Judith Küsel

Your soul in its purest soul form is pure energy. Light Energy.
This Light Energy contains your Light body, so when you see your own true Light body form, you will recognize yourself: Your eyes, forehead and features remain the same: – you may take on different physical forms, in different galaxies and star systems, but the triangle composed of your eyes, forehead and the upper part of your head, will always remain the same. This is one reason, why we will always recognize other souls we have known, either in previous lives, or other existences, mostly by their eyes and their facial upper triangle.
High Ranking Souls will always have an energetic imprint on their foreheads as well, which is normally in the form of sacred Geometries which allows souls to not only recognize each other, but to “read” the Soul and its original creation!
This is a self-portrait which can be found in my Africa book, created a few years ago, of how my soul appears in its form as Aysis-Ra-A-Ru-A-Ra, and do note the Star of David over my forehead. This is how I appear in my true soul form, always with this emblem.
The most interesting part is that your soul imprint, or the Divine Gold print, the Master Creation of your soul, will always be a match to your Soul Group. So they will have a similar symbol on their forehead, but with their own unique imprint!
I know this to be true of all my soul family on a Universal Level.
There is something so profound in all of this: The Divine not only created us to be unique, but our individuality forms part of the distinctive Soul Group or Monad we belong to. Yet, our uniqueness is imprinted in the sacred geometrical symbol etched on our foreheads for other tuned in souls to read. It will immediately identify you on Universal and Multi-Universal levels and is read by all Beings, on all levels of Creation!
Know that this is true for all souls and you have your own.
Now, this symbol or Divine Gold Print, is imprinted within with your own home galaxy as well. This is quite amazing, for this tunes you into it, for every galaxy has its own sacred tones. So your imprint, not only identifies you as soul, but you are emitting the sacred soul tones plus that of your own galaxy of origin!
Now if that does not start boggling your mind, then take it one step further. The All Seeing Eye of Horus, sits right where the Divine Imprint of Gold Print lies over your forehead! So this in turn connects you deeply with the All Seeing, All Hearing and All Knowing abilities of your own soul! Plus that of your Monad!
As a Master you will radiate so much light from your heart center plus your third Eye/crown centre that you literally appear as blinding light! You become see-through!
For the higher your vibrational frequency, the less dense you are. So you have no dense body in your true soul form, but only a pure energetic form!
Many of the most highly evolved and advanced Cosmic Races, have never taken on a physical form, but are living beings just like you are now in your earthly form! They never chose to adopt a material form so are literally invisible to human eyes, and only visible to the soul eyes!
The denser you come to be in physical form, the denser you grow on all levels, and it is no wonder that we sometimes label some people as “dense” but in truth do not know how apt this is! Some souls on earth become so “dense” and entangled up in material matter that they forget everything, and are trapped in matter. And that is exactly where the greatest woes of humanity lie: and to finally dissolve that dense body, and allow the new Light body form to be created in and around you – as the 5th to the 7 th dimensional state, allows you to now ascend!
Thus your soul, through all its incarnations in density or in energetic form, will always carry the Divine Soul Gold Print on your forehead and your soul in your eyes!We will reach the stage where, when we meet each other as souls, we will say: “I greet the Soul in you!”Your soul has the ability to span dimensions, to travel anywhere in God’s infinite creation and to expand into infinity.
Consequently the Ancient Mystery Schools taught students to remember this truth and high initiates could literally travel anywhere they chose to, returning with the information, the know-how, the inspiration needed and they gifted humanity with the same, or used this in highest loving service.
Nikola Tesla admitted that he downloaded the knowledge in his inventions and whatever was given to him by doing just that. So did so many others.
You can ask that you be consciously reconnected to your true soul family and certainly most of them will be in your home galaxy or somewhere else, or working on the Great Motherships of the Intergalactic Fleet. ”