Following the revelation that had me “get” as a holistic experience what creative partnership with Michael meant, I’m a little off-balance while at the same time having another creative spurt.
This creative explosion is similar to what happened after something – I know not what – merged with me on June 7, 2021. (1)
One thought has been occupying my mind all today. That’s imagining what it would be like to channel Michael.
The thought thrills me.
That means that, after the Reval, when I face a big decision, I could ask him, immediately, about my decision. He’s said he would tell me when to speak and what to say, not leave me without aid, and always be by my side. Does that not imply that we could be in direct communication?
I have a cosmic NDA (non-disclosure agreement) on some areas, which I acknowledge and honor. (2) But I feel OK talking about this aspect of things.
Whether I like it or not, the delivery of my envelope has shaken my life up big time.
As the Federation said: You’ll know what to do. Everything to be known will be communicated. That fits my experience entirely.
But can you imagine if it results in me being able to get and transcribe answers from Michael on wide-roaming questions? I resonate with that so much it has to be in the cards.
OMG, I’d never stop asking. I’d never sleep.
Cross-cultural spirituality, the angelic kingdom (from which all of us come), multidimensionality, the heart, a vision, and the present moment as portals to the higher dimensions. What happens when we go back and reunite with Father/Mother One? What are the dimensions said to be in the Transcendental? On and on.
Previously I had little interest in channeling, but my interest has now grown. (3) Ok, exploded!
In getting excited about such an idea, I see the truth of what the Company of Heaven says about “just build Nova Earth and the recalcitrants will see what fun you’re having and join you.”
I completely forget about the cabal when I think of some of the exciting projects we could run on Nova Earth in this area.
Leaving me out of the picture, here are some that I’ve wanted to do since 2007. I’d like to empower and employ panels of mediums to answer questions from medical personnel, physicists, technologists, etc. Tesla could tell us what he really had in mind. Can you imagine asking Socrates a question? Gosh, I’d like to ask Akhenaton if he was talking about the inner or the outer sun – the Atman or Sol. I say, the inner sun. (4)
I’d also like to see other panels of mediums exploring life in the higher dimensions as described by mentors on the other side. I’m still looking for a new map of heaven, described by those who really do know, people like Matthew Ward who designed the afterlife planetary dimensions associated with Gaia/Earth as well as much of our Ascension plan.
Archangel Michael: You have reached a point in your heart, in your being, in your life, in your consciousness where you are realizing … the magnitude of our partnership. (1)
I did. I am. I’m sobered.
I’m beginning to glimpse the magnitude of it all. There’s nothing small or boring about what we’re involved in and the Company of Heaven, as I now see, are waiting for us to own it.
To take personal responsibility for the shape the world is in now and be responsible for fixing the planet. That’s what’s being asked of us. And to have fun doing it. (2)
You certainly have my attention now. This is exciting.
We’ll recognize our instructions at a soul level when we receive them, just as the Federation of Light said. (3) That certainly describes my situation.
I get that the same opportunity for co-creative partnership awaits everyone who wants and asks for it. (I’m not jealous or possessive!)
If other people don’t follow on and make that connection with their celestial partner, a major component of what Michael and I are doing will fail. Michael has already encouraged people to ask him. (4) They want us to work with them. It’s the coming of age of humanity.
This is not designed to be a once-only phenomenon. As Michael said:
Archangel Michael: As things are shifting, as the, shall we call it, new awareness, heightened awareness, interdimensional reality – because that is truly what we are talking about – as this truly anchors, not only in the heart, but in the thought patterns, the behaviour patterns of human beings, the idea of working with an Archangel is in fact going to be commonplace. (5)
Good. What an incredible privilege and opportunity for everyone who takes the invitation up. I can surely vouch for that.
He says that they no longer do for us, except when we’re headed for a fall (or ingesting a toxic substance or burning the building down!). Now they want to work with us.
Archangel Michael: Human beings need to come to the understanding that they are co-creators with us, that we are in a sacred partnership. We have said so many times that we do not do necessarily in the way that you may have previously conceived of doing for humanity. We do with you. We co-create with you. (6)
I can’t sit still thinking about it. I’m reminded of what the Mother says:
Does [the thought of your project] bring joy to your heart? Does it ignite that wonderful smile in your tummy? Does it make your feet tap, wanting to get going? Does it feel like love? Does it feel that you could take this project, whatever it is, and show it to me in full confidence and pride that this is something that you are offering yourself, each other, and the multiverse, the omniverse? (7)
Yes, Mother. I’m jumpy, can’t sit still, and jubilant. Let the show begin!