Eli Galla
Dear Brothers & Sisters, It is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be once again on your conference call.
Beloveds, in each and every Now moment more & more of the Truth comes out in its increments. Yes, we desire for you to hold that Truth in your hearts, & let it be an instrument of giving you hope. Allowing you to know that all of the provisions of NESARA are in place, & that it is primarily a matter of divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization playing out.
Beloveds, we keep on saying that you have already won. You passed the markers for Ascension. You are integrating the Ascension protocols in this first phase, & so much of the Truth is coming about. But perhaps the most powerful & important aspect of this place, that you are on at the timeline in the Here/Now is the energies that are streaming into to your Beloved Planet from the Galactic Center.
They are the most powerful energies that have ever been on your Beloved Planet. And this, by the provisions of the divine decree of the Councils of Heaven were deemed very necessary, in order for Humanity & Mother Gaia to take advantage of being in this window for Ascension at the end of this 26,000 year timeline.
Beloveds, when you resonate with something as the Truth shine your own inner light on it. Allow it to grow within your being. Let it become part of your narrative about how this transformation, this great shift into the light, to once again be on the 5th Dimension, & empower Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet will come about.
Yes, you have the ability to hook up the dots with all of this information. But Beloveds, it is a step by step process, & sometimes you realize that what you thought was an integral ingredient of announcing & implementing NESARA has been a piece of disinformation, or a perspective, that no longer fits your narrative. Change Beloveds, is alright in this process.
You are continually growing in the light & expanding it for the benefit of the collective consciousness, so that more & more Beloveds awaken. And by awakening they will commit to empowering their Ascension process. This enables the acceleration of this great shift to go forward.
Beloveds, it is during this next phase of integrating Ascension protocols, that you will primarily be in the 5th Dimension. This is why being in the Here/Now is so very important, that the Truth be empowered on your Beloved Planet, so that this event of hard disclosure can come about in synchronization with the members of these Satanic cults, who have committed treason, betraying Humanity, have committed heinous crimes against Humanity.
Yes, this will be very troubling to many, many Beloved Beings who believe in the institutions of Humanity on your Beloved Planet, to see that it had primarily all been corrupted, by the big money, and the blackmail of these Satanic cults, who comprise what we have been referring to as this Cabal.
But it is playing out Beloveds. We ask you to be the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, & actions to such a degree, that anytime you feel worry & doubt, & any and all of these lower vibrations creeping in, that you go into this meditative state of being heart centered, letting go with your breathing, allowing yourself to feel the love & light that you are in the deepest chambers of your heart & radiate that love & light into the collective consciousness, to raise the level of consciousness all throughout Humanity. This is how you keep in step, in alignment with the program that is the fulfilling of your mission as the ground crew, Beloveds. And you are doing a wonderful job.
Let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each & every one of you, & I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, to form our circle with. Sending the energies around, from the left, to the right, from heart to heart, combining our fields of energy into One, & spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below. With our breathing allowing ourselves to slow down & relax, & to be in the Now moment.
We are calling in the rays of energy. We are calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, the Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael, and his legions of Angels using their blazing blue swords as lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst & the Angels of the Violet Flame, & St Germain & his Angels of the Violet Torch.
Now we are spiraling from the center above, to the center blow, and sending these energies down through the soles of our feet, out through our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, & into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.
We are shining our love & light into her high heart center, her core, feeling her love, her compassion, her wisdom, her commitment to all living beings on her Planet for Ascension, & we are sending our love & light into her heart in a very dynamic way. Because now this momentum for Ascension has sped up & become oh so very powerful, & we are very grateful for all she is, and all she does.
Now we are raising these energies up to the surface of the Planet, up through our center below, & up through the soles of our feet, & into our high heart center, & spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below. Now with the power & speed of our thoughts, allowing ourselves to rise up, to lift up off of the surface of the Planet. And to rise rapidly through the many layers of atmospheres.
Coming upon the periphery of your solar system, where there are many ships parked. I am, honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru. We are opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And we are now rising on up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us.
Now it is safe to touchdown, & we are making our way to an open elevator. We are all getting in. I am pushing the button to close the door, and another one to take us all the way up to the top floor. We are feeling this Oneness of being here once more on the Nibiru, feeling our hearts be connected in this wave of Unconditional/Universal Love, as we rapidly rise through these many floors. Now we are coming to a gentle stop.
I open up the doors, and the mentors are here to greet us, Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings from other ships & many planets all over the Cosmos, and yes, your Ancestors, & perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.
Now we are walking through the crowd, making our way to the middle of this room, & circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. As we do this, the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. We are breathing into our high heart centers, & sending the energy from heart to heart, to our circle, into the Mentor’s circle, and through the outer circles.
Now we are spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. We are absorbing the high frequencies & vibrations of the consciousness of all of these crystals, & all of the higher dimensions, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here, either onsite or bilocating into our meditation tonight. We are allowing ourselves to feel this Oneness with ease & grace of being here in the Now moment with our hearts joined together.
Now we ask all of you Beloveds on this call to make your intentional requirement for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with your feeling uninhibited to express your love & light in words, from your high heart center, of your narrative, about what you feel, & what your perceive to be your Truth in this Now moment. It could have to do with having more intimacy in your personal relationships. It could have to do with having more fun & enjoying, where we all are in the Here/Now on this timeline. Whatever it is Beloveds shine it into the Master Crystal.
And for all of us on this meditation tonight, yes, we call for the Truth to be made known. We call for all of the Beloved Beings, who are still sleeping, & being afraid & manipulated by the institutions of Humanity to find the strength & purpose to allow themselves for find the courage to be heart centered and be the compassionate observers of their thoughts, words, & actions, to allow themselves to stay in alignment with of being in this state of neutrality. And not going for the fear & separation and any & all of the lower vibrations any longer, but to feel the spirit of liberation that is permeating the Planet at this time.
We are shining these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal, shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Spiraling clockwise, descending down through the many layers of atmospheres, onto the surface of your Planet, encircling the surface of your Planet. And calling forth the transmission of these high frequencies of love & light into the hearts & minds of all of Humanity.
We are calling forth the awakening of all of the Beloved Beings of Humanity, to deeper & deeper levels of compassion, of enabling the Truth, of allowing themselves to speak their Truth, to be in harmony & synchronization with all of the events, that are in motion on your Beloved Planet, to implement NESARA, to liberate Humanity from this 3rd Dimensional Matrix control system.
Now we are going down underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. We are spiraling counterclockwise, from the center above, to the center below of Humanity’s energy field, energy body, your DNA, and the 4 bodies of Humanity’s being.
We require that we remove anything less than love, anything less than a balanced pH of 7.2 from the reality of Humanity. We remove any & all of the lower vibrations, negative programs, all forms & types of negative programming, disqualified & discredited energies, polarities & traumas, anything that tethers Humanity to this 3rd Dimensional Matrix control system. All of the devices & delivery systems that have perpetrated this negative programming upon Humanity, such as coil binder devices, diverter devices, sheaths, proxy bodies powered out of liquid plasma energy, replicators, duplicators, disruptors, time release bombs, stingers, MK Ultra programming, voice to skull programming, gang stalking, filters, obstructions debris, residues, containers, stray encoding designed to enable handlers to bring in parasites, negative entities, and negative implants.
Now we are spiraling on the effects of toxicity that have run rampant, from the contamination of your air, food, & water supply. Such as chem trails, GMO’s, food preservatives, hormones in the food, and the toxic effects of the Jab, herbicides & pesticides etc.
Simultaneously we are spiraling on the back past timeline lattice, and the receptor sites of your mind/brain. We are spinning out all of the negative dendrites, which is this control system of the 3-D Matrix administered to by the ego mind, whereby anytime that you are triggered with the memories of the past events of trauma, that the ego directs you into flight & fight reactions where you hold onto these very painful energies. But now we are spiraling, them out from wherever they have been situated in the circuitry of your nervous systems. Liberating them in the middle of our circle, by spinning counterclockwise on them, & blessing them with Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness & Gratitude. We require that the speed, efficiency, accuracy of all of the movements of this spiral be increased 10 million fold. And that in divine, rhythm, timing, & synchronization that this process be brought to completion in this Now moment. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.
Now what remains is this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy shining on the experiential knowledge that you have gained from all of your incarnations on this 26,000 year timeline. We are raising this experiential knowledge into the inner most, central most chamber of your high heart center, installing it as the overseer of this process of you being the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, & actions, your choices, and the outcomes of your choices, so that you allow yourself to stay in alignment with the parameters of fulfilling your mission, by being in a state of neutrality, whereby you are not allowing yourself to be in low vibration, so the 3rd Dimensional Matrix cannot feed off of your energies any longer, and we are now completing this process of the removal of all of these polarities, by spiraling counterclockwise from your center above, to your center below, all throughout your DNA, your energy body, your energy field, and the 4 bodies of your being
We are flushing these polarities through all of your orifices & chakras, expelling them from your energy field, & driving them off into the ethers. We require that the speed, efficiency, & accuracy of all of the movements of this spiral be increased 10 million fold, and that in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization that this process be brought to completion in this Now moment. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.
And now with one or both hands on your high heart center, we require that we transmute the energies that we have just removed into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude, and other high vibrating energies, such as ease, grace, joy, harmony, wisdom, understanding, peace, patience, mercy, kindness prosperity, abundance, creativity, clarity, satisfaction, fulfillment, bliss, tolerance, clear communication, discernment, & absolution within the 4 bodies of Humanity’s being, their DNA, their energy body, and their energy field.
Spiraling from the center above, to the center below, going into each & every cell, raising the voltage in each & every cell, going into the subatomic particles, the mitochondria, and the DNA, & energy field, enabling these high frequencies of love & light to assimilate & integrate all of the higher light encodements that are streaming in from the Galactic center.
We are calling in the Beloved children into the middle of our circle. We are shining our love & light into their high heart centers, We are honoring them for coming in at this time, for all that they are doing to raise the level of & frequency of the vibration on your Beloved Planet, and expediting Ascension, because they came in with more strands of their DNA connected. They are the ones to carry forth the momentum of Unconditional/Universal Love, through to the generations to preserve the integrity of Humanity, remaining in the 5th Dimensional Timeline, & being sovereign, & fulfilling the parameters of their divinity into the future. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.
For all of you Beloveds on this call tonight, we love you ever so much. We honor you for all that you, all of your meditations, all of your prayers, intentional requirements, clearings, energy work etc. Namaste & Goodnight.
And now Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.
5-31-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on your conference call once again.
And once again, all of us mentors, from the ships, are shining our love and light into your high heart centers with the intentional requirement, that you let yourself relax, and feel the joy, bliss, and harmony in being in these high vibrations of the Fifth Dimension and beyond, in each and every Now Moment, from now on, Beloveds.
You have earned this integration with these high frequencies of love and light, with these higher light encodements, that have been streaming into your Beloved planet primarily in this two plus year period, of you being in this first wave of integrating ascension protocols. And this process, Beloveds, is intensifying with the revelations on your Beloved planet about who the dark players of these satanic factions of the cabal have been and how they have corrupted all of the institutions on your Beloved planet, so that you are very far afield all over the Earth, from the original United States Constitution, which, Beloveds, is the template for all of humanity to regain their sovereignty and their freewill, to being in their divinity, of being interdimensional beings of love and light.
This process is intensifying for ascension to happen with the revelations of the truth coming about, which is enabling humanity to experience the hard disclosure of this Event of the Truth. And yes, this is what we have all worked for, with you, for eons, because when the last fall of Atlantis happened, that was a point of separation whereby you are now having to deal with the density of duality in a very extreme manner. Whereby several generations in the past you have been in the Fifth Dimension, but the catastrophes that have, been perpetrated upon humanity were so overwhelming, and so many secrets, and dark black magic spells, and curses were levied upon humanity that it was very hard to discern the truth at that time, and humanity gave away their power to these members of the satanic cabal, believing that they had advanced technology and experience in dealing with these polarities, and that they were the same as you, Beloveds, that they were humans and that was not the case.
So, now, you have come back and volunteered to be a part of this process of the victory of the light over evil, and you, as Sekhmet has said, are doing a wonderful job. We are one with you in this mission, Beloveds. We are feeling your hearts open, and bloom with the highest frequencies of love and light, as the truth becomes deeper and wider in more detail and allows all of humanity to prepare for this Event of the Truth of our disclosure which will be your point of liberation, and the implementation of all of the provisions of NESARA, Beloveds, to enable you to be in the Fifth Dimension, and to have new systems of governance and commerce on your Beloved planet. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight, and now my Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in.
5-31-23 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I Sananda. I am very happy to be here once again.
Beloveds, you are going through this very pivotal time on your planet when all of the institutions of humanity are falling apart, because the truth is coming out in such an abundance, revealing the corruption in all of those institutions, that humanity can no longer trust in.
The contamination of your food supply is one prime example, and yes, it has been designed by this cabal to cut off your food supply, and alter it in such a way that it becomes so poisoned, that people will die from it. But that is not going to be allowed to happen, Beloveds.
You are supported by us in this mission of ascension, on your Beloved planet. The power of love is so much stronger than all of the black magic, lies, and deceptions that have been thrust, and perpetrated upon you, by these satanic factions of the Cabal.
And in divine rhythm, timing, and synchronization, Beloveds. This is playing out, and again and again, we say to you do not allow yourself to go into any fear, any separation in your minds, over the upcoming events, that will transpire, that will enable you to experience the cleansing process of this Event of the Truth.
The truth coming out in this way, with hard disclosure, will enable you to see all of the dynamics that have been used against humanity, to control you, to enslave you in survival patterns, that did not have to be. And with the truth coming out, it enables all of humanity to feel this compassion for the human condition, and to know the power that each of you have, when you come together, in one consciousness with each other, and commit to preserving the integrity of the original United States Constitution, and bringing about the implementation of NESARA, which will be the foundation of your new Fifth Dimensional reality.
But first this Event of the Truth is so very necessary, and Beloveds, it does not have to be overwhelming, as long as you stay centered and grounded, and focused with your breathing, with being heart-centered, with expanding your energy, and knowing that love is inclusive.
It is accepting instead of judging, which is what your 3D matrix negative programming always tells you, to compare, and judge, and separate. It is all based in fear and separation, and for you to see the level of the depth of this negative programming, and all of its tactics and strategies, and dynamics that have enslaved you, is so very liberating for us. And will be a turning point for humanity, that will be talked about for eons, Beloveds.
My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara roses. Beloveds, take as many as you like. They represent the oneness we feel with you in the being in mission together, of the victory of the light over this evil on your Beloved planet.
Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We thank you for all that you do. Namaste and Goodnight.