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The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Jan. 5, 2025

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

Marilyn Raffaele

Dear Readers, welcome to this first message of the new year and a new year it will be. Because the ascension process is well underway, changes are starting to happen in the hearts and minds of many. Some long-held beliefs will begin to manifest in new and higher form while others will completely disappear as being no longer relevant.
New ways of seeing, thinking, and understanding are going to unfold as increasingly more people wake out of long-held three-dimensional programming. This in turn will raise the resonance of Earth’s collective consciousness allowing the majority to more easily access truth.
Many are starting to question what they have been told about themselves and everything else in the world and spiritual empowerment that has long lain dormant in many is awakening. This in turn is allowing increasingly more individuals to recognize that “The emperor has no clothes,” with regard to much they have always held as being true.
The higher the vibrational frequency, the closer it is in alignment with the higher realms. The highest realms are pure Light unable to be accessed by human eyes. As the frequency of Earth’s energy rises and integrates into those receptive, increasingly more people will begin to see friends and family who have passed on as well as guides, angels, and extra-terrestrials of a high resonance.
The dark, heavy, dense, light-less energies that constitute what the world has come to know as evil, devil, Satan, black magic, or hell are nothing more than human constructs having no Divine Law (reality) to support them. God did not and could not create from anything other than ITSELF because there is nothing other than ITSELF. Never fear or give power to these things because that is what maintains and sustains them.
God is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent and because every person is an individualization of God, everyone’s true Self is likewise omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.
However, these qualities are only experienced in proportion to the receptivity of a person’s state of consciousness. Consciousness is creative, always expressing ITself as inifinite form and variety. Ask yourself; “What do I have in my consciousness that I create from?”
A sense of oneness with other people, animals, and all life is often the way that spiritual awakening begins and this is starting to happen for many. One of the biggest lies that has ever been perpetrated onto mankind is that man has dominion over nature, superior to and entitled to dominate it. Man and nature are one/ONE–different Divine Ideas within the same Divine Consciousness and therefore actions that destroy, misuse, cause suffering, and disregard nature are actions affecting humans as well.
Every quality of God exists in, as, and through every person. You are ready to move into conscious realization of this. Lifetimes of experiences ranging from good to bad to horrible have taught and brought you to where you are now.
You have graduated from three-dimensional learning lessons and are spiritually prepared to accept and live from a higher sense of reality, from a consciousness of; I already am everything I have been seeking because I AM.
Let your meditation time be one of resting in conscious awareness of your oneness with true Reality, Law, and Power rather than a time of seeking, reaching out, or praying some “correct” prayer in hopes of attracting spiritual experiences. To go back to this type of meditating after you know the truth will create a deeper rift of separation within than was there before. (1)
It may seem as if nothing is happening with regards to meditation for a long time, even years, but know that whenever you go within for the purpose of aligning with Source, something happens. Inner doors begin to open allowing stored self-imposed blocks to surface in order to clear, which may temporarily make life seem more difficult. Over time you will notice synchronicity, abundance, and harmony, etc., beginning to manifest without effort or seeking on your part–the fruits of meditation.
Living the spiritual life gets much easier once you stop resisting, analyzing, and viewing everything from the level of right and wrong, correct or incorrect, good and bad. Without these three dimensional blocks, you can open to deeper understandings of why certain people and events have been a part of your life.
You begin to experience and live from a higher state of spiritual empowerment allowing you to trust in yourself and realize that you are fully capable of making your own right decisions. You stop looking to the opinions and beliefs of other people, government, “leaders”, and organized religion for validation.
Spiritual evolution eventually brings every person to where their focus becomes that of attaining a consciousness of Oneness but this requires the letting go of all programming based in the belief that humans are unworthy “worms in the dust” that must suffer, atone, and take action in order to draw God and their good to them.
Once you move beyond these obsolete false teachings (still being taught), you are free to live from the realization that the one omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God and all that IT is, is your true nature. Not the human limited hypnotized ego-sense of you that you thought you were, but the Real YOU.
The world once prayed to many gods, gods of fertility, crops, health, war, and even gods to kill one’s enemies (anyone they didn’t like). Mankind has evolved from having many gods to one God but continues praying the same way they prayed to many gods.
Praying to some personal concept of God as being a man in the sky, a cross, a statue, a star, a geographic location, or a certain ceremony, etc., in the belief that doing this will bring what you don’t have is a form of idolatry, regardless of how sincere, and simply adds more energy to and strengthens beliefs of separation.
We are not saying that praying is wrong or that you must not pray, but we are saying that you are ready to pray righteous prayers, prayers that recognize, affirm, and acknowledge truth rather than separation.
Let “I have because I am” be your sword and shield in all situations. It can be difficult to stay centered while clearing and perhaps also experiencing old energy from the hundreds, even thousands, of previous lifetimes.
You have experienced good, bad, violence, war, power over and power under while being every skin color and both genders in order to be where you are now spiritually. The energy of many of these experiences is often stored and continues to be experienced until cleared. (Example–inordinate fears of certain people, places, or situations)
Oneness is the essence of love. It is the key to all things even when it is simply holding the door open for another in awareness of their Divine Nature. Allow oneness to flow through and as you, wherever opportunities arise, but never allow yourself to be used by those who do not understand love and seek to profit from it.
Visualize Earth as a world of peace and love and acknowledge the Divine Light behind every pair of eyes, even those of the world’s worst tyrants. If the other is at all receptive to the recognition of their Divine nature, it can lift and open them to truth. This is true prayer and the higher sense of love.
We are the Arcturian Group 1/5/25




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