Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I’m very happy to be with you once again on this conference call.
Beloveds, the power of love it is always there. It is in your hearts, and now it is being amplified through these higher light encodements, that have been streaming in, particularly in this last two year period, where you have been in the first phase of integrating Ascension Protocols.
Beloveds, these high vibrations & frequencies are eliminating what is happening on your material plane. We have ask you in your meditations to truly cognize, that what you are dealing with on the material plane is a hologram. It is a holographic reality. It is not the truth of who you really are, and a very small part of your total being, which has many higher aspects that comprise the whole. In your meditations, in every Now moment, you have the ability to tune into these high vibrations, and frequencies that are aligned with your I AM Presence, & other high aspects of your being, & your guidance teams, & with us.
In doing these meditations in calling forth your liberation, and that of Humanity, and all living beings on Beloved Mother Gaia. Beloveds you are the co-creator of your reality, and you have been learning this in increments. But now you are coming upon this Event of the Truth, this Beloved moment in time, when so much will be revealed; hard disclosure about who has been a part of your Alliance, to bring about this transformation on your Beloved Planet, to wrestle away the control of the Planet from this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, Artificial Intelligence, and these Satanic Cults with their underworld reptilian power sources.
This dynamic has been in control for the better part of this 26,000 year cycle, Beloveds. During this cycle your DNA has been mutated in such a diabolical way, that these control systems of the Satanic Cults, this Cabal, found it very easy to control you, and dominate the Planet in whatever way they Desired.
But Beloveds, because it is at the end of this 26,000 year cycle, that you are reaping the rewards of all of the work, that has been done to raise the level of consciousness on this timeline. And because of the Divine Decree of Heaven, sticking to its plan of having Mother Gaia & Humanity ascend on this current timeline, you Beloved starseeds answered this clarion call to be here at this time.
Because the company of Heaven realized that this was a key nexus point in the universe to rid this universe of the diabolical control of Artificial Intelligence, & Satanic Overlords, who have completely destroyed other planets & other galaxies. That was at risk, and on the future timeline, it was seen that if measures weren’t taken to completely root out all of the forces of evil, and have an across the board Victory of the Light, at this time, at the end of this cycle, to allow Ascension en masse, in such a way that it has never been done before, namely with full consciousness, while still in physicality, that forces of darkness would be able to infect the future timeline.
Now because of the experiences that you all are having, working with us as the ground crew, all of us in mission together, to bring about this mass Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia. You are already in this first phase of integrating Ascension Protocols, and this Beloveds has been very powerful.
You are moving forward, and at this time you see much confusion, you see much corruption, but Beloveds you are raising the level of the vibration. Allowing high frequencies of love & light to stream into your Planet, via these higher light encodements, that are coming in from the Galactic Center. This is enabling this Event of the Truth to commence.
This will mean a massive upgrade for all of Humanity, all of you who are choosing the Light. In this Event of the Truth you will be initiated once again into the 5th Dimensional reality, and this is what you have come here for, Beloveds. To take all of your experiential knowledge, and share it with the rest of the Planet. Whereby you will be in massive demand to help those, who have awakened when this Event of the Truth, to integrate these higher energies, & to do the clearings necessary to bring about the mass Ascensions.
Beloveds, we are One in this mission, and we are moving forward. So do not be detoured or conned into letting go, and giving away your power at this time. Yes, a lot is happening, and the propaganda machine of this Cabal wants to drive you into low vibrations of fear & separation, Beloveds.
But you have the power to climb up in frequency & vibration, & to accelerate this process. So Beloveds, we are with you, and know that we are all Victorious in the Light.
Let us join together. Me, bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, forming our circle. Sending the energy around from the left to the right.
And calling in the rays of energy: the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, the Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and the angels with their Blazing Blue Swords using them as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and the Angels of the Violet Torch.
Now we are spiraling clockwise from our center above, to our center below, combining our fields of energy, in this Now moment. With our breathing, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax, and to be in the Now moment.
We are sending these energies down through the bottoms of our feet, through our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Here we feel her heart, her love, her compassion, her willingness to help us, by holding the energies of polarity on your Beloved Planet, to accelerate the Ascension Process, to help us ground into her energies; all throughout the Tree of Life, into Creator-Source.
We shine our love & our light, our appreciation for who she is, and for all that she does. Now we are rising up onto the surface, up through our center below, up through the soles of our feet, into our high heart center. Spiraling clockwise our combined field of energy. We intentionally require to lift off of the surface of the Beloved Planet.
Rapidly rising with the power & the speed of our thoughts, through the many layers of atmospheres. Coming upon the periphery of our solar system, upon multitudes of ships. I am honing in on my Beloved ship, The Nibiru.
And we are now opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship, as we are rising up through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. Beloveds, now it is safe to touchdown, and we are making our way to an open elevator.
All of us are getting in, and I’m pushing the button to take us on up. Closing the doors, we are rapidly rising through the many floors of my Beloved ship, to the top floor, feeling weightless, as we move rapidly up. Now we are coming to a stop.
I’m opening up the doors. The Mentors are here to greet us, and Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, and Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many beings from other planets, and other ships, And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you, from a previous lifetime or two.
We are feeling this love. This Oneness of being joined together, as we move rapidly into the middle of this gigantic room, and we circle around the altar, where our Master Crystal sets. We form our circle, and as we do this, the Mentors form their circle around us, and all of the other Beloveds form their circles.
We are all in place now, and we are sending the energy around our circle, into the Mentor’s circle, to the outer circles. Spiraling from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling clockwise, to absorb the high frequencies of love & light of all of the higher dimensions represented throughout all of the Cosmos, of these crystals, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, either on the ship or bilocating, that are a part of this meditation tonight.
We are feeling this Oneness, and all of the rays of energy, that we have previously called in. And this is where we ask you Beloveds, on this call, to make your intentional requirements with what you want to use of the energies of this meditation tonight to create your own personal journeys. It could have to do with having more intimacy in your personal relationships, with having more prosperity & abundance, with having clearer communication with your I AM Presence & Guidance Teams. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine your intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.
And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call forth the power of love to be felt in each & every heart on Beloved Mother Gaia, of all of Beloved Mother Gaia’s kingdoms, of all of Humanity to shine forth these high frequencies of love & light, to integrate with these higher light encodements, to enable this acceleration of this Event of the Truth to happen, to make humanity aware of all of the corruption, of all of the lies, trickeries, & deceptions, that will enable them to hold the culprits accountable, and to disincorporate the 3rd Dimensional Matrix, so that evil is no longer a part of your reality, beloveds. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.
And all of us, as One consciousness, shining these intentional requirements for Victory to the Light, & liberation of your Beloved Planet into the Master Crystal, shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and spiraling it down clockwise through the many layers of atmospheres, and onto the surface, completely encircling your Beloved Planet.
And shining it forth into the hearts & minds, and the energy fields of all of the Beloved Beings of Humanity. Going into the high heart centers, spiraling counter clockwise to remove all armor around the heart, all of the control systems, that have been perpetrated upon Humanity by negative programming, by delivery systems and devices of the 3rd Dimensional Matrix, by the layers upon layers of negative dendrites, duplicators & replicators, time release bombs, & stingers, all forms of remote targeting, MK Ultra, voice to skull programming, gang stalking etc.
We are removing all of these control systems, that have been utilized by the databases of Artificial Intelligence, by this Cabal’s mad lust for power. We are breathing into the heart & minds of all of Humanity. And calling forth the empowerment of all of the Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia to wake up en masse in this Now moment, by transmuting all of these negative energies, all cording, all devices that connect Humanity into this 3rd Dimensional Matrix Control System. We are calling forth the demagnetization of all fear & separation based programming.
We are seeing all of the energies, that we have removed fractalize, & disincorporate, and being flushed through all of the orifices & chakras of all of Humanity en masse. Flying free of their energy fields, allowing all of Humanity to feel this Oneness, this Truth of who they are as Interdimensional Beings. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.
And now with one or both of our hands over our high heart centers, we require that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude. And other high vibrating energies, such as ease, grace, joy, harmony, wisdom, understanding, peace, patience, mercy, kindness, prosperity, abundance, creativity, clarity, satisfaction, fulfillment, bliss, tolerance, clear communication, discernment, & absolution within the 4 bodies of our being, our DNA, our energy body, and our energy field.
We are calling forth the acceleration of Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia. We are calling forth the Truth to be made known. We are calling forth more & more Beloveds to wake up in the collective consciousness, raising the vibration & frequency, raising the level of consciousness, so that all of the Beloveds remember who they truly are, and empower themselves in this Now moment with the Truth, enabling this Event of the Truth to be made Manifest in the Now moment. Allowing Humanity to be in the 5th Dimension once again, with the implementation of all of the provisions of NESARA. Preparing all of Humanity for being in the later stages of integrating Ascension Protocols. Moving through all of these phases. Allowing the activation of all of the crystals on the Planet, of the Crystalline Grid, the activation of your Merkavas, to be able to penetrate the illusion of separation of time & space. To feel this Oneness, this Unity Consciousness in the 5th Dimension. To be of service to the Whole, to create our reality in high vibration & frequency.
We shine our love & light into the hearts & minds of all of the children. We call forth the children to feel the love & support of all of us, of all of the Beloved Beings observing them on the ships. Of all of the higher aspects of their being, their I AM Presence & Guidance Teams. And for them to know in their hearts that love is the strongest force in all of creation. And that we are all Victorious in the Light, as they move forward to be the progenitors of this new 5th Dimensional reality for the coming generations. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.
And Beloveds on this call tonight, we love you ever so much. We honor you for all you are going through. We send you our love & light. As now you are going through a very intense time. But Beloveds, the power of love is dominant on your Planet, And we are with you every step of the way.
Namaste & Goodnite. And now Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.
11-9-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla
Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. Feel our love and light, as we are shining the golden white light of the Christ Consciousness into each of your hearts, and sending this energy around your circle to help you feel empowered in this Now Moment, while you are encountering this transition period from the old systems being dominant, on you Beloved planet, into the systems of NESARA.
Yes, you are at this pivotal moment, when these changes are so very necessary, because of all of the work that has been done to raise the level of consciousness on your Beloved planet, and this feeling of oneness that has been accumulating within the hearts and the minds of all of humanity, as these smaller events for the truth being made known empower you to express your own personal truth, from your hearts, to share with others, to be in your meditation, and to bless all of these areas on the planet that are encountering war, and the threat of war, the biological warfare, the weather warfare.
All of these events, Beloveds, are playing out enabling humanity to see corruption, that has been dominant, that is currently at play, that so many significant events are coming to a head. This will allow this event of the truth, this near death experience to transpire, and you will gain much experiential knowledge, and you will be upgraded, because you have been choosing the light all of the time. You have been allowing your heart to take in more and more of this love and light, and to make choices that have led you into different arenas, whereby you have let go of the limitations, that you are imprinted with in your ego mind, negative programming.
Beloveds, we are shining our light into each and every one of your hearts. We love you ever so much. We are with you at this very pivotal time, because this next phase you are moving into will be in the integration of Fifth Dimensional energies, where you will see the implosion of this Third Dimensional matrix. You will see the last moves being made on this cosmic, Five Dimensional chessboard that reveal the power dynamics, the evil of this Cabal.
This evil will be exposed, and those who have been the progenitors of this Third Dimensional matrix, and artificial intelligence, and reptilian underworld power dynamics, will be held accountable, and they will no longer be a part of your reality. What you have gained in experiential knowledge will make you ever vigilant every time the lies, the deceptions, and tricks try to impenetrate your Fifth Dimensional reality, Beloveds.
We are with you as you are moving into this next stage of integrating ascension protocols. Beloveds, we love you, and we honor you for all you have done, and now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in. Namaste and Goodnight.
11-9-22 Sananda by Eli Galla
Beloveds, it I, Sananda. I am so very happy to be with you once again on your conference call.
Beloveds, you are going forth through this time of transformation on your Beloved planet, and each of you are going forward through your own periods of transformation. All that needs to be cleared either has, or will be coming up, and so many of you are integrating with energy medicine, with new forms of nutritional supplements that have just come into your reality rather recently, in the course of these past few years, and that is all very splendid and fine, Beloveds.
But we ask you to apply yourselves in each and every Now Moment, and to know that you have the capacity to stay in high vibration, all throughout your conscious reality in your awakened states. And yes, you do work with Beloved master technicians on the ships. Many of you have been calling forth this type of energy work in your heavy dreaming states for quite some time now, and it has been helping to raise the level of frequency and vibration on your planet, and to help you in your meditations when you are in your awakened state on the material plane.
Beloveds, we ask you to be very consciously aware, as the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, and actions at this time. Because yes, this Cabal is in a very intense, desperation mode of lashing out, of being so brazen in attempting to do things, that they had never tried before. This will be their downfall, Beloveds.
But we ask you to stay in high vibration, and to radiate those high vibrations of love and light into the Collective Consciousness. As we have said many times before, this is the main part of your mission. This is the main reason why you were chosen to be the ground crew at this time, Beloveds. Because you have the capacity to awaken and to work continuously, vigilantly to raise the level of vibration, and shine it into the heart centers of other Beloved Beings on your planet, into the Collective Consciousness, to help expedite this Ascension process, and these dynamics are being felt acutely by Beloveds who have yet to awaken. And many of those Beloveds are the Starseeds, along with you, who answered this clarion call to be here at this time.
You have been on this First Wave of ascension, and you have been doing the heavy lifting for quite some time, but now this dynamic has put you in a position to carry all of us forward, into this upgrade of being in the Fifth Dimension on your Beloved planet.
We will all be upgraded because of all of the work that we have been doing together. So, yes, you are in chaotic and confusion times, but that is what is oh, so necessary to illuminate all of humanity on your Beloved planet, to the control systems of this Cabal, and the level of corruption that this Third Dimensional matrix has been allowed to engender, because of you giving your power away, and being in such deep states of trauma.
But now, you have changed this dynamic by merely being here, Beloveds, in this current lifetime, coming together, awakening shine your lovelights all throughout humanity, all throughout the Collective Consciousness. Beloveds, we are one, and this mission is moving rapidly forward into the next stage of integrating Ascension protocols.
Beloveds, do not be afraid. You are sovereign, interdimensional, divine beings of love and light, and you are so much greater, than you have been imprinted to believe. You are casting off those chains of your imprinting of negative programming with each and every breath now, and allowing yourself to re-imprint in the high vibration and frequency, in creating new archetypes in alignment with being in the Fifth Dimension, Beloveds.
You are so honored. My Beloved Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, and they offer you, once again, the Kumara roses. These Kumara roses represent the high spectrums of color, & light, and frequency from all over creation Beloveds. Take them into your heart, as many as you like. They are a symbol of our oneness of working together in this mission to liberate Mother Gaia, and bring about this mass ascension event. We love you ever so much. Namaste and goodnight.
11-2-22 Mother Sekhmet-By Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I Sekhmet. I am thrilled be with you once again on this Beloved Conference Call.
Beloveds yes, we reiterate that right now, so much is happening on your material plane. You can feel these energies coming in, and it is in your best interest, Beloveds, to tune into these higher light frequencies.
Each and every day, at various time throughout the day to allow yourself to focus on your mission of bringing in more & more of the love & light, into your energy field, and radiating it out to the collective consciousness.
Beloveds, the dynamics of how you have been manipulated to be enslaved within the control systems of the 3rd Dimensional Matrix are still playing out. But is up to each and every one of Humanity to recognize the behavior patterns, that these disseminators of the main stream media narrative continuously use to keep you in you in fear & separation.
This the basis for all of your negative programming, and basically all of the programming within all of the institutions, because all of those institutions have been set up in such a way as to make your survival as difficult as possible.
This need not be the case, by any stretch of the imagination. The truth is on the precipice of coming out via your Emergency Broadcast System being activated. Because yes, you are at this make it or break it moment, in your timeline, whereby you will either have this mid-term election, or you will not, or you will have it, and the results of that election will foment unrest, that there will not be a winner.
This is all a very interesting dynamic, that will allow the military to step in at some point, and right this ship, that is listing toward insanity, and into destruction. We will not allow that nuclear type of destruction to happen, or any other type of destruction to happen to Humanity, and to Beloved Mother Gaia.
There may even be another attack of virus or fungi happening on your Beloved Planet. We are down to the last few moves, Beloveds, whereby this 5 Dimensional chess game will be decided. These moves have been planned out in synchronization with implementing the plans of NESARA. They have ben put in motion, and they will change your reality for the better in an overarching way.
Because yes, you are working toward this Event of the Truth, and it could be a near death experience, whereby this Cabal reveals itself in such a clear manner, that they will never be trusted again.
All along Beloveds, as Ashtar has said way back when. This is all about the children, and the truth of what has been done to the Beloved children. Now when you have it out in the main stream media that these governing bodies of the healthcare industry, the CDC, the NIH, the WHO etc, are calling forth for this Jab to be on required vaccines in the United States for school children, and calling for the Jab to be administered to 6 month old babies and beyond.
This Beloveds is insane. This does not serve Humanity by any stretch of the imagination, and people are waking up because of this. You can put 2 and 2 together, and see that this Cabal is at its last stages. They are lashing out in desperation wildly, to preserve any of the power that they perceive that they still have.
But Beloveds, it is all imploding upon them. We keep on saying Beloveds, you are already victorious in the Light. And then we say that yes, you have passed the markers for Ascension. You are in the first phase of integrating Ascension Protocols, and you have been for the last 2 years. This Event of the Truth will send you into the second phase, and Beloveds you will feel such a marked increase in energy, and an upgrade in the Ascension Powers that align you with your true sovereign nature.
That it is an amazing moment on your Planet. What we see when we observe from the viewing decks of our ships. It is such a spectacular light show of the energetics playing out on your Beloved Planet, all throughout, not only Humanity, but all living beings are conducting the light of these higher light encodements, that are streaming in, and aligning with the plans that have been set in motion for the Ascension Process to complete, Beloveds.
Let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach out, with your other hand, for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with to send the energy around from the left to the right, from heart to heart, combining our fields of energy and spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below.
Calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness energy, the Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, the Diamond Lights, Arc Angel Michael and his angels with the blazing blue swords using them as lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.
Beloveds, spiraling clockwise with your breathing, allowing yourself to slow down and relax in this Now moment. Feeling this Oneness of our hearts joined together as One. Sending these energies down through the bottoms of our feet, through our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.
And here we feel her love, her compassion, her commitment to all of us, and all living beings on her Planet for the completion of Ascension. And Beloveds, we feel this Oneness. This love & compassion for her, for all that she does, and all she allows us to do. Spiritually evolving at this most pivotal time in all of Creation.
Now Beloveds, we are rising up to the surface, up through the center below, through the bottoms of our feet, into our high heart center, & spiraling our energy fields, from the center above, to the center below.
We are rising up off of the surface of the Planet, and it is with the Power, of the speed of our thoughts, and our conscious awareness, that we are rising up through these many layers of the atmospheres. Rapidly rising, and coming upon the periphery of your solar system. And passing through these multitudes of ships, as I hone in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru.
I’m opening up the landing deck, in the belly of the ship, and now we are rising on up through, hovering in the airlock, as this landing deck closes beneath us. Now it is safe to touch down, and we are making our way back to an open elevator. We are all getting in, & I am closing the door and pushing the button to take us on up to the top floor here.
We are rapidly rising, feeling weightless, our hearts are joyful to be united once again in the energies of my Beloved ship. As now we are coming to a stop, & opening the doors.
The Mentors are here to greet us, commanders from the ships, Angels, & ascended Masters, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings, from the ships, and from other planets, And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you, from a previous lifetime or two.
We are walking rapidly over into the middle of this room, to circle around the Master Crystal, which sits upon this altar. Where we are forming our circle, and the Mentors form their circle around us. And the other Beloved Beings form outer circles.
We are sending this energy around, from heart to heart, within our circle, and to the Mentors, into the outer circles. And now we are spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Absorbing the consciousness of all the crystals in this room, that represent all of the higher dimensions, throughout the Cosmos. And into the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, who are participating in this meditation tonight.
Yes, they too, are from all over, many star systems. And we are breathing into these energies, allowing ourselves to let go, to feel this Oneness of all us being on this same mission. Feeling the power of the love & light, that we are as One in mission with One another, to bring about Ascension.
Beloveds, this is where we ask all of you, on this call, to make your intentional requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with you having a stronger connection with the higher aspects of your being, with having more intimacy in your relationships with your family, loved ones & friends. And having clearer communications with all of the Beloved Beings, of your everyday life, with having more clarity in each and every Now moment, feeling this power of love expand within you in an exponential way. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine these intentional requirements, that you are making, into the Master Crystal.
And for all of us on this meditation, we call for the Truth to be made known, in such a way, that it inspires those, who have been afraid to think outside of the box, and to let go of being tethered to this 3rd Dimensional Matrix.
We call forth the accountability of all who have participated in election fraud, in the perpetration of this Jab, that has caused so many Beloveds their lives, their health, and the ability to procreate. We call for the Truth to be made known all throughout your Beloved Planet, in such a way that it opens your hearts to one another, and gives you a deeper understanding of the Human condition, and allows you to feel this compassion, that joins together each and every one of your hearts, to feel this power of love spreading, as the Truth is made known, Beloveds.
We are shining our intentional requirements for Peace, Harmony, and all of the higher attributes of the being in the 5th Dimension, and for the intensification & acceleration of this Event of the Truth, to take us into this next phase of integrating Ascension Protocols.
Shining our lovelights on these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal. Shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Now spiraling this energies through the many layers of atmospheres, rapidly onto the surface of your Beloved Planet. Underneath the surface, and once again into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.
And here in the power of this bluish white crystalline energy, we are transmitting these high frequencies of love & light into the hearts & minds, and the bodies of all living beings on your Planet. Into all of the kingdoms, and to the collective consciousness in such a way, that we are calling for all those Beloveds, who are still going for the main stream media narratives, to have this change of heart, to have this Aha moment, this awakening within the totality of their being, where they will not allow themselves to go for the same old behavior patterns that constitute the lies of fear & separation, and deceptions, that have conned Humanity for all these eons. That they allow themselves to see the bigger picture, to feel deeper into their hearts, and to wake up this sleeping giant within themselves, of the power of love, and to radiate this love & light, all throughout Humanity, all throughout Mother Gaia.
We are seeing the energy fields of each and every one of Humanity now, & counter clockwise spiraling to remove all low vibrations, all negative programs, all forms of negative programming. All devices and delivery systems, all of the effects of the contamination of the air, food, & water supply, of the Jab being disseminated, and having this phenomenon of shedding spread all throughout the environment.
We are calling forth the purification of your environment, of each and every one of your energy bodies, & energy fields, by spiraling counter clockwise all of your energy fields, in synchronization in this Now moment. And fractalizing, disincorporating all of this negative programming, anything that tethers you to the control systems of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, and all of its artificial intelligence, and underworld reptilian power sources, and all of the curses and spells, and other forms of black magic unleashed upon you by the black magicians, and the Satanic Overlords.
We are disincorporating this control system, seeing it fractalize, we are flushing it through all of the orifices & chakras of all of the Beloveds on this Planet, out through their energy fields, off into the ethers. We are transmuting all of these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude. And other high vibrating energies, such as: ease, grace, and joy, harmony, wisdom, understanding, peace, patience, mercy, kindness, prosperity, abundance, creativity, clarity, satisfaction, fulfillment, bliss, tolerance, clear communication, discernment, & absolution.
All throughout each and every one of your energy body, energy fields, your DNA, within the 4 bodies of your being, your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, Beloveds.
And we are shining our love & light into all of the hearts & energy fields of all of the Beloved Children. No matter what age they are, no matter if they are in happy families, or they are scrambling for their lives on the street, or they have been enslaved & trafficked. All of them, we are honoring for coming in at this time, with more of their strands of their DNA activated, than you had when you came in.
They are the Ones to pass on this transmission to their Beloveds, to future generations, to carry forth all of the experiential knowledge that has been gained to propagate it, so that Humanity never again is controlled by this Cabal of Satanists, and that all of Humanity allows themselves to be empowered in the Truth of the love & light, that they are as sovereign beings.
We love you ever so much, Beloveds. We are with you every step of the way. Call us in to feel our love & support continuously. Namaste Beloveds, and now Maria Magdalena will come in.
11-2-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again.
Beloveds, we are shining our love and light into your heart centers. You are going through a fantastic time on your Beloved planet, but at times we know that it does not feel like this, because you are in the anticipation of events unfolding, that will give back the power to humanity, and really that is what NESARA is all about, Beloveds, preserving the rights of humanity so that you spiritually evolve, and once again reclaim the power to create your reality in a place of non-polarity, which is the Fifth Dimension.
NESARA has been constructed in such a way for you to use all of its provisions, as the cornerstone, and foundation, of your new Fifth Dimensional reality. All will not be as it was before in the Fifth Dimension, because now you have had this very real experience of being controlled by these factions of Satanists, in such an overpowering way, where it took the resolve of many Beloved beings, from all over the Cosmos, to come in at this time to liberate your DNA, as you are doing right now, with integrating these ascension protocols, and carrying forth your Mission of Ascension on this Beloved planet to completion.
Beloveds, the power of love has always been in your hearts, but it takes your commitment to allow yourself to let go of your attachments, to let go of your perceived safe spaces, and all of the conditioning, that told you that you were so much less than you really are, because, Beloveds, you have given permission to participate in the context of being in this hologram, this holographic reality, but it is only a schoolhouse, Beloveds, for you to test yourself, on how much you can awaken, and how much you can trust that process of breathing into your heart, and empowering yourself with the high vibrations and frequencies, that align with the higher dimensions, up and into Creator Source, all throughout this Tree of Life, and grounding yourself into the heart center of Beloved Mother Gaia, her crystalline core, so that you enable yourself to let go of your ego mind programming, and empower you with this dynamic of being heart centered, and creating your reality from this knowingness, from this beingness of love being the strongest force in all of creation.
It has taken, Beloveds, all of your resolve to learn how to do this, and to trust in this process, but Beloveds, now you are seeing the fruits of your endeavors blossom forth, and we are with you in every Now Moment.
As Sekhmet has said, we see the light show on your Beloved Planet, because the frequencies and vibrations have risen to such a dynamic level, where the light is once again dominant, but now in the context of a different phase in your spiritual evolution, because now you are seeing the dynamics of how you have been controlled, within the context of this Third Dimensional Matrix, and all of the devices, that have been used to clamp you down in a fear and separation based reality, but Beloveds, the power of love is synonymous with the power of the truth being made known, carried forth with Light as the messenger, from the Higher Dimensions, from the Divine Supreme Conscious Intelligence of Creator Source, into your hearts, allowing you to create your reality to empower yourself with the truth of yourself, as a divine sovereign being, as a co-creator of your reality, and this has enabled you, and will enable you, to integrate this event of the truth, and to build this bridge into the Fifth Dimensional reality, so that you can accelerate your Ascension process in a very advantageous and accelerated way, Beloveds.
We love you ever so much. Namaste and goodnight, and now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.
11-2-22 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again.
Beloveds, we are the empowerment of the truth being made known in the hearts and minds of all of you Beloved Beings, at this time, because now we see you are reaching this critical point of mass saturation of the Light in consciousness of your collective, upon your Beloved planet.
This Cabal has been brazen in nature, and its actions, since the beginning. But it has taken a very large degree of Humanity, and now expiring from this jab, and from the continued mandates of these organizations, that say they know better than the mothers and fathers of these Beloved Children, and this is making itself known, not just to mothers and fathers, but anyone who has a heart, that is still beating, and a mind that is capable of holding the truth, and seeing all of the different levels of consciousness, that are available to humanity, by simply being heart centered, by being the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, and actions; and realizing that you are not one dimensional.
You are interdimensional sovereign beings, but with that knowingness and beingness, Beloveds, you take on an increased level of responsibility, because then you know, you realize the power of your thoughts, words, and actions, to create the reality on your Beloved planet, and those of you on your planet, who have awakened, and who are doing the clearing work, the meditations, the energy work, and transmitting these high frequencies of Love and Light, that they are integrating with, that are streaming in from the Galactic center into the collective, are helping to empower and accelerate this process of ascension, in its different stages, and you are poised to move into the second phase of integrating Ascension protocols, Beloveds.
More and more of you, Beloved Beings are awakening, because you are seeing the stakes being raised higher and higher, each and every day as the truth is filtering in to your conscious minds, and more and more are going for alternate sources of information, because they realized that the mainstream media aligned only with one side, and that side is causing them to be in an inflation condition, whereby their money does not buy as much as it did merely months before, and the price of having a full tank of gas, and getting to work, has now just about doubled.
Beloveds, you have been made to struggle on this Third Dimensional timeline, in this density of duality, merely to survive. And this is not what Creator Source had envisioned for all on this Beloved planet. This is why the Counsels of Heaven, per the instructions coming from Creator Source, have issued this divine decree, whereby everyone on your planet, that is currently incarnated here, can ascend.
That is what your mission, as a ground crew, with all of us is about, Beloveds, because every time, that you breathe into the high heart center, and make your intentional requirements for the provisions of NESARA being implemented, to enable humanity to once again be in the Fifth Dimension. You are empowering this process of ascension, and you are playing out in Divine perfection the completion of Soul Contracts, and empowering the dynamics of your mission, of raising the level of frequency and vibration, & radiating it into your Collective Consciousness, so that those who have not yet awakened will find it easier to take the reins of creating their reality, and empowering themselves, and to bringing forth ascension on your Beloved planet, when they have awakened. When they finally see, that they have the power to create their reality, and this is what you have all been enabling with us.
But Beloveds, because you are at ground zero, if you will, you have direct connection into the hearts of humanity, as these many tests and challenges play out on your material plane. And you have the wherewithal to shine the high frequencies of Love and Light, that are streaming into your Beloved planet, to integrate with them, and then to shine them into the Collective Consciousness for others to awaken, and begin their clearing work, and to step into the completion of ascension on Beloved, Mother Gaia.
Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara roses, and this is a way for you to connect with us, in your hearts, on a very deep level, because these Kumara roses represent the power of love, all throughout creation in these high spectrums of color, of light encoding, and this is a symbol of you being in mission with us, and for all of us to know that we are victorious in the light, Beloveds.
We honor you for all you do. We are with you every step of the way. Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We thank you for being on this call, in meditation with us, once again. Namaste and Goodnight.