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What Determines Our Experience on a Timeline ? August 5, 2022 by Steve Beckow

Steve Beckow

These are excerpts from an upcoming book on timelines.
I decided the time had come to learn about the subject since so many sources were mentioning it in passing.
I’m using the question-and-answer format because that’s the most efficient way of organizing the material quickly.
“Timeline” is used in two ways: (A) a schedule with a deadline and (B) a vibratory coalescence of like-minded souls who consent to travel through a period of time together. I’m only concerned with the second meaning.
I’m not claiming the material reproduced here answers the question completely. It represents more the most pertinent material from what I have in my databases.
Q: What determines what we experience on a timeline?
Divine Mother: Although multiple timelines do exist and intermingle, it is still up to the collective of the timeline in which you find your major focus that will determine what you experience. (1)
D.L. Zeta: During this time of rapid change and new possibilities, many lightworkers have moved to advanced timelines based on themes of oneness, ascension, service and transformation.
The broader the timeline, the more expansive the identity options available. After shifting to a timeline of service, you may begin to see yourself as a world server, life coach, intuitive, shaman, spiritual author, visionary, spiritual seer and much more.
Whenever we adopt a new identity, we begin to see the world through the eyes of this new role.
This new way of seeing the world represents a new focus personality. All events, possibilities and decisions are examined in terms of the focus personality and its needs, preferences, choices and goals.
Q: What is a timeline?
Divine Mother: Understand we could have several hours of what you think of as time talking about time and timelines. (1)
Ivo: Everything is energy and frequency. There is no other law. Everything in consciousness vibrates and that is because it is alive. Everything has a measurable frequency. This frequency can be changed in the human and other species of life because that is the nature of life: learning and evolving. (2)
Ivo: Frequency will always split into timelines. Disparate frequencies cannot co-exist. They will always split out. More and more realities will emerge from this point in time, thankfully more positive ones than negative. (3)
St. Germain: There are many timelines that will take you out of this cycle, and you are creating them all the time. (4)
D.L. Zeta: The storyline or timeline we’re following is by nature a dream spun from our natural yearning to grow and understand. …
When we allow ourselves to tune into universal love, we awaken [i.e., ascend/] within the timeline of our dream just as we awaken within a lucid dream. Once we awaken, we’re able to consciously choose what we will do. Choices and possibilities that exist at frequencies incompatible with love fall away. They simply fall off our radar screen. (5)
D.L. Zeta: As we move through life, acting from love and being love, we move along timelines compatible with the frequency of love. These timelines are lucid waking dreams that allow us to see through illusion and create realities from a conscious and clear vision. (6)
Ivo: The timelines are splitting out and they are qualified in terms of truth versus lies. You get to choose which you wish to invest your energy in. In other words you are voting now, but with your energy. And you are investing in the future you wish your children to have. (7)
Diane: Everyone stands at the crossroads of evolution and either you choose to go forward and move to a new timeline or remain in your present dimension.
You cannot fail to be touched by the higher energies, but if you cannot assimilate them into your being you will eventually leave the new Earth that is emerging.

During times of spiritual transformation, your identity and focus may change quickly and unexpectedly. Navigating such quantum leaps in identity requires a great deal of awareness and personal mastery as major shifts can cause feelings of losing one’s identity. This can be troubling if we are not firmly grounded in a strong sense of our overall self and our spiritual purpose. (2)
Q: What does it mean to say that this is a time when we’re calling in all aspects?
Yeshua: Well, when we have said to you that is it a time when you are calling in all aspects, all parts, all timelines of your Sacred Self, this is truly what you are doing. So that you become in your Self, the warehouse shall we say, of You. So what you are doing, as you are practicing this unity, this integration, because the integration has need to be fully in place, so there aren’t fragments of You ascending, there is the totality of You ascending.
All timelines, now we know this is difficult in your reality to consider, but all timelines are basically concurrent. And so what you can do, Dear Heart is simply, go back to a timeline and pull it into your Sacred Self, pull it into your conscious. Yes, your conscious mind. It is not sufficient for it to be in an unconscious or a subconscious place. It can stay there if that is where you wish it to be, not all things can be in your consciousness all at once, at least not quite yet.
That will change as well, but simply see that you are beckoning, taking it, pulling it, calling across the Universe, and asking for that experience, that lifetime, that situation to come into you. So this is the sensation, and it is the sensation with all aspects of Who You Are. Yes, saint, sinner, glorious martyr, do not think of these as archetypes, you are much more than archetypes.
What you are calling in is the fullness of that experience, of that life, of the totality of You. So you are in meditation, you are anchored within your heart, and you are calling throughout the Universe, for example this experience that you and I, Suzi, have shared in that lifetime, that timeframe, to come in. So the feeling is, the sensation is, I do not wish to make it too visual because there are some of you who will simply hear or feel or intuit, it matters not; that being, that aspect, is standing directly in front of you, facing you, with all the information, now prior to throwing out your arms and embracing them, yes even in the situation with me, ask them sweet Angels, to wipe their feet. Put them through an etheric whitewash, so that none of the pain, of the suffering, of anything that might be residual, is coming through. Just what is pure, and clear, and of Love. (3)
9D Arcturian Council: Now is the time to begin pulling it all together, all the fragmented aspects of self and all the factions there on Earth.
It’s time to bring about the next changes through peace internally and peace all around you. (4)
The Lighted Ones: Consider that you are like a golden puzzle with a 100 separate pieces. Over the years and over many lifetimes (some in this dimension, some in others. Some in the past. Some in this timeline) you have broken off pieces of this puzzle and have hidden them from view. Either because you were afraid of them yourself or you were afraid of what others would do or say if they witnessed these parts of you. The process you have been on, the journey you have agreed to embark upon, has been one to go out and bravely reclaim those missing pieces.
The process of integrating your wholeness has happened in this lifetime. However as we have spoken to you before, some of those pieces have been aspects that were hidden in past lifetimes or in alternate dimensions with alternate aspects of yourself. Again we say do not try too hard to comprehend the concept of alternate realities or timelines, for all occurs simultaneously and parallel. You have gone out and have faced parts of yourself that have seemed dark and unloveable and unwanted. You have reclaimed parts of yourself that you were afraid to embrace because they seemed too spectacular or too unique.
As humans you have spent so much of your time wanting to be accepted by those around you that you perceived to be in control, that you have become very good at diminishing aspects of yourself in order to stay within the safe boundaries of the majority. Now you see however that the shift is occurring and it is now that by integrating all of those pieces of yourself that you become more powerful, more dynamic and more spectacular than you have ever dreamed you could be…
Now you say “I face this aspect of who I am, I accept this aspect of who I am, I reclaim this aspect of who I am and I LOVE this aspect of who I am.” When you do that, the lower vibration is instantly dissolved, the smoke and the illusion instantly vanishes and you integrate the highest parts of you while the lower stuff is transformed by the powerful flames of Love and Light! The legend of the Phoenix is no legend Dear Ones!(laughter) It is exactly the process that you undergo each and every time that you reclaim part of who you are. As you continue to reclaim the golden puzzle pieces that you have hidden over time you get brighter and more powerful and more magnificent.
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