Valerie Donner
Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest from Apollo: “I come to you today with messages from the stars. We bring you connection, love, wellness, and good tidings from your galactic families. Take a deep breath for you are nearly done with the hard work of holding your light on the imploding third dimensional earth. We understand the task has been arduous. You didn’t realize how much work was needed to reach this point of the great awakening. Throughout your incarnation you have held steady with your light. Little did you know how important you are in the pathway of Ascension. You are beginning to find this out. As you watch the matrix and material world fall apart, you are practicing going within much more than before. In the past you believed you had to be followers. Now you are going to be the leaders. You will be the ones others will look to guide them through to the New Earth and your new Heaven on Earth. We want you to feel the excitement and all that you have earned for your hard work. We will celebrate you in the near future. It is almost over. Please let your heart sing as you feel the love from the Creator. This is what you came to reclaim. It is here now.”
Ground Crew, you are powerful beings of light. Your energy and your light are the reasons that we are in the final stages of removing the darkness from the earth. It is true that there is much going on in the outer world as we see it fall to its demise. However, there is an even greater amount going on within. Your gifts and abilities are awakening. This can be subtle and yet, even startling to remember how amazing you are.
You are self-actualizing and connecting to the God within. You do not need to follow the ancient teachers or the New Age teachers anymore. You have access to the pure Source energy within. When you follow this connection, your heart leads the way. This is how we will be living on the New Earth. It is through our hearts, our own internal GPS system.
We will cease to be at the effect of external programming because we are coming together in our oneness and our empowerment. The old self-doubts, fears, core issues, victimization, and third dimensional world problems will be left in the dust. So essentially you get to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again!
On top of this fun, you will have new technology, galactic friends and family, projects from your heart, abundance, enhanced creativity, and lots of celebrations. If this sounds too good to be true, just know it isn’t! It is our inheritance as we take back our planet. We will be given many rewards.
Every system on the planet is changing. Systems will be designed for the good of the people, not so that others can extract every last ounce of money from us. Unfortunately, some people were designed to worship money instead of Source. In the evolution of our new consciousness, at some point money will not be necessary.
Can you imagine reversing aging, having perfect health, everything you need, and eventually living off of light? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a perfect life where you don’t have to complain about anything? You won’t have income taxes, and you won’t have to do jobs just for money. You will do things because it’s from your heart and your soul. You will be in joy.
You’ll be able to take special trips on spaceships and to other planets and learn from each other. You will be honored and revered because you were one of the special beings who participated in the ascension of the earth and all of creation. I think you could easily be called “The Prime of the Prime!” It’s okay to let that go to your head. You are special, indeed, and it is time that you recognize that!
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council September 29, 2022, through Valerie Donner
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and still working full-time with the Earth Council.
I would greet you with pomp and circumstance if I could. I guess some of you got a peek at what that looks like with the transition of the queen. Yet you are the ones who deserve the honor and respect, for your presence on the earth at this time.
Suffice to say, you did not receive the regalia, but we honor you in such a way. We will see to it that you will get to experience with that truly feels like. As galactic we have extraordinary talents in celebrating wins. You will begin to learn that we celebrate a lot. This is far different from how most of you have lived on the earth where you have had to be focused on money and work.
You are about to be a part of the shift of the ages that is long overdue. Therefore, you will find there will be chaos and challenges for a short period of time. This is time for the fall of the dark ones and the rising of a whole new way of living. What has seemed like it was on the top for the elitists will now fall, for what goes up must come down. Coming down is not going to be an easy ride for them. Many of them are already in panic and fear. You will not hear about this in your main media.
Soon this will all change, and the truth will prevail. Victory is at hand. We are here, along with billions of other Galactic’s. All of creation is focused here on the earth. It is extremely important and urgent that the ground crew remain focused and not in fear of what could happen or is happening. We have it covered and you are loved and protected. Please keep doing your meditations and prayers while connecting with Source.
You have made it this far and there is no turning back. This planet will never go back to the way it has been. It is a long sad story about how the earth was taken over by the dark. The planet was never designed for such darkness. The earth is designed for love, cooperation, harmony, and balance. You were also designed similarly as the earth. You are comprised of the chemistry of the earth and given birth to from the earth mother.
In the days to come more and more of the divine mother and divine feminine energy will bring forth the healing that is necessary for the planet. You will observe how much healing the masculine energy receives simply because the feminine energy is becoming extraordinarily empowered. This is not through fighting or war. Patriarchal systems are already coming apart. There will be no excuse for abuse. All of God’s creations deserve to be loved and respected. Soon you will see what I mean.
There will be many heroes and heroines on the earth who are skilled at bringing forth harmony and healing to hearts. Love is what is most needed. Abundance is coming for all. Decisions will be made from truth, not lies. This is what shall set you free. We are here to help because you have had horrendous behaviors from the dark ones that break the laws of the universe. This will be no longer tolerated.
Please make the most of the beauty of the earth and watch it expand along with your own beauty. Fill your lives with love with those with whom you resonate. Keep your hearts open. Look out for each other. Please help where help is needed. Expand your strength and your causes. There is much needed this time from the ground crew.
I am sending you love from the Earth Council, the Pleiadian High Council and all of life. I am Mira
The Prime of the Prime
By Valerie Donner
You are amazing beings.
You came to the earth
To be all things,
Because you are the Prime of the Prime queens and kings.
Remember you are special.
You can’t be bought or sold.
You came to bring your light
And to hold it so bold.
You are repellents of the dark.
You excel at this.
You work with a divine spark.
That will bring you bliss.
You are children of God
Made from a special mold.
You are of the truth.
You are worth more than gold.
You are lighting the way
For how great life can be.
And how transformation
Will be for all to see.
You are the first.
You are the last.
You are the Prime of the Prime.
All of the tests you have passed.
Welcome, special ones,
To the galactic portals.
You now graduate
To the life of immortals!
In Conclusion
We have done our work, ground crew, to get the earth to this place in history. It is important work, and we should be happy and pleased that we have made it. The light has won! You will begin to see this increasingly. There is much more to come as we transition into the 5th dimension and higher. I look forward to seeing you in the higher realms.
With love, light, peace, joy, and a perfect life with lots of magic and miracles..