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The Fate of the Dark , August 5, 2024 by Steve Beckow

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

Before I begin, there are rumors of “world war” and “nuclear war” between Iran and Israel, starting today. I’ve written up the reassurances from the celestials and galactics that neither world war nor nuclear war will be permitted. (1)
Rather, these events are being staged to call forth global martial law and a takedown of the cabal.
Another rumor is that this “conflict” will be a cover for the Reval.  That fits with a recent banker story that the Reval would happen Monday.
But don’t get your hopes up too high. Every prediction until today has been wrong. It’s coming, but – no matter what we want – it’ll come at the most opportune time.
Remember what Archangel Gaia said:
“I am now telling you what your mission is on Earth – it is to be an angel on Earth. You do not have to change the people around you; you do not have to get involved in politics, or that kind of activity. What you are meant to do here as a lightworker is to anchor a certain vibration.” (2)
We might want more detail on the fate of the dark side, to reassure ourselves as to the outcome of the current hidden but global conflict. Let me look here, briefly, at that subject.
Matthew Ward tells us, in a general sense, that nothing of low vibration can survive where we’re going:
“Wars, violence, deception, oppression and media censorship will cease incrementally as the dark hearts and minds among you leave the planet.
“It can be no other way—simply, this is the physics that governs life in this universe. As Earth continues apace into successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any form—physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds—can survive.” (3)
That would go a long way to fashioning a world that works for everyone!
Archangel Michael tells us that those of the cabal/elite who refuse rehabilitation will have to leave.
 Archangel Michael: There will be a great deal of rehabilitation in some people, if they choose. If they choose not, then they are leaving. It is that simple. They do not belong on Nova Gaia. (4)
The Divine Mother explains that she brings the recalcitrants home, without blame or punishment, to reflect on and recover from this lifetime.
Divine Mother: Those people who just simply say “no, I don’t want to do this” will be gathered up in mercy, in compassion, gentleness and kindness – not brought to somewhere else, let me be very clear about that – they will be brought home for reconstitution. …
They will either die beforehand or die during, because they cannot incorporate the level of the love energy – because that is what Ascension is – they cannot incorporate that and it literally… you have heard of situations, especially you… have heard of situations where people’s hearts simply stop or explode for no explained reason.
It is simply because they cannot continue on, and the merciful thing to do is to simply, gently, and kindly, bring them home.  (5)
The Telosians, inhabitants of Telos in the Inner Earth, tell us that many of the elite will succumb to illness, just as some British royalty are or have (many are rumored to have been executed and replaced by clones, actors, CGI, etc.):
“Your strength of Love, within you, in your heart, is stronger than [the elite’s] current little power. You can already see that some royal beings [British royalty, for instance] are in sickness. These beings have a faded but very real power because of their material wealth, but … illness suddenly takes hold of them, and it will also affect other human beings imbued with power over you.
“And that’s not all: some of them will attempt suicide because they can’t accept losing everything that gives meaning to their lives. These events, which will affect them, will take place in a very short space of time and will be a liberation for you, which you will welcome with relief. When we say ‘relief,’ we mean that it will bring you an understanding of all the lies that have been passed down to you since time immemorial. This is going to be a time of revelations.” (6)
We have seemingly-conflicting messages from Matthew and SaLuSa on the fate of the dark ones. Matthew says it’s our responsibility to prosecute them and SaLuSa asks us not to worry because they will stand in the universal Halls of Justice.
First Matthew:
“Some of you think space family members will bring the Illuminati to justice. Extraterrestrials have assisted Earth in a multitude of ways throughout her history, so that thought is understandable. But it is not part of the divine master plan, which does permit members to step in and manage situations beyond the capabilities of Earth’s civilization.” (7)
The galactics do have permission to relocate certain troublesome individuals, Matthew says:
“Also with divine permission to assist you, [the galactics] can relocate specified individuals who refuse to step down from the helm of various activities that are against the good of Earth humankind.” (8)
And SaLuSa:
“Bear in mind that whatever happens where your dark ones are concerned, they will stand in the Halls of Justice before they start a new experience.” (9)
The resolution, I believe, is that Matthew is talking about while they’re “alive” and SaLuSa is talking about after their “death.”
How is that? Since they’ll all be unascended and hence still subject to their physical bodies, their death is implied by “before they start a new experience”; that is, a new  lifetime.
Meanwhile Nova Earth will gradually emerge, the Telosians explain:
“As these low-powered humans see their lives unravel, another form of life will settle on your planet. This will happen gradually, and that’s why we ask you to look to your future, to the times ahead, with confidence and Joy, because you’ll know that the great wish within you to live the New Earth will come true.” (10)
The White Hat Alliance is bringing top members of the cabal to justice. Illness is bringing down others. And some are being transported away.
These events are not being reported now. They may be in the ten days of broadcasts. But they are happening “behind the scenes” and depleting the ranks of the deep state as we speak.
This is just a quick overview, not of what the White Hat Alliance is doing and has planned, but what the galactics and celestials, in service of the Divine Mother, are saying and doing – on “both sides of the veil,” so to speak – in support of our Ascension and the manifestation of Nova Earth.



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