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Kundalini Ascension (Lord Sananda / Jeshua) 24/4/24

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

I am Sananda and I come to be with you at this time in this great time of transformation and yes, transfiguration that you are all moving through just as this meditation by the one who gave this meditation is bringing you to that next level of yourselves. Each and every one of you are moving through this process. And you must understand that you are the process itself. It’s difficult, we know, for you to understand some of these concepts. But through repeating these things over and over and over from week to week, month to month, and even year to year, you are finally beginning to grasp what we have been attempting to bring to you in terms of training, in terms of knowing, and even more in terms of remembering who and what you really are. For you are all so much more than just this flesh and blood that tends to move throughout your day and all of the programming is a part of this. You are so much more than that, each and every one of you. You have come from the ethers and you have come down and the energies that you once were have individualized here on the earth and you have, throughout the sojourn here in the earth through this evolutionary process,

You have more and more and more taken on the levels of Christ consciousness that you were able to handle through these various lifetimes. And now in this final lifetime, in this earth sojourn, at this point in this timeline, you are going to and are in the process of experiencing the full descent of the Christ consciousness here into you, each and every one of you as an individual and as an individualized collective consciousness as well. So it is beyond the thinking process at a third dimensional level. But as you raise your consciousness and the vibrational frequency which is raising throughout the world, which is raising consciousness, especially to those who are ready, it is preparing you for the next level, the next phase, if you will, of your ascension process. And the eclipse that has just happened, the solar eclipse that has just occurred has propelled you into this next phase of your ascension process.

First, there is the transition that you are moving through, the transition which takes you from the old third dimensional illusionary realm into the fourth dimension and even into the fifth dimensional expression. And as you know, you have at times found yourself moving between the various expressions. Sometimes you are there in the third dimensional and the programs are so rampant within you. And then through a matter of raising up in vibration, you are then in the fourth dimensional expression and experiencing more of the love and the higher level connectedness that are there at that level. And then there are those two when the blissful feelings come over you and there are those times when you don’t even know where that blissful feeling came from. It just appeared. It just was there for you. That my friends is a fifth dimensional expression. That is where you begin to find yourselves into the next realm or the next phase of this transition and your attention, your full ascension.

I am Sandada and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness that you will continue on throughout this process knowing fully that everything that you are doing each and every day is moving you a step further, a step further along in this process. Peace and love be with all.



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