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I am God. You are God. Everything is God. It’s Just so Plain, November 8, 2022 by Steve Beckow

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

Steve Beckow

I notice how I’m always wanting to restrict God to one “thing”: love, consciousness, energy, light, darkness, stillness, voidness, etc.
If I’m thinking of God as consciousness and someone else is thinking of God as love and wants me to see things from that perspective, I bristle. My view is right, I assert, from the densest, darkest right/wrong levels of my being….
But God is everything … and nothing … and everything-not-a-thing. God is all.
Thinking of God as exclusive – God is consciousness, not love – hasn’t gotten me anywhere. I can say that from this lofty perch six years beyond the Biblical threescore and ten.
I’d like to try thinking of God now as inclusive for a change. God is everything, everyone, everywhere.
You are God. I am God. OK, in an unrealized state, but God nonetheless.
Who was it that said: If you know that to be true, why don’t you act like it?
If I acted like it, I’d satisfy Archangel Michael’s implicit invitation to act from all the divine qualities rather than just one:
“Human beings, particularly those in the higher vibrations, [are] learning to hold all the divine qualities and to be operating from all the divine qualities at once.” (1)
All of us are after all angelics, ascended masters, multidimensional, intergalactic. (2) Implicitly we – the Creator Race – are transcendental beings, with access to the Absolute. (3)
Why can’t we – and why shouldn’t we – act like it?
When we fully realize we are God, our individuality apparently wanes. I used to believe it was absorbed back into the One but I’ve recently changed my opinion, given what Michael and the Mother have said. (5)
I believe Father/Mother God designed the return to Them to be ever more joyful. We care much about right/wrong here: accuracy in details about the highest levels. But by the time we even simply get them in sight, so to speak, we’ve lost all caring. By the time we ascend even to the Fifth Dimension, we’ll have lost all caring. Love will sweep it away from us – the same love that we are since we and it are everything. (It follows, does it not?)
Everything is God, including you and me. All that really matters is realizing that and acting up to what that calls forth from us.
I am God. You are God. Everything is God. It’s just so plain.
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