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A Call Into Action: Straight From The Heart , March 17, 2023 by Valerie Donner

Dear Ground Crew:
I have a message from someone new who is connected with the New Earth and the ascension process. She is also connected with Apollo. Her name is Lumina.
Greetings: I am Lumina. I am here to speak with you about the ascension of the Earth and your role in it. I would also like to invite you to be a part of the creative process if you are called to do so. We call upon the ground crew. We are here to help raise the consciousness of the Earth and all of life. We are creating a beautiful New Earth and you are a part of it.
Creation starts with a vision. I am asking those of you who feel called to participate in a collective visionary zoom call on Saturday, March 25 at 11:00AM Pacific Time. This is a call where we will create our intentions and visions for our New Earth. We will bring our dreams for a New World together for peace, harmony, joy, abundance and love, etc. We will work on elevating our consciousness to the 5th dimension and higher, also on this call.
If you would like to attend please ask yourself the following questions:
What would the New Earth look like?
What would it feel like?
Where would you like to place your energies and your heart’s calling with the New Earth?
Who would you like to work with and what causes do you want to put your energy into?
What do you feel the priorities should be as we step into higher consciousness?
Do you have a certain role that you feel that you will be playing in the ascension process for the New Earth?
What are your passions for how you choose to live in new higher consciousness?
What are your gifts and what is your expertise? This could be something like entertainment, music, art, technology, education, research, science, medicine, dealing/working with children or animals, library sciences, and administration.
We are gathering our team now and we need your assistance. This is a call for action so if you feel a part of this, please contact Valerie:
Thank you!
I am Lumina loving you and the New Earth .

Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest from Apollo: “These are special times, dear family of light. You are beginning to realize who you are and letting go of who you are not. You are a part of the grand scheme to shift the Earth forever. The energies that you are assisting in anchoring into the Earth are beautiful and powerful. They are changing the planet and all of life. It is remarkable what you accomplished since we spoke last month. You have been releasing fear from the old matrix programming. No longer does it resonate with you, nor does it feel like how you choose to live. When that choice is made, one can only go forward into the blazing light. This is exactly where you are positioned now. Ground crew, you have chosen the new. The old no longer works for you. You have paid the price and now only the best is coming to you. This is going to be a remarkable time of renewal, replenishment, rewards, and replacement of the old. Throughout history you have waited for this time to come. You only dreamed that you could pull yourselves out of such circumstances. Some of it was pretty, just like the beautiful earth. Much of it was laborious, yet you still reached for the stars. Now they are here and you are one of them.”
Isn’t it nice to be told you are progressing, ground crew? Some of you feel like this has been going on forever, like a boring, old, long running movie. You may feel like walking away, or pulling the plug on the camera. This applies to those who are awakened. How many iterations of current events do you have to witness in order for the movie to be over? There’s multiple tales that have been told and you get to question who’s telling the truth and who isn’t. It’s only your heart that reveals this and the rumination in your mind will only continue to make you feel crazy. It’s all part of the grand unfolding.
On top of the intense weather globally, earthquakes, winds, hurricanes, and other events that create fear, we have huge activity going on with the sun. On February 27, according to SA Smith, A Girl in the Universe, “We had a day of solar weather that was so active it was unbelievable . . . The Solar winds reached 850 KM/PS or even higher . . . There were G3 solar storms and the KP index range turn from 5 to 7 throughout the day . . . The aurora borealis of magenta and green came down into Pennsylvania in the United States.
Everything is open for flux energies to be high and possible coronal masses and more solar storms. She says this is powering us up for what is to come. It’s all part of Ascension.” The sun is “a bit off kilter,” per S.A. Smith, as of this writing on March 2.You can follow her on Facebook or on Telegram.
How does this affect us? How have you been feeling? Many of us are quite sensitive so it is possible to feel a combination of symptoms that some might even call ascension symptoms. Some of my lightworker friends, including yours truly, have been sleeping many hours more than usual. One friend told me he stayed in bed all day on the 27th. Yesterday another person said they were feeling like they were hammered on the 28th. DI felt like a space cadet and like I was walking around in a stupor. It was almost an intense drugged feeling. It’s challenging to do anything when you feel like that. You can get that dull, achy feeling in your head where you simply can’t even think. You could feel tired, itchy, have ringing in your ears, feel unmotivated, or nauseated. Strong cold winds, in the winter areas of the planet, are also contributing to some of these feelings.
Some suggestions on how to deal with this include: sleep, rest, drink lots of water, take a couple of capsules of lecithin. Although some of us don’t eat much corn, some people recommend popcorn, or food with corn in it. Listen to your body and it will tell you if it is craving something like that. It is probably not a good idea to do much driving, or doing anything, if you need to have your wits about you. Do what you can to stay grounded (like eating chocolate) and balanced by grounding to the Earth.
Drugged by the Light By Valerie Donner
I feel drugged by the light. Will I sleep tonight? When I awaken Will I find my body shaking? Drugged by the light.
The sun keeps on moving With circles and flares Of high vibration. Some can feel it. Others aren’t aware.
Being drugged by the light Doesn’t make one feel all right. The brain is fuzzy And the body the body is tight. Love the light!
The sun is working hard And so are you. Playing with the light Is what you do To get through
If you try to remember something It might not be there. You left it in the ethers Or else it went somewhere? Blame it on the light.
The light is blinding. It’s powerful and strong. It helps you remember Where you belong. Hold the light.
When you awaken From this drug of choice, The sun will have awakened you. Your hearts will rejoice. BE THE LIGHT.
Bring it on. Bring us the Event. Our hearts are open And we are heaven bent. You are the light.
The love and light Is like a drug That comes from Source With a great big hug. Drugged by the light.
Whatever your problems are; They will melt away. You can be forever happy And live in the Golden Age. Saved by the light.
From my observation, we could be getting much closer to the Solar Flash, also known as, the Event. On February 23rd, in my Zoom transmission with Mira, the first thing she started talking about was “New rules of Conduct.” I even saw it in writing. I believe she is preparing us for living in higher consciousness, the fifth dimension or higher. Although what she said is probably innate, it feels as if she was confirming where we are headed. When I do this work, I’m in another state of consciousness, so I do not remember much of what is said. We will see what she wants to tell us in her message today.

The Earth
Recently some marvelous information about the Earth and nature has come to my attention. The first the first thing I would like to share is this 20 minute podcast talking about the tops of trees. It’s about how scientists have been studying what is going on in the tree tops of the Redwood trees. It is quite amazing.
As children, in my generation, we used to climb trees and hang out in the trees. We loved it and the trees must have loved it too.
I have mentioned FMBR, Foundation for Mind Being Research, in the past. It is an organization in Palo Alto, California, that I have belonged to for quite some time. It is comprised of scientists, researchers, physicians, spiritual people, etc. and some famous people, like Russell Targ, PH.d and Dr.s J.J. Hurtag and Desiree Hurtag. Russell Targ is a remote viewer who taught the CIA remote viewing. Dr. Hurtag and Desiree are the authors of the “Keys of Enoch.”
They have placed their talks on YouTube: FMBRTV I highly recommend watching Renée Baribeau, “The Winds of Spirit: How to call upon the Wind Deities for Personal Transformation.” There will be some other wonderful talks about topics like “Synesthesia: The New Frontier in Human Potential,” by Maureen Seaberg. There will be another discussion by a woman named Veda Austin, who has been studying the consciousness of water for the past eight years: “The Secret Intelligence of Water: Microscopic Evidence of Water Responding to Human Consciousness.” There are many interesting videos from FMBR are and I hope you will enjoy them.
I am loving how much more aware we are becoming of the Earth and what she is telling us. What is interesting, as I’m writing this time, is that the “E” in the word “Earth” is capitalized on my Mac. I don’t recall this before and I’ve always wondered why all of the other planets started with a capital letter and the Earth did not. She deserves the respect.

In Conclusion
These are exciting times. We are blessed to be here as we watch the conclusion for the ascension of the Earth. Please stay positive and do what you can to take care of yourself especially if you are sensitive to the sun, the earthquakes or other events. Keep your faith in God and know that all is being taken care of. Spirit has your back.
With lots of love, prayers for all good things, light and magic and miracles,
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