I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time in, as always these continuing changing times. How everything is moving along at a faster and faster pace. Even your daily lives are moving much, much quicker.
Many of you are saying time is flying by and is doing so purposefully because everything is in flux at this point. You are experiencing a time shift at this point. More and more, time is shifting. You can even say that the time-space continuum is beginning to shift more and more. That will come, and understanding to that will come at a later point.
For now, just know that you are in a transition period. Transition from the old ways, the old third-dimensional visionary ways, into the higher vibrational frequency of the fourth and fifth dimension, and the new golden age. A golden age that you have experienced before.
Each and every one of you have experienced a golden age in past times: here on the Earth, and also from other systems and planets out among the stars. That is where you came from, from the stars. You are still continuing on your journey. You will be on your journey until you return to the ether once again. From the ethers you came, and to the ethers you shall return. In that process will be a huge transitionary stage that you will have gone through.
You will notice more and more now in the days, and weeks, and months ahead the transition will continue to gain momentum more and more. The truth everywhere shall come from many different forces and many different directions. This truth shall come forward. It will not only be for those that have the ears to hear as it is now, but for many, many more who are ready to listen, who are ready to be open to the possibilities and the potentials of the human race, and to each individual one within that human race.
You only need to continue to move forward now. Move forward with an understanding that you are in the right place, the right time, and the right moment. Even though everything around you will be seeming to be going to as your saying, ‘going to hell in a hand basket.’
It will not be for you, because you will not be looking at it in that way. And if you have been looking at it in that way, it is time to stop. It is time to look ahead now. To be in the moment, but to look ahead and see the glory that is ahead for all of you. Do not hold onto the fear. Do not hold onto the despair, to the depression, to the sickness and illnesses. Do not hold onto that. That is only part of the illusion. And the illusion is fading faster and faster now. And the veil, as you know it, is really not even there anymore. It is only there for those who believe it is there.
So more and more, trust in yourselves. Trust in your guides working with you, trusting your Higher God Self within you, and that you are being led in the direction you need to move toward. And if it is within your path to prepare for any potentialities to occur, then do so. But do so without fear. For if you hold onto fear, then you will be creating the very situation that you are wishing to avoid. Know that. Prepare. Do what you need to do, what you feel is right to do. Do it with peace of mind. That is all this is about, having peace of mind to continue to move forward in the day-to-day process, in the day-to-day transition that you are moving through.
The path in front of you is wide open. It is not a singular path any longer. It is wide open for all to follow that path. Follow it in whatever direction it needs to take you. For that direction that you are moving toward is the direction you need to move forward to.
I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.
And that you continue to forge forward moment by moment, day by day, week by week, but doing so in full trust with your Higher God Self working for you.