Rama’s White Knight Report - October 14, 2023
Greetings, all you Commanders, Eagles, and Angels!
Thank you for being here now, and for all the beautiful Light that you are!
In his latest White Knight News Report, Rama hears from several contacts, including Rosa from Palestine:
“Lord Rama,all of what you are seeing [with Israel and Palestine] is the Deep State!
"I am on neither side. Violence is never the path of the Jedi Knight!
"The Force is only to be used for the highest good of all concerned!
“There are many craft in the sky over Gaza and Israel.
"Some are Andromedan craft. Some are Pleiadian craft.
"And then there are U S Forces, and there are Israeli forces in the skies.
"Please put all of this in the Circle of Support, and call in all the Angels, Archangels, Masters, and Teachers . . ."
"The Light HAS WON! Remember that!
"At a certain point here, you will see the eagles land!
It also speaks the Powerful eclipse we're seeing today!
To read the latest Update in full,go here.
