Steve Beckow

Michael and the Mother say that everyone on the planet at this moment is from the angelic kingdom.
The Divine Mother informs us:
Divine Mother: Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings. (1)
Now mix in something that Michael said:
AAM: The awareness, when you choose to acknowledge it, and the, shall we call it, the angelic abilities, are present in the human race, in the individual human form at this time. (2)
Add to that what Sanat explained, on the subject:
Sanat Kumara: You are not simply a fragment of who you are above and we don’t know how many times we will have to say this, we will say it until it is firmly anchored within your knowing conscious self. In this lifetime, in this incarnation, you have brought the fullness of your soul design, the totality of your being, into form. (3)
Mix the three together and what the Company of Heaven said so many times years ago about not knowing who was here makes a lot more sense now.
Well, what are we waiting for to get out there and create?
Not so fast. What they’re setting out is, in my view, a balancing act. On the one hand we’re invited to acknowledge and become aware of our angelic abilities. On the other hand, we’re reminded not to set ourselves apart from others, feel entitled, put ourselves above others, etc.
Michael has mentioned the subject often:
Archangel Michael: I remind you that you are a pillar, that you [are] not [to] venture too far ahead of where people are, both individually in terms of your smaller circle but also in terms of the collective. (4)
AAM: Because you are a communicator, it is important not only to share the truth of your being, of our being, but also to be able to clearly relate to people where they are. (5)
AAM: If you venture, as you would often like, too far ahead of the crowd, then who are you speaking to? (6)
We need to avoid egoism, entitlement, or snobbishness. Michael encourages us:
Archangel Michael: There can be no room for this [lightworker] sense of arrogance, entitlement.
That somehow because you have been blessed, you are above. That is not the purpose. Think of it as putting you below. You are blessed because you are in a position to be of greater service. …
As you assume profile – whether it is because of money or notoriety or political power or financial power, it matters not – it gives you a sense of being elevated. We would encourage you to take the elevator to the basement.
Start there. (7)
So here we are, walking a tightrope of bringing our full form into service while neither elevating ourselves nor submitting to others’ exalting behavior over us.
So why discuss it if it’s replete with pitfalls? The Mother tells us:
Divine Mother: The reason we speak of this is for you to comprehend, my beloved ones, the scope, the majesty, the potential of what you are capable of. Yes, as archangels, as angels, as star seed. It matters not how you conceive of yourself, how you perceive of yourself, you are of my essence. And in that you carry the pattern of all. You carry the pattern of love which has such a myriad of faces, expressions and ways of being. (8)
If we’re all angels, then it awakens hope to realize “the scope, the majesty, the potential of what you are capable of.”
If we knew the love of which she speaks, the passage would come alive for us. I can’t imagine the levels of love there are to be experienced on our journey Home, but I’m excited to be underway.
I also can’t imagine what we as a global society will be capable of when we awaken to our angelic identity. But I can feel it, sense it, intuit it. And the mere thought of it excites me.