Steve Beckow

We all probably want to know what’s coming down the pike. The Company of Heaven, while they don’t come right out and give a great deal of detail on what’s ahead, do issue warnings to us, correct impressions, and generally reassure us that we’ll emerge fine from this phase of things.
Overall this sounds like the very worst phase we’ll have to go through. Not because of what will happen to us so much as what we’ll see and hear, what we’ll be shown and told.
What will happen will be a lot of theater. But what will be shown and told will be a hideous reality.
To speed up the dissemination of information, I’m using a question-and-answer format.
My first question is what event will start the next phase of things?
Should we fear the lockdown?
Matthew Ward: If a lockdown is ordered, it will provide you with protection and be short-lived, and if a communication blackout and/or an economic closedown were to occur, those also would be brief. Ignore whatever sounds frightening—it could be what the dark ones want to do but no longer have either time or the global network to carry out. (2)
What can you tell us about the broadcasts?
Federation of Light: Soon enough, oh, so soon enough, will your KNOWINGNESS OF TRUTH be presented on screens and devices.
Before your eyes, … you [will] be shocked beyond the wildest thoughts you have had … in the ways of darkness and all that has been taking place on your Planet. (3)
While these broadcasts go on, what will be happening behind the scenes?
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Know that often much more is taking place than you are presently aware of. The workers for the Light move silently about their work laying down the necessary plan for the final removal of everything that is the work of the dark Ones. You will gradually see the changes for the better and things will clearly reveal what is really happening behind the scenes.
The plan is in place for your release from their tentacles that have spread far and wide. Understand that matters are playing out future events that were put in place a long time ago to ensure that the Human Race was not imprisoned by those who oppose the Light. (4)
Matthew: From time to time we have alluded to upcoming happenings that will shock most of Earth’s peoples to their very core. If any period could be considered majorly dramatic insofar as the world being turned upside down to shake out the dark elements, it is the period on your near horizon. In concert with mind-stunning revelations, energy surges will be activating ancient portals and anchoring them as interstellar beacons. (5)
Naturally, for these ‘types’ of changes … much has to be carefully put into place, so as to cause as little upheaval and unsettlement as possible. …
When the ‘Good Guys’ are in place for one to see, believe, and therefore … TRUST. … These Truths [will] have to be revealed by those who are to … ‘take charge/are in charge of’ … the days that are coming. …
The ‘Good Guys’ are a large component of an even larger component, of an even larger component … that are of, not only the Highest intelligence, yet, of the Highest Light of Consciousness [i.e., the Elohim?]
The Souls involved were meticulously chosen and groomed for the greatest task that they were to be assigned. (6)
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Dear Ones, would you really think that the Light would concede its place in your future to the dark Ones. Certainly not and soon it will become quite evident
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Is the white hat plan sound?

Federation of Light: Souls on and off Planet … have devised and created a Plan that is so intricate, so incredibly complicated, so brilliant that it cannot fail.
All meetings and gatherings that have taken place regarding the bringing down of the so-called ‘elite’, have been underway for many years. The planning of this Victory has involved masterminds of the Highest calibre in order for The Plan to be carried out in such a way that … as it falls into place … the Brilliance of it is unsurpassed, without question.
You see, Blossom, it has had to ‘appear’ as if your World is run by those of great darkness … and indeed, for so long this has been the case. Yet, projects have been implemented, whereby infiltration has successfully proven to make use of that which those who think they have it all in place, have in actual fact … been useful in providing the foundations of what is required for the Plan to move forward … in the right direction. (1)
You say you’re aware of the plans of the dark?
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: The dark Ones are seemingly in command and going ahead with their plan for world domination, but in reality they are the precursors of their demise. They have walked into the trap laid down a long time ago when their plans were revealed [by the Looking Glass?]. (2)
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Knowing what was planned enabled the Forces of Light to use that knowledge to their advantage and bring everything into plain sight. To be forewarned is to be ready to combat the assault upon the Human Race so it cannot be imprisoned any longer.
The truth has been manipulated to the advantage of the dark Ones who have kept it from the Human Race, so as to exert control over them. Be assured that their plan has been discovered, and, so to say ,“turning it on its head,” we are using it against them. (3)
Will chaos ensue in Phase II?
Federation of Light: That which is to unfold will be far greater a controversy than what has gone before.
Therefore, the conflict of opinions between Souls will differ greatly.
What YOU will benefit from is your steadfastness in LOVE.
You are entering a New Age where the vibrations are speeding up. …
When you take into account your last few years, there was a great divide of opinion as to what was good for one to do and what was not.
It shall be the same with that which is to come. Depending on any ‘news’ that is given, each Soul will derive from it, that which settles or unsettles them.
That which is to unfold will be far greater a controversy than what has gone before.
Therefore, the conflict of opinions between Souls will differ greatly.
What YOU will benefit from is your steadfastness in LOVE.
Repeat the Mantra over and over. It anchors you in Strength. It supports you.
There shall be those who believe that they must do as they are told …
Those that absolutely disagree with what they are told … and …
Those who have no idea either way.
All one can do … is BE within it.
YOU BE … YOU … within every moment of your day.
When you awaken to each new sunrise, YOU BE … YOU.
YOU manoeuvre throughout your day, breathing and taking action with each new breath.One phone call could change your life and you ‘do what you have to do’ depending on the nature of that call. You cannot not do anything, for life moves on within each of those breaths that you take.
What is to come should be ‘handled’ in the same way.
Blossom: I feel we are speaking of Phase Two?
FoL: We are
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How will people unaware of what’s happening greet these events?
Matthew: The unusual activity that volunteers will welcome and find energizing will be confusing and frightening to Earth’s peoples. As truths come forth in months ahead, both believers and nonbelievers will need to be steadied. Not only do you have the strength in mind, body and spirit to carry them on your shoulders, so to say, you are that strength, dear ones, and much, much more—you need only to trust that you are. (1)
Arcturian Group: 2024 … is going to be a year of exposures and events that will help awaken many who continue to place their trust in beliefs that are now becoming obsolete. No person can remain hypnotized by illusions of separation forever because the reality of every person is God/Source/Divine Consciousness individualized. (2)
Have we the strength to do this?
Matthew: You will not be lifting up the whole civilization yourselves. Many of God’s myriad emissaries—angels, spirit guides, your loved ones in spirit worlds, souls from off-planet civilizations and from Inner Earth, and the extraterrestrial special forces—want to participate, too.
Most will be unseen, but you will feel their energy merging with yours, and together you will generate a tsunami of love’s high vibrations that will help stabilize the populace. Forthcoming developments will be lifechanging for every soul on the planet and the changes will benefit the entire universe. (3)
The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton: You are going to receive the upgrades that you need to be able to handle higher-frequency energies.
Those upgrades will be happening at the cellular and DNA levels, as well as within your chakra system.
You are getting downloads and attunements to help you with the connecting of consciousness. …
You are also being given activations of more of your higher self’s consciousness within your physical body so that you can know yourselves as multidimensional beings who are capable of reaching out into all other systems and dimensions that you would like to.
We want you to know that what is coming is huge and that you are a part of the readiness for what is coming.
It is that work that you do on yourselves, and it is the way you spread higher-vibrational information around that prepares humankind for what is to come.
And so, because you are doing your part, you make yourselves ready for these upgrades, downloads, activations and attunements. …
You are being attuned to the fifth-dimensional energies. You are ready now because you have opened up in terms of your hearts, your minds
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What words of reassurance do you have as we survey what lies ahead?
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: The dark Ones continue with their evil plan for world domination, which is limited, and in fact they can no longer achieve their objectives.
However, they would rather try to destroy everything than admit defeat. Be assured that that will not happen as greater forces than theirs are looking after the destiny of the world and its people. It has been so for eons of time although the dark Ones have had freedom to carry out their plans. They can only be thwarted by those of the Light opposing them.
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It is the Rule of the Laws laid down by the Higher Forces overseeing the destiny of Mother Earth and its people. It may seem at times that the dark Ones have a free reign to do whatever they like, but it is not so as there are limitations to their actions based on the overall situation. …
Every soul will eventually find its right place and proceed to grow and evolve at lightning speed. You have so much to look forward to if you did but know it. So do not be disillusioned by present events as these will soon pass. You were chosen to be present at such a time because of your experience and ability to adapt and still help others to find the Light. (1)
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Do not be deceived by the fear that is being created all around you, there is a happy ending to come when the old Age will no longer have any influence over you. There is so much happiness and joy to come when the vibrations are lifted, and all that is not of the Light left to follow its own path.
Another cycle will once again give all souls the opportunity to rise up as none are destined to remain in the dark forever. Think positively and let those who refuse the Light follow their chosen path in accordance with the freewill given you. The Light will always be supreme and is always there for all souls regardless. (2)
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: We commend you for your fortitude and determination to succeed regardless of the obstacles placed in your path. Working together we assure you that your efforts will be rewarded and your journey made as smooth as possible.
We have knowledge well beyond your present understanding and it will be used as and when applicable. Together we are a force to be reckoned with, that will not yield to the tactics used by the dark Ones.