John Smallman

Allow yourselves to cease clinging to any sense of unworthiness.
Love is not something for which you need to seek because It is what you are! However, as humans in form, it appears to you that it is something that you need to receive from someone else, or from God. However, there is only Love, PERIOD! As totally unique and individuated expressions of God, you – each individual sentient being without any exceptions – are all aspects, unique expressions of the Love that is All that exists, and which exists without interruption for all eternity – the endless moment of Now.
God and you are eternally changeless and unchanging expressions of Love. You have just forgotten this divine and unalterable truth, and it therefore seems to you that you are without It. To be without Love would be to cease to exist, and that thought is terrifying. It is the thought that you used to invent or construct an unreal environment in which to experience separation from one-another and therefore from Mother/Father/God, not realizing – how could you? because they do not exist – the terror, fear, and uncertainty that you would also experience.
Large numbers of people are seemingly living in that state, and some of them are undergoing extreme pain, suffering, and anguish because of it. To awaken is to release your fearful grip on the unreal thought that you experience as a physical material environment. An environment in which your physical forms endure illness, disease, injury, and death, all apparently absolutely terrifying possibilities leading to an inevitable personal terminal event – death – nothingness – extinction.
Do not be alarmed, because THERE IS NO SUCH STATE! There is only Reality, total and inseparable Oneness in Union with Mother/Father/God. Therefore live fearlessly, offering only Love to all others in every moment, and know that All is indeed extremely well. When you do just this, peace will become the major Presence in your lives.
The whole point of these messages, that I am offering to you frequently and regularly, is to assist you as you follow your beautifully pre-planned human paths to your awakening. I followed mine, and I know how hard it can be, but I also know that your success is guaranteed, because it is divinely assured. Each of you in form now as humans chose the paths that you find yourselves presently living and engaging with because you wanted to remember your Oneness with God, both as a being in form and at the same time as the absolutely limitless eternal being that you are when you choose to be formless.
You each have limitless access to the All, to your Source, to Love, and you can therefore present yourselves in any manner at all that appeals to your boundless creative abilities. Human form is just one of those many options, but you chose to use it to experience the impossible – separation!
Why is it impossible? It is impossible because nothing that is not in complete alignment with Love has ever existed or can ever exist. You are each eternally and inseparably in Union with Love, with your Source, the only Source of your eternal existence.
Your awakening is your free will choice to terminate the unreal game of separation, and to return to a constant state of conscious awareness of your Union with Mother/Father/God. Words are totally inadequate as a means to explain, express, or define what exists without limit. In Truth each and every sentient being, whether in form or formless, is as limitless as Mother/Father/God, because you are each eternally One with Her in that ‘state’ that is limitless. The limits you experience as humans in form do not exist and never can. Your divine destiny is to know yourselves fully as you are, to be constantly aware – constantly fully mindfully aware – of your most beautiful and infinite V A S T N E S S at One with Her.
When you take your daily quiet time alone in your holy inner sanctuaries remind yourselves of this eternal Truth. Honor yourselves, as God does in every moment, and allow yourselves to cease clinging to any sense of unworthiness or sinfulness, because you were created divinely perfect and changeless just like your Source. Love is total, infinite, unconditional acceptance of ALL of Its divine creations. There is nothing to judge or condemn because, despite all of the illusory experiences that so many are still undergoing, Love can only Love, and does only Love. Sweep out the debris from your minds – those false and utterly invalid senses or feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, and sinfulness – and open your hearts and invite Love to enter, She will, and you will feel Her loving embrace.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
PS from John.
I have just been reading and loving the book listed below, and decided to list it here in case any of you, who are not already familiar with it, might like to see if it also appealed to you.
Blessings, John.
“The age of the Heart” received by Sebastián Blaksley.