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Writer's pictureDrago Kulic

Awakening Your Light Body: The Key to Your Personal Transformation, 14/10/23

The process of our evolution involves developing and integrating what we call a "light body." Think of it as a part of yourself that needs nurturing, exercise, and expansion to fully awaken.

One crucial aspect of this journey is having a clear understanding of who you wish to become in your reality.

Your light body operates on the principle that your thoughts have creative power and connect you to the very fabric of creation. It opens pathways to different timelines, granting access to complex scenarios and challenges that seem both new and strangely familiar.

You are now connected to the vast web of existence, and your task is to make sense of this newfound awareness and apply it to your current life.

Remember, there is a higher purpose guiding this transformation. Your mission is to translate this purpose into your physical being and manifest it on Earth. This purpose has the profound effect of reshaping various aspects of reality, all converging in the present moment. To explore the many facets of reality, you must first take a deeper look at your physical body.

Think of your light body as the essence of your multidimensional identity, accessible through your desire to unite with your greater self. With it, you can shift your conscious intent from one perspective to another, like changing channels on a television.

Your light body holds encoded information, translating messages from other worlds and realities through your physical body to your conscious self. Your task is to notice the subtle cues and synchronicities that guide you.

Imagine yourself as a multilayered being, each layer with its distinct body connected to the others. You are a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual entity, all bound together by a radiant body of light that connects you to an infinite array of light beings.

Matter, in its essence, is trapped light. As you build your light body, your molecular structure undergoes a transformation, gradually releasing your attachment to materialism allowing spiritual understanding to guide your daily life. Through the spirit, you can truly comprehend the changes occurring in our world.

As your light body develops, you will witness remarkable changes in your physical form. It will become more vibrant, more beautiful, stronger, and more capable of incredible feats. Your body will evolve into a sophisticated processor of vast amounts of information.

To accommodate this transformation, your body must accommodate a higher vibrational frequency. This surge of energy will unlock hidden talents and awaken dormant psychic abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, and a deep sense of knowing.

As the higher vibrational frequency fuses with your body, it creates new pathways that bypass conventional structures, allowing you to communicate and exchange data in previously unimaginable ways!

Get ready for a transformative journey, ascending towards a fresh outlook on reality!

In the near future, this higher vibrational frequency will impact everyone, regardless of age. It has the potential to rejuvenate your physical body by healing long-held separations. Embracing the idea that thoughts create life sets you free from the constraints of powerlessness. Hold onto your vision and let your light body infuse purpose into everything you do.

To prepare for this energy, find a quiet moment, close your eyes, and visualize your body filling with light. Imagine this light cleansing and revitalizing every cell. Ask all parts of your body to work together harmoniously in their ideal forms.

When your inner self operates in unity, you will find it easier to collaborate and connect with others outside yourself. Those who are unwell on the inside often struggle to work effectively with the world outside. Take care of your inner mechanisms and envision the reality you desire.

As you continue on this remarkable journey of transforming your light body, you'll find that your everyday experiences become more vibrant and alive. Your physical body will become healthier, stronger, and more capable. And the way you think and understand the world around you will expand in incredible ways. It's like unlocking hidden superpowers within yourself, allowing you to see and do things you never thought possible.

In the profound dimension of this evolution, your consciousness is expanding like a beautiful sunrise, and it's closely intertwined with the growth of your light body. As you become more aware of the deeper connections within the universe, you'll also discover a significant connection with your own inner light.

This is an open invitation to explore this newfound awareness, to meditate, reflect, and strengthen the bond between your consciousness and your light body.

This journey is not just about personal growth; it's a call to action. It's urging you to embrace your spiritual development and the nurturing of your light body. By sharing your positive energy and insights, you can play a part in making the world a better place for everyone!

We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
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