Your definition of God changes everything, for how you see God is how you see yourself.
When you see God as being all loving, all forgiving, all knowing, all present, you’d want to mimic God in your actions. When you see God as the source of all your good, as the provider of all you need, as the loving gentle hand that guides you like a father, then you’d want to pay closer attention to that presence. When you see God as being all there is, a force of good, of love, of light, then you’d want to see everything from the eyes of God.
When you think of God as a loving, generous, giving, nurturing force, then you’d want to trust you are supported, always taken care of. And then you’d want to drop and let go of all the questions that get you thinking you are not, that get you thinking something is wrong, that get you believing you are alone in this, that get you thinking you need to prove something, that you are unworthy, that keep you looking outside yourself for answers.
Then you’ll see God in all you do, in all you say, in all you think, in everything you feel. Which means one thing, you let go of the ego’s conceptions, fabricated truths, false identity and attachments to everything outside of you. For to be like Source is to return to your Essence, that you can only find within yourself. It means, you take more quiet time, more alone time, more time in silence, less engaged and more present. It means you take time to turn within, to tune to the world within you, and be less interested in everything going on outside that is always passing anyway. Therefore, it means you sit with the truth of you, rather than be occupied by the mirages passing by.
And then, once you’ve done that long enough, you become that beacon of light, that you were meant to be, that higher master you came to embody, that larger you, you’ve been seeking all this time elsewhere.
You are meant to ascend, to rise beyond this level, on and on to more of you. Allow the distractions to be just that and turn to you, to the guiding light within, to the loving voice within, that is not interested in all the happenings outside, and is waiting for a second even, until you are alone, you are quiet, to show you the world within you is one of peace, of love, of harmony, of joy.
So you turn within every time and you’ll find the answers right inside you.