Ashtar is the Captain on the Bridge of the head starship The New Jerusalem. Also Ashtar is Rama’s father. He over lighted Rama’s Earth father to bring him through.

The True History, 09/07/2022
The King of Swords : The King of Swords [KOS], a Navy Seal, is the Commander of the White Knight Faction 3 forces on the ground, located at the 38th level above the President in the military hierarchy.

.• KOS is a volunteer individualized soul who has taken on the mission in this lifetime to fulfill the 7th incarnation and initiation of the energies of Sananda Kumara on the planet at this time. Similarly, Yesu Pistis Sophia, as an individualized soul, volunteered to take on the mission of the 6th incarnation and initiation of Sananda Kumara on the planet 2,000 years ago. The 1st incarnation and intitation of these energies began with Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. [#5 was Siddartha Buddha] This represents the evolution of humanity on the ascension spiral to be able to absorb greater and greater qualities of higher love and power.
• In his 3D body as the KOS in this current incarnation, KOS' task is to lead humanity to become a collective family embracing the energies of the Cosmic Christ, by unifying the efforts of all the world group servers so we are all focussed on working in community at a global level – no mean feat! He is doing that by working through Tara and Rama, and we are all being tested to work in unity at all levels of our five bodies – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, cosmic – no mean feat for us, either!
FACTION 3: These are the White Knights and the Sovereign World Militia Forces of Planet Earth. .
•The Sovereign World Militia Forces work at the 38th level above the President within an organization known as the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization [ACIO]. These forces include the entire Ashtar Command and all the galactic forces of light from across the cosmos who are here to help earth ascend.
•These forces of the ACIO are 20 million strong; 16 million of them are galactics who shape-shift into human form so they can walk among us; the other 4 million are ground crew born into human bodies all across the planet.
Also , Natasha is married to the King of Swords. They raised two children together. Presently they are good friends and Natasha is a Faction 3 White Knight team member. Natasha is from Russia and has personally known President Vladimir Putin for decades. Since President Putin is also a Faction 3 White Knight as long as they have known each other, the plot thickens.
