Archangel Michael:
I’ve just had a very special experience with Michael, arising out of meditation, in which I felt us “synch” our energies..
That’s not the best metaphor for it. How does a car battery synch with the Hoover Dam? But I think you get what I mean.
The alteration in me is that I feel more confident and stronger. I’m more the driver of this mind/body complex rather than the passenger. I feel more … normal. I’m not aware of carrying a lot of baggage.
Before I turn to my description of the two-day experience, let me first give background on my relationship with Michael – in this lifetime, as I discover – for new readers.
And, no, I’m not an emanation of Michael or anything of the sort. Apparently, I’ve always been his servant.
On Jan. 7, 2011, I met Archangel Michael, in his words “again.” Imagine how astounded you’d be if he said to you:
Archangel Michael: We have always, always worked together, my friend. (1)
AAM: You have travelled with me, throughout the multiverse, and you have stood by my side, as we have gone to situations, dimensions, universes, where there had need to be or desire to be the energetic shift. (2)
My jaw dropped to the floor. More recently (2018) he said, cryptically:
AAM: In your life, in your consciousness … you are realizing the magnitude of our partnership (3)
I was becoming more at ease with our relationship, after seven years of readings and radio shows. At this point I felt towards us as towards a team.
On June 12, 2023, I “saw” in a flash what he wanted from me, what he called the “magnitude” of our partnership. Let me post my description of it:
“Well, what was ‘it’ I got?
“I got that I signed on before birth to consciously be one of Michael’s co-creative partners in the area of communication – and more recently finance – and that that entailed certain responsibilities and disciplines that I hadn’t even considered till now. I didn’t feel I’d really chosen them. (4)
“I got this on a personal and not a general level. Michael put the matter clearly:
Archangel Michael: Well, sweet angels, there is still a need for people, whether you are earth-keeper or portal, wayshower or starseed, there will always be need for people, individuals, and groups, who will step forward and say, I can do that. I can take the lead because this is within the realm of my competence.
I understand what is required. I am ready, willing, able, excited, interested, enthusiastic to do this.”
“This exactly describes part of the process I went through to emerge ‘owning’ my co-creative partnership with Michael. I can do this. This is within my realm of competence, when you look back on all I’ve written.
“I’m ready, willing, able, and excited. And so on.” (5)
And so I rechose our partnership. No more victim or unproductive humility. I “own” it.
On another occasion, as I mentioned yesterday, he said:
AAM: Your job is to participate and to lead in a worldwide peaceful revolution, for peace the time is now. …
And we do not mean an absence of war. We mean the presence of peace as you have been describing it. (6)
I’ve been describing my own experiences of peace, not as a feeling, but as a divine state. (7) I’m now ready to fill the role he’s asking of me. (8)
In movies, this is the scene where the sublieutenant suddenly understands his mission and its risks and snaps to attention. I rechose our partnership at that moment and my life started to unfold more purposefully since then.
Fast forward to now and, the other day, I had a huge experience as a result of meditating on Michael while, in my imagination, sitting in the seat of the soul, the bottom of the heart, the divine cul-de-sac where the Self “resides.”
This exactly mimicked my experience at Xenia Retreat Center on Sept. 18, 2018. (9)
I’ve landed in love (7th Dimension) and bliss (between 8 and 9). (10)
I’m still in the afterglow of the recent experience. A lingering result is that I do seem to be able to call the love and bliss back up but I don’t live in it, which is much the same situation as in 2015.
But the mere thought of Michael now lifts me way up, beyond even the love and bliss I’ve been feeling. I don’t need a mantra. His name is my mantra.
(Five blissful minutes later.)
I am indeed beginning to realize the magnitude of our relationship. But Michael and I are not staging a “once off” production. This type of partnership is available to everyone, free for the asking. However he adds:
AAM: Are we [archangels] in partnership with every being on the planet? Yes. But it is difficult when you are in a partnership and the other person does not realize it. So we are working with those who realize we are in partnership. And so that is why we [he and I] are having these conversations. (11)
Michael said one day that a partnership with the celestials would become common:
AAM: As things are shifting, as the, shall we call it, new awareness, heightened awareness, interdimensional reality – because that is truly what we are talking about – as this truly anchors, not only in the heart, but in the thought patterns, the behaviour patterns of human beings, the idea of working with an Archangel is in fact going to be commonplace.
This sense of division is going to actually quite quickly disappear. The idea of a punishing deity that you need to earn favour with, curry favour with will change into the true knowing of what has always been the case, which is partnership. (12)
So the conversations that he and I were having, and will have again in the future, are simply designed to be a harbinger of relationships many people will have with the celestials.
My relationship with Michael has taken a new turn with my ability to connect with his energy in meditation. That’s a responsibility as much as an honor and I’m conscious of the former aspect above everything else.
With that as a rather long prelude (thank you for your patience), let’s join up with the point where I’m having the experience of synching with Michael’s energy in meditation. Again this is available to anybody and everybody.
Synching with Archangelic Energy – Part 2/4
Freed Up to Serve
I felt myself drawn to meditate this morning. And as I meditated, I felt immediately drawn to pick up where I’d left off at Xenia, when I’d gone down an elevator 100 floors. (1)
Once the elevator doors “opened,” I was whisked away to the bottom of my heart, the seat of the soul, where I intended to meditate.
As soon as I arrived, instead of seeing the Self in all its splendor as I had at Xenia, I felt myself expanding.
I should add that, as I’m having this experience, all the time the signal from Michael that we pre-arranged is going off again and again. And vigorously. So I know I’m on the right track.
In the cul de sac of the heart, I felt the presence of Michael. I just sat, immersed in love and bliss (see photo, above) and meditated.
A mingling of our energies occurred and I felt a new and stronger bonding with Michael as a result of it. I felt enhanced confidence, and remembered the article I’d written on July 20 on that very subject, (2) but again confidence without hierarchy or elitism, greatly increased strength without bravado.
Another way of saying this is that I felt strength and confidence as divine qualities not as dense and self-serving displays designed to manipulate.
Ordinarily I’d sit, meditate, and deepen the experience. But, as a lightworker, I’m not here for my personal enlightenment. I’m here to write about my experiences in the event that it proves helpful to you.
So I left the experience – and do this regularly – to write about it. That means I don’t go as deeply as I might otherwise. Just saying.
My self-awareness feels greatly enhanced. I genuinely feel now like the driver of this vehicle, in no way the passenger.
I feel powerful, like I just donned my Ironman suit. What’s next?
The strength I feel is both “physical” and out of all proportion to the physical body I’m in. I feel like a 200-pound man in a frail body. I have to watch that I don’t sprain all kinds of muscles.
I’m definitely aware of myself as the person wearing this body. Whether the awareness fades or remains, I think I’ll remember the feeling.
It’s wonderful. It’s as if I’ve “arrived” in life. I’m “here” and don’t feel as if I’ve ever been away.
The way I feel at this moment is perfect. Nothing is missing. Nothing is left undone.
Nothing needs to be done. Everything that’s done is a pleasure to do, from the greatest thing to the littlest.
I rest in bliss. I’m freed from all concern about self. I’m freed now to serve.
[Please know: All experiences short of Ascension are usually temporary. I always hope an experience will be permanent, but it has been more like what Werner Erhard said: Get it and lose it, get it and lose it. Until higher dimensionality. So don’t expect me to be this opened up a week from now. Take it hot off the press.]
Synching with Archangelic Energy – Part 3/4
Co-Creative Partnership Works
Following on from yesterday’s share, I think my best contribution is to continue to describe the space I’m in.
It’s the space that’s important – the space of love, the space of bliss. That’s why Sri Ramakrishna would say – and I’m embellishing – run in, jump in, or get pushed into the lake of immortality [i.e., Ascension]:
“You see, the thing is somehow or other to get into the Lake of the Nectar of Immortality [Ascension]. Suppose one person gets into It by propitiating the Deity with hymns and worship, and you are pushed into It. The result will be the same. Both of you will certainly become immortal.” (1)
How could he say that? It ignores a person’s foul deeds and base thoughts!
Indeed it does. Because the Lake of Bliss and Immortality is transformative and transfigurative. An individual may have dense and base characteristics before being immersed in this River Jordan but they won’t have them after.
It’s like having your engine block completely cleaned and retooled. The car now purrrrs.
I’m looking for a trace of ego in this space and I can’t find any.
Sri Ramakrishna reminds us that the ego eventually returns. If we’re to have a separate personality, for as long as we do, he says, let the personality be the servant of God. (2)
I’m experiencing love at the level of intensity I was at in 2015. (3) My mind is still. This also feels like the same space I was in in the 2011 meditation retreat, where I could move without moving, act without acting. Michael called that the Oversoul. (4)
I’d like to draw attention to something Michael said a while ago about co-creative partnership. On occasion, after reassuring me that I would have what I needed when I needed it, he would add:
Archangel Michael: Sweet one, I have never entrusted anything to you without being right by your side. So turn to me. Turn to us. We are always with you. (5)
AAM: I am right next to you. Sometimes I am typing. Sometimes I am moving your pen. Always I am whispering in your ear. (6)
How deeply honored and privileged I am.
I offer an example of a servant having what he needs. The boy whose personality shattered into a thousand pieces at seven years old, the Humpty Dumpty Man at age 40 who now realized what had happened, feels completely restored and better than ever. (7) I credit this exchange of energy for that last bit of healing.
Co-creative partnership works.
Synching with Archangelic Energy – Part 4/4
This Spiritual Currency is the Real Wealth
It’s not lost on me that this increased sense of closeness or felt contact with Michael should occur after having changed my vote from orneriness to loving kindness.
I continue to enjoy the results of that contact. I’m creating a fantasy that I can be with Michael in an easily-locatable seat of the soul, the deepest part of the heart and, just like with an Apple laptop and an iPhone, I can “synch” with him. We share … what? I don’t know. Certainly energy.
I emerge feeling strengthened, revivified, ready for what’s next.
What a surprise it’d be to learn that this is the way the help I’m to receive when I face a daunting task is to come. I can imagine that that might be the case. We’ll have to see.
I feel peace at the level of a divine quality. That is, I’m in it rather than it being in me.
I’m feeling love for myself, but it’s different than before. Before, I’d have had to breath love up from my heart and swirl it around my field of awareness. It took effort.
Now I’m feeling it coming up of its own, earmarked “For the Self.” No need to swirl it around. It’s as if it were “Special Delivery,” door-to-door.
I breathe into it and almost swoon in the refined wave of love that returns. I so wish the whole world could feel this – and it will. This is where we’re going. I’m just being shown the preview.
Reval? What Reval? This spiritual currency is the real wealth.
A day later
How much easier it is now to be loving and kind when synched with Michael’s energy.