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St. Germain: by James McConnell ..Fear Not November 22, 2024

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

I am Saint Germain, and I come to be with you at this time in these special times that you are entering right now.
These times of light replacing the darkness, and if you look around the world, you are beginning to see that; more and more the light, the truth, and light coming forth everywhere. Wherever there was darkness, wherever there was a mistruth, distrust, and all of this is being replaced now by the truth of love and light and oneness.
You may not see it directly, but you feel it within yourselves. all of you that are in the awakening stages now. You feel it within yourselves. You feel the truth within you.
Whenever you hear something or read something that doesn’t resonate with you, you discard it. Because you know it is not the truth. You know, deep within you what is truth and what is not truth. You’re coming more and more and more to understand that now. To be able to distinguish, to discern between what is truth and what is mistruth.
What is false, what it is false to you, it’s a mistruth to you.Maybe not to your friends, your family, but it is to you. You the awakening ones, you the light bearers, lightwarriors.
So know that as you go about your daily lives, and you see the truth, you feel the truth coming forward. Know that, that is the advent of the new golden age of GAIA. Is the advent of your ascension.
True, there is much work yet to be done, for you to have ascension, full ascension.
There is much yet to work on. There are attachments you need to let go of. There are thought processes you need to learn to control. But fear not my friends, my brothers, and sisters. Fear not, because that is all a process that you are; in right now, and you are being helped greatly.
For all the guidance you are receiving from those of us, the ascended ones, from the galactic, from those of the Agarthan, all are here to assist you. Even though you may not know of our presence. Whenever you call upon us, we are there.
You can know without a shadow of a doubt, that when you call we answer.
It is always been this way and will always be this way. And there will come a time, in a not too distant future, where the seeming veil of illusion, will have completely disappeared for you.
Then, maybe not your brothers and sisters, your family, your friends, but for you, will have disappeared completely and in its place, will be only love. Fear will have been vanquished completely.
That is what this is all about, this training that you are receiving, from those of us that are mentoring to you. It is all about letting go of all fear.
For when that happens, just as you heard in your discussion earlier, as Yeshua spoke this – When fear is gone completely, the only thing that is left is love, and when there is only love, there is only attraction to that which is love, and sickness, and disease, and accidents are not a part of love, they are only a part of fear.
So again fear not, be fearless in your pursuit of the light. In doing so, you will only attract to you, that which is of the light.
I am Saint Germain and I leave you now, peace and love, and oneness, and that you continue to go forward, go forth in the I am presence that is you. Has always been you, and is you now in this moment.



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