Valerie Donner
Dear Ground Crew:
Here is the latest from Apollo: “From dusk until dawn I am with you. The trials and tribulations of your lives are just about complete. You have many new opportunities at hand. You will love your new choices. You have risen above the material world. The third dimension no longer has a stronghold on you. You are about to get ready to step into your new roles, your future selves. You had to forget who you were, and who you are. You had to unlearn what you have learned, and you had to relearn challenging lessons to stand your ground as holders of the light. In the deepest part of you, you never forgot who you were. You kept your feet on the earthly ground. Although you may have felt saddled to the third dimensional program, you knew in your heart that at some point you would be lifted up. So with this fresh perspective, I am telling you that you are ready for the great awakening. You are about to shake loose all of that has held you back from who you truly are and what you came to do on the planet. Shake it loose, beloved ones, for I am with you. The Christ energies are now being fully anchored into the planet. Some of you may already have noticed the lighter sensation of the planet. The unconditional love and truth is what Christ represents. It is now here. I’m telling you this today to uplift your hearts to get you ready for some bursts of joy and happiness. Many activations are occurring now and you are feeling the results. Get ready!”
Please re-read Apollo’s words and place them into your heart. Much has occurred since our last time of sharing. We want you to know it all, however, we can only disclose what is appropriate in the present situation. This is the summation of the final calling for the upliftment of the Earth. It is ascension time and the time of the great awakening. Here’s a few examples of how you might be experiencing what we are talking about:
You feel optimistic about the future.You reject fear. You have your faith in the Creator. You only want to look at what is uplifting and inspiring. You let others awaken in their own time. You do not force your information or energies on to anyone. You live your life as a loving, conscious, Christed being on the Earth who emanates love. You walk a straight path where narrow is the way. This is clearly straight into the point. You no longer feel like you are a victim. You can feel ecstasy. You are beginning to see beyond the veil and to realize that you are living in a quantum reality. Linear time has ceased to exist for everything is in the present. You experience the distortions of time where things speed up, and they slow down, and you are caught in the middle. This is a symptom of finding your freedom so that each moment belongs to you. It is directed by the energies with which you are working. You are exceedingly more sensitive, feeling your emotions like never before, as well as, feeling the myriad emotions of others. You trust the future. You find out everything you need to know because it is within. You listen to your own god within. You are truly the expert of what is occurring so you do not place your trust in what others are saying unless it really resonates with your heart. You’ll find yourself living in love and being guided that way. You are more intuitive than ever. You are manifesting everything you need easily. You are living in a new world, your world, and in a new reality. Things have become transparent to you so you can read between the lines and discern what is true and what is not. Love is what keeps you connected with those in your life who mean the most. You see that many are a different frequency, or have a different calling, and that is up to them so they can have their own experience. You are feeling powerful and are coming together with your teams. You are becoming increasingly excited and happy.
How is that for a start, ground crew? You can add to this list but to sum it all up we are living in new world. As we walk these new steps we find ourselves listening to each other more deeply, and loving in greater ways, finding new ways to serve and help others, and seeing where things need to be fixed. It is almost as if we have taken our blinders off and we can find solutions to problems in ways that we had not considered. Perhaps we are becoming less self-absorbed because we have cleared numerous issues within that needed to be healed? It’s almost exhausting to think about how much inner work we have been forced to do these last few years.
One of the most prevailing feelings some are having is remembering their mastery. Some people are feeling this empowerment and realizing they are great teachers who have been on this Earth for exactly this now moment. They are starting to become who they came here on the Earth to be. You are more than way showers. You are gods and goddesses being revealed. Your brilliance and your beauty are astounding. Perhaps you do not even look the same way to yourself as you did before. You probably do not feel the same way you did, especially since you have gone through so much. You are preparing to wear your crowns of glory.
As we adjust and adapt to this new world, we will discover the magic and miracles that await us. Dream your dreams. Trust your inner process. Acknowledge your successes and stay in gratitude for all of the opportunities you have created. Be generous and share with each other. Lend a helping hand when it is needed. Live from the premise that there is abundance for all and that we are all one.
Raising Our Consciousness
Our big job is about raising our consciousness, as well, as the consciousness of the planet. That is our task, especially right now. We start with raising our frequency. Frequency is consciousness. We feel that vibration from others and intuitively know whether or not we will feel comfortable with them and likewise.
Here is a link from Deepak Chopra’s website entitled “How to raise your emotional and spiritual vibration.” Most of you are probably doing what is recommended in this article. Our light is of great importance and that is why we need to keep elevating our frequency. This affects everyone on the planet.
In Conclusion We are fully in the great awakening and our ascension process to the New Earth. Our work is extremely important right now so there is no more time for us to mess around. Our teams are coming together that we will be working from the Earth as well as galactic’s. Focus on the light, love, healing and how we can best serve. Take every opportunity to rise in consciousness and make choices towards that goal. Pray for a perfect life and for perfect health. Please remember to ask for magic and miracles, for they are at our fingertips. Lots of love and good things! In the light, Valerie