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11-13-24 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be on this conference call with all of you tonight.


Beloveds, yes, the momentum is carrying forth. The showdown is upon us, and all of these things will play out. But remember Beloveds, Truth is the launching pad for unconditional/universal love to triumph over all of this evil, that has been used against Humanity by these Satanic Cults who have given their allegiance and their souls to these fallen angels.


Yes, this dynamic has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years if not millions, Beloveds. It continues to play out that the survivors of the Orion Wars are now in this showdown with Humanity and the forces of Heaven. More importantly, the Councils of Heaven have been the guiding force in taking back your country, sovereignty, DNA, and free will. This will continue, Beloveds, as more & more of you awaken. As more & more of you pay attention to what is coming out of the Truther Community, and as more of Humanity turns off the Mainstream Media news channels, find out the facts from this Truther Community, and do the research for themselves.


This is a turning point for Humanity, Beloveds. But as we have kept on saying these many years, you have already won. You are seeing this now play out in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization. Yes, we know it takes courage for you to be heart-centered & to trust in the plans that have been put forth to announce and implement NESARA, but as Ashtar has said, many a time, it could be as simple as the pyramid schemes of this Cabal being all taken down and once they are the new systems are there ready to replace them.


Beloveds, yes, the Cabal is trying their best to wage this war on Humanity to get the United States and other countries locked into a World War and to get the United States conned into having a Civil War. We do not see a Civil War. We see Civil unrest that this Cabal will incite in the coming months, and possibly the Military will be called in, but Beloveds, reality is catching up with these members of the Cabal because their flow of money isn’t what it used to be. They used to pay off all of these black ops mercenaries to do their bidding and now that is not happening anywhere to the degree that it was just 5 or 6 years ago.


You have this new dynamic with the second administration of Trump coming in and now having people that will be loyal to him. The first time around he needed to keep some of those people who were hacks of the Cabal around because he really didn’t have the power yet so he could fully implement his agenda, but he completed enough of that to prepare the way for his second term, which is going to happen very shortly even with the Cabal resisting him in coming back into the office of the President. Love & light will prevail, Beloveds. The truth will prevail.


Let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out to each & every one of you, and I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with. Sending the energy around from the left to the right, around our circle into each & every heart. Now combining our fields of energy into One. We are raising the level and frequency of our vibration, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax into the Now moment.


We are calling in the rays of energy: The Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael, and all of his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and her Angels of the Violet Flame, & St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


Now we are spiraling clockwise from our Crown Chakra, into our central column of energy, through our high heart center, out through the soles of our feet, down through our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s crystalline core.


We are feeling her love, light, & compassion, & forgiveness for all that has been done to her by this cabal with all of its wars, pollution, and famine, and we honor her for all she is and all she does, and for her commitment to all living beings on this Planet for Ascension en masse to be brought to completion. We love her ever so much.


Now we are rising up to the surface of the Planet, up through the soles of our feet, up through our high-heart center, into our center above. We are spiraling clockwise from our center above to our center below. With the power and the speed of our thoughts, we are lifting up off of the surface of your Planet. We are rapidly rising through the many layers of atmospheres, and coming upon the periphery of your solar system where there are multitudes of ships. I am honing in on my Beloved Ship the Nibiru.


We are opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We are rising through, hovering in the airlock while the landing deck closes beneath us. Now Beloveds, it is safe to touchdown.


We are making our way to an open elevator. All of us are getting in. I am closing the door and pushing a button to take us rapidly up to the top floor of the Nibiru. We are feeling this Oneness with each other and with the energies of the Nibiru, and with the crew of the Nibiru, who have become a part of our meditation because they saw that we were doing this for all of this universe, to rid the universe from all of this evil. They were being affected primarily in their hearts with these high vibrations that we were calling in to do this work.


We are feeling this love & light. We honor them for all they are and all they do, and all of the members of the Ashtar Command. Now we are coming to a gentle stop, and I am opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings from many ships & many planets all over the Cosmos, and your ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


Now we are moving through the crowd into the middle of this gigantic room. We are forming a circle around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. As we do this the Mentors form a circle around us and other Beloved Beings form their circles. We are sending our energy into our circle, into the Mentor’s Circle, and into the outer circles. We are clockwise spiraling from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling.


We are absorbing all of the frequencies and vibrations of the crystals in this Crystalline Healing Room that represent all of the dimensions of Creation. We are also absorbing the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings either onsite or bilocating to us from all over the Cosmos of their high dimensional frequencies & vibrations. We are feeling this Oneness, this joy of us being united in mission together.


Beloveds on this call this is where we ask you to make your intentional requirements for what you want to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with feeling this Peace and this conscious awareness with each & every breath, allowing yourself to be continuously centered, grounded, & balanced in each & every Now moment so that whatever comes your way you are ready for it. You are in high vibration & frequency and no longer allowing yourself to be fed off of by the energies of this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming. Whatever it is Beloveds shine it forth into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight we call for the further revelations of the Truth to be made known in its fullness of all of the machinations of this Cabal, all of the politicians who have sold their souls, all of the Beloved Beings on your Planet who have worshipped these deities of the fallen angels, and who have allowed themselves to be taken over by this evil and doing this with Satanic sacrifices, pedophilia, and what have you Beloveds.


We are calling forth the liberation of Humanity. We are calling forth the power of love to ignite your Planet with the Truth and to disassemble all of the structures of this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming. We are shining our intentional requirements into the Master Crystal, shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and descending through the many layers of atmospheres. We are coming upon the periphery of your Beloved Planet and right onto the surface and shining our love & light in the highest frequencies, into the hearts & minds of all of Humanity, and raising the level of the vibration of all of the kingdoms of Beloved Mother Gaia on the surface, & underneath the surface.


We are shining our love & light, using it as a protective shield into the energy fields of all of Humanity, and into its collective consciousness of Humanity, so that all of you Beloveds who are about to awaken and who have already awakened may feel this Oneness with us, with you opening up your heart, allowing us to come in and feeling to release all of this 3-D Matrix mind control programming, and realize that the construct of the ego has been a spokesperson for this negative imprinting process which is based in fear & separation using lies, tricks & deceptions continuously to drag us down in frequency and vibration so that Humanity becomes easier & easier to control. But we are not allowing it, Beloveds.


Each & every person who awakens turns the tide in our favor and enables the light to be dominant on your Beloved Planet, and now we have this victory. You are moving forward to reshape the governments all over your Beloved Planet, not just in the United States, but all throughout the world to free the children, to free Humanity from debt slavery, and from the continuous, countless, and endless wars of this military negative mind control programming, and all of the big multi-national corporations.


We are calling forth all of the advanced technologies to support Humanity, to enable us to take care of all of our survival needs, and to create new societies based on Truth, freedom, & justice, love & compassion, & according to all of the universal laws, Beloveds.


We call in the children into the middle of our circle. We are radiantly shining our love & light into each one of their hearts & minds. We honor them, support, and love them in their mission for propagating the DNA of Humanity through procreation, with coming into this incarnation with more of the strands of their DNA activated to be in alignment with being in the 5th dimension and preparing for the divine perfection of our original Adam Kadmon blueprinting to once again take hold with the full optimal functionality with all of the strands of our DNA and power centers within the totality of our being, radiantly shining the love & light that we are, to go through all of the stages of integrating Ascension protocols, and to bring to completion Ascension en mass on your Beloved Planet in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite. Now Maria Magdalena will come in.




11-13-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this call with all of you, once again, tonight.


Beloveds, yes, you have been part of this great shift on your Planet. Now you are seeing the same patterns unfold in this election cycle that came about in 2020 & 2022. You are seeing that in certain states, even though Trump won by a landslide majority some of the Senators and the politicians of his party narrowly lost their elections; and the counting of ballots, once again, dragged on for several days before the election was called in the opposition’s favor.


These dynamics of control are making themselves very visible at this time when there is so much at stake on your Beloved Planet. Beloveds, this Cabal doesn’t have the power that they once had. A lot of Beloved Beings are not watching the Mainstream Media any longer. They are tuning into different webcasts of their favorite shows of this Truther Community, and they are getting their facts and ideas to do their own research from these Beloved Beings, who put their lives on the line to disseminate the Truth. This is an act of love, of selflessness, for your country and whatever country the members of the Truther Community find themselves in.


But actually, it is for the whole world to be free with the implementation of NESARA Beloveds. The love & light you are as One is radiantly shining throughout your Beloved Planet. Yes, this Cabal will not go down without a fight. They are hell-bent on being destructive, and that is where they believe their power is. But when you get right down to it, all they have been imprinted with is a lie. They have been conned into giving their souls and their power away to these deities of Satan, which are rooted in all of the twisted narratives of the fallen angels who were kicked out of Heaven by Creator-Source.


The level of evil, yes, will shock many during this Event of the Truth. Nothing will ever be the same, when you look at another person in their eyes, you will feel their soul in a way you have not been able to before. This is a cause for much celebration, for Humanity is about to be unified in a type of Unity Consciousness you have not had on your Planet for thousands upon thousands of years.


This Oneness will enable you to revamp all of the institutions of Humanity and to roll out all of these advanced technologies to empower Humanity so that your time can be best spent raising your frequency & vibration, so you can integrate Ascension protocols to bring about Ascension en masse to completion Beloveds. We love you ever so much. We are with you every step of the way. Yes, you are fighting in this last great battle against this Cabal. We are with you. We are all victorious in the light, Beloveds. Namaste & Goodnite. Now, Sananda will come in.




11-13-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this call with all of you, once again, tonight.


Beloveds, yes, the stage is being set for the return of Trump as the President of the United States. He is calling upon you, Beloved brothers & sisters, to raise this final battle with him, to win this Victory of the Light over evil, and take back your Beloved Planet in a way that will leave all of you cheering and dancing in the streets.


It is not an exaggeration, Beloveds. For far too long you have been mind-controlled into thinking that you were one thing, which was very limited, and letting yourselves be dragged down into negative mind-control programming based in fear & separation, that told you that you were only one-dimensional, that you deserved to be on this survival regimen of giving your money back to the governments, back to the bankers and extensively to the Cabal, just giving all of your power away, thinking that this was the only way you could live and survive on this Beloved Planet.


It has all been manipulated because your DNA was mutated when you gave your power away after a severe catastrophic crisis on your Beloved Planet. You will find out all of the details about your journey through these many thousands of years controlled by this Cabal and even way before that about what happened on your Planet that set the stage for this Cabal to come in and take over. Now that script is being thrown away and you are ever evolving in this new script based in unconditional/universal love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude and all of the higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension, such as grace, harmony, joy, abundance, mercy, kindness, prosperity, understanding, wisdom, etc.


Beloveds, my Marys come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara Roses. Take as many of them as you like into your hearts. They represent the high frequencies & vibrations of color, sound, and light. They are a symbol of us being in mission together to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet and to heal all of the wounds of being controlled by these Satanic Cults and their 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming.


Beloveds we are with you, as my Maria has said. We are with you every step of the way. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite, Beloveds.



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