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Writer's pictureDrago Kulic

We Know the Outcome and We Serve That, June 29, 2023 by Steve Beckow ..

We can sit and watch and Ascension will happen, taking us with it.
But soon we’ll hear about the state of the world in the ten days of broadcasts. After that, I imagine there’ll be no holding most people back from wanting to take positive action.
People have for years now been reaching out and making peaceful coalitions. Worldwide meditations. Freedom convoys. Farmers protests.
We need more of that now. Non-violent non-cooperation. What Gandhi called satyagraha or reliance alone on the force of truth.
Worldwide walkouts. Withholding of services. Solidarity. Peaceful, united fronts.
All that separates us and freedom from our servitude is a lack of unity, a lack of solidarity, and a lack of purpose.
I can offer a purpose, one that was laid down by Werner Erhard in the 1970s: A world that works for everyone. (1) Let that be our common purpose and commitment.
It may take some hard but peaceful work to coax that world along until we, having ascended to a higher plane of consciousness, arrive at it in all its splendor.
To be plain: A higher-dimensional world is a world that works for everyone. (2) The love that flows there, as I know, (3) satisfies all needs and desires. Our first collective experience of it will be the Ring of Fire/Wave of Love, which I expect after the ten days of broadcasts. Ascension will leave us permanently in such a world. (4)
But back to positive action: Development of means of taking global polls and votes. Congresses, parliaments, town halls, plus social media. We have the reach; we just haven’t organized.
I’m thinking of united, cooperative, coordinated action such as Reiner Fuellmich, America’s Frontline Doctors, Del Bigtree, and everyone on the Trump Team are so adept at organizing.
We now need to come together in one United Front for Peace, Truth, and Liberty. And then we need to build momentum.
So many lightworkers are operating without knowledge of the messages from the Company of Heaven. They don’t know of the existence of the Divine Mother or Archangel Gaia or the Mother’s plan for Gaia’s physical form, Planet Earth. (5)
Many of them are wondering what the outcome will be, whereas we know that the Mother has already decreed that Earth will be pure and inviolate again. (6) It’s in the Mother’s Plan that the darkness has had its day and now must leave. (7)
It’s in her Plan that Gaia will ascend to the Seventh Dimension of consciousness and that all the hosts of angels incarnated here at this time will go with her. (8) Gaia will become what she originally was, a planet of love – a Garden of Eden – where the Mother’s angels can come and experience love in physical form.
According to the physics that governs the universe, the dark won’t have the wherewithal to survive in the regions of increased light. They’ll depart. (9) We’ll continue on.
But within an environment, an atmosphere of such unimaginable love – the Seventh is the dimension of Christ Consciousness – that we’ll know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we’re in a plane, a dimension, a world that works for everyone.
So we know there’s a job to be done and to be done as peacefully as possible, but we also know the outcome and we serve that.
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