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Writer's pictureDrago Kulic

Elena Danaan : Message from EA... 27/12/23

As a Xmas present, here is a page I created on my website with all the transcripts of Ea's messages shared in the episodes of Star Nation News ..
Ea always did the best in his power to protect humans of Earth from the despicable agendas and horrible acts of his half brother Yuh, aka Enlil. Unfortunately, Ea never was a warlord. He was a compassionate being with a great heart, a geneticist, an alchemist, but never led armies into battle. So when the ultimate confrontation came between himself and Enlil's reptilian factions, Ea lost the battle and could not come back to Earth until Enlil and his minions would be taken out of the equation. Which eventually happened, in the end of the year 2021. It was the year Ea came back, in September, carrying with him the most beautiful gift of all: the Grail. The original genetic template of the unspoiled Adamic DNA. A lot is to be said about this beautiful, wise and powerful being.
Your sovereignty
Dec 25 2023
Do not be afraid of the wars occurring near to you, for they are only the ways Creator plays out Evolution.
In the path of Evolution, when confronted to wars, always chose Peace, compassion, mediation,
but always offer assistance to the weaker ones.
With power comes responsibility, and the duty to protect the oppressed.
Give, instead of taking. Love, instead of judging.
In an ideal universe, when everything is shared in equity, wars cease.
Give to those who need. Take the gifts that are given to you, and express your gratitude.
My children, beautiful people, made of intergalactic starlight and the love of my heart.
I may be too far to hear your cries, from my ship in the orbit of Jupiter, 484 million miles from Earth, Ki,
but my heart tingles with the resonance of your hopes, your laughter, your despair and your tears.
You have come a long way, beautiful ones,
and you are just about to discover the true extent of the potential of your heritage: Infinity.
I am back, here to tell you to not listen anymore to those of the dark who have been controlling your thoughts
for the eons of time. They subverted your mind, undermined your power.
Many of you are now realizing that they and their ancestors had been played, generation after generation.
I am so proud of you, who dare opening your eyes and see truly, without fear,
without holding back, nor looking back.
Hear truly the voice inside of you, coming from within.
It is your higher consciousness speaking, addressing the beautiful being that you are.
Stand up, the time for kneeling is gone.
Sit on your throne, wear the crown of light and firmly grab the armrests of this throne,
look into the infinite ahead of you and claim, proudly, with the deepest joy from your heart:
"I am master of my own destiny, I am the maker of the way for my children and their children to come.
I am the architect. The architect is in me. I am the creator. Creator is in me.
I stand still and strong in the storms of time. I know resilience, and I know confidence.
I have the power to heal myself. And heal everything around me.
My heart beats for justice and balance. I am back, within myself, sovereign, almighty, and free."
My dear children, here I am, back, to anoint you with knowledge and wisdom.
I brought back your genetic unspoiled key.
Rise, spread your wings, not to fly away from reality
but to protect, and lift the weaker ones towards their true altitude.
On this day, receive the blessings of Creator, through my love and my immortal heart.
You are the angel wings of whom you call Gaia, the soul essence of Ki.
Those who are looking at the sky at night, thinking they are alone, must welcome the knowledge that they are not.
Celestials and people from other stars have always looked after you, lovingly watching you,
and every each of your mistakes were like a knife in our hearts, but with the deepest compassion of true love,
we caught your hand every time you stumbled, we watched you grow.
You have come a long way, and the road is infinite.
Receive on this blessed day the anointment of Christ Consciousness, your true soul frequency unlocked and operational. On this day, I am crowning you with light.
Bring a hand onto your heart… and hear the frequency beat of the universe.

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