every nation and every culture, so that all peoples throughout the world have all the Abundance and the human rights and freedoms that fifth dimensional living requires.

Again ā€” from that time on, all currencies will be equal to one another.

Again, we encourage all to consider that NESARA lawā€™s full enactment as not a thing to be ā€œwaiting for,ā€ but as something to daily envision, give thanks for, and celebrate as if it were already announced.

This speeds the completion of all steps to create it fully in your midst.

You came to be powerful co-Creators, not hapless recipients of someone elseā€™s idea of how you should live.

NESARA is about just that sort of empowermentā€”behold it fully, and live it fully, dear ones!

We are with you, always.

Now is the time to learn Earthā€™s true history, as well as the truth behind current events.

The time for being spoon fed information from limited or untrustworthy sources is over.

We create NESARAā€™s enactment by envisioning it dailyā€”getting the feeling of the reality of it within us, and celebrating and giving thanks, as though it were already here.

Remember the great Hopi prophecy: ā€œWe are the ones we have been waiting for.ā€

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Gregory Palmes
Gregory Palmes
Nov 05, 2021

Sounds Fantastic I long to be Really Free not have to worry about money sounds too good I hope it to be Real !

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