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Writer's pictureDrago Kulic

COREY GOODE : Updates Begin + Exposing Corruption and Sexual Misconduct in the Disclosure

We are hearing horror stories of being taken advantage of financially and manipulated into sexual acts that have done irreparable damage to their spiritual path - in some cases causing emotional breakdowns that will take years to recover from.

The constant theme I see from the people committing these acts is "I can heal YOU with my body", "Spiritual Healing can come through Sexuality" or "Only sexually open and non-repressed people have the right vibration to ascend".

Some of the most well-known names in the Disclosure and Esoteric Spiritual Movements are involved in extremely disgusting and corrupt behavior that includes sexual abuse of their followers. If you have information on public figures who have been running corrupt organizations or who have been taking advantage of their followers sexually or financially please contact us.

If you have information on the coordinated discrediting and cyber-bullying campaigns against myself or other individuals please contact us immediately.

Your anonymously provided evidence and information or video testimony could be used in our new series of documentaries that are going to expose the seedy underbelly of the Disclosure and Esoteric Spiritual movements and help protect others from falling into the same trap that thousands of well-intentioned people have found themselves in.
We need brave whistleblowers and informants to come forward to help transform the Disclosure and Esoteric Spiritual Communities into a safe and inspirational place for the benefit of everyone coming to them for growth and guidance during their awakening process. Disclosure starts at home and only YOU can make these communities safer places for everyone.


SSP UPDATES & Summary of Next Two Videos

July 22, 2022
I am working on the first two videos in the series of SSP Updates I am releasing over the next number of weeks. I will first set the stage by giving more information on the various ET groups I have discussed in previous updates.
I will give never-before-released details in addition to other intel I have delivered about these races. I will lay out the history of the galactic federations of various names - who are in fact the same group evicted from the Andromeda Galaxy thousands of years ago.
This group was a major threat to the Andromeda Galaxy and took part in attempting to entice their trade partners in that galaxy to accept new technologies that required chip implants into their brains that then gave the AI god control of their thoughts and behaviors. The SSP Alliance was approached through the Zulu, human-like ETs from a star system within the 52 stars in our local stellar neighborhood. The Zulu informed us that representatives of the Andromeda Galaxy - our closest galactic neighbor - had been offering quite a lot of Intel from their galaxy and how it connects to activities by negative ETs within our own galaxy.
This group from Andromeda was 6.5 to 7.5 feet tall and had dark blue skin, black hair, and eyes. This group called itself the 'Hue' or 'Hew'. They are the representatives of the galactic body that has formed since their own Super Federation had been disbanded - for similar reasons as the Super Federation in our own Galaxy - for collusion with the AI god and failure to enforce cosmic laws and interstellar agreements.
We were given the details of how these galactic federations were pushed out of Andromeda and into neighboring galaxies and dwarf galaxies surrounding Andromeda and the Milky Way. Some of these dwarf galaxies are remnants of ancient galaxies that had their own advanced cultures that had disappeared eons ago. These dwarf galaxies in some cases are the nucleus of ancient galaxies that had their centers stripped away by or in collision with other galaxies leaving the fossil of the center of that galaxy.
These "fossile galaxy inhabitants" went through the ascension process to points where they advanced through the densities until they merged with the central mass consciousness of their ancient galaxy. The super consciousness of some of these dwarf galaxies have been orbiting our much younger galaxies and are taking part in the cosmic trials being conduits for the flow of the "energy of creation" - which will be carrying out judgment against the negative ET/AI prophet groups and the fractal of the AI god that exists within each affected galaxy.
As I have shared in the past, the Sphere Beings (Blue/Indigo Orbs) are the creative energy of these local Universes. The energy that pulsates through the Cosmic Web - A "Neuron of the One Infinite Creator" - is the same energy that the Sphere Beings are manifest.
I am outlining the content for these first two videos and hope to have them published on YouTube and AscensionWorks.TV beginning next week - with the larger updates in the following weeks.
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