Rama's White Knight Report - May 16, 2024
TARA & RAMA - CLICK PICTURE OR LINK TO READ FULL REPORT. https://www.rainbowroundtable.net/post/rama-s-white-knight-report-may-16-2024

From Rama: "NESARA is so close, you could spit on it!"
Greetings, all you Commanders, Eagles, and Angels!
“As we tune into these energies, we can resurrect our bodies into the 5th dimensional level.
"What we’re experiencing in these times is these resurrection energies, which come directly from the Hunab Ku, located at Super Galactic Center.
"The Light that is coming in is most unique, in and of itself.
"It is the plasma that is the same as what is in our veins, called hemoglobin or blood.
"This plasma or gold dust is in all living things.
"The key to physical immortality is in us. "Listen to the Force! It has all the answers.“Lord Rama, with these major solar flares which continue to come in, the 3rd dimension is no longer viable.
"The 5th dimension is already fully anchored into the New Earth.
Regarding announcing NESARA Law, the multiple changes going on behind the scenes to get NESARA Law enacted have brought that moment so close, I can spit on it!
"There are also millions of people going over the rainbow as well, and at the same time, there are millions of souls coming in at the 5th dimensional level and higher.
"They’re here to participate with all of us, helping us to realize who we truly are!
“We are the Rainbow Nation, and we have won!
"There are Rainbow starships all around Mother Gaia . . . "