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Writer's pictureDrago Kulic

Rama’s White Knight Report – July 8, 2022

Greetings, all you Commanders, Eagles, and Angels!
In this week's News Update, Rama speaks again with Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat:
RAMA: “The news we have heard, is that two members of the British Parliament have resigned, because [British Prime Minister] Boris Johnson is refusing to look into sexual misconduct charges against certain MPs, as well as sexual misconduct [charges] against himself.
“The Schumann Resonance is going sky high again today! The Violet Flame is permeating everything and everyone. You can actually see these purple particles of Light out of the corners of your eyes.
"What we are telling you, is that your reality is changing, right now.
“As you have an open heart and greet us—those landing their shuttle craft all around the world—as you greet us with an open heart, we will show up and share the next step in your evolutionary development . . . "
For more info on Rama's contacts, go to:
Cloud Ship, Czech Republic

Cloud Ship, Czech Republic

Rama’s Pre-Report Energy Update: [Commenting on the Georgia Guidestones being partly blown up, partly removed] Thor and those in the higher realms are taking care of the old energies that represent the timeline that has to go. You can’t keep the people in mind control slavery any longer—the energies are getting too high!
People are waking up! Revolution is in the air
The highest path is nonviolence, and we are witnessing an excess of violence right now—it’s about the backlash of the energies getting stronger, because people are resisting. They don’t know what’s happening to them.

Friday, July 1, 2022 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama "If we look at the buildings we live and work in, the roads we travel, the clothes we wear, or the food we eat, we must acknowledge that all are provided by others. None would exist for us to enjoy and make use of, were it not for the kindness of so many people unknown to us.
Friday, July 1, 2022 – Natash
RAMA: Today I went out to the Garden of the Gods, which is a UFO corridor about 20 minutes west of the far west end of Santa Fe. It was 12:30 PM early this afternoon (last Friday). There are many large rock formations there, with numerous stone beings you can see in the rocks. As you tune to their vibrations, they will indeed communicate with you.

I walked up to one of the very large rocks, pulled put my cell phone, and opened the Genius app and began to play the solfeggio tones of my vibration that I created with my technology a while ago. Then a portal opened, and I saw Natasha, yet she didn’t see me. So I sent a text from my cell phone to Natasha on her cell phone to get her attention
Natasha then said to me, "Greetings, Lord Rama! "I see you have opened the transdimensional portal. So please be careful, as these portals send out transdimensional waves or gravitational waves across space and time that the MIBs [Men in Black] can pick up.

"What I can tell you, is that Mr Zelensky bombed Odessa, Ukraine, and blamed it on Russia again.

"At this critical juncture of the astrology right now, it is safe to go within, and go within to the high heart. The energies are as high as they can be for us to integrate at this time.

"Sat nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!
Monday, July 4, 2022 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama
"Compassion naturally gives rise to tolerance and forgiveness. It allows us to appreciate that even someone we think of as an enemy is a human being with the right to be happy. "Your enemy can be your best teacher, because he or she teaches the possibility of unconditional compassion."

Tuesday, January 5, 2022 – Scotty

RAMA: I went to an organic _____ [?] store today at 11:35 this morning, and I met an old hippie veteran who has a local radio show about gardening. I asked him about one of our friends, an amaryllis that has some type of parasite called scales on the leaves. He told me what to do, and I thanked him. My new friend wants me to call him Scotty.
And Scotty piped up, and said to me, “Lord Rama, I have heard your radio show, and I know about the ships. "I saw them over in Viet Nam, and I see them here in Santa Fe every day. "I can’t talk about what I know, however, and what I know goes into the realm of what Dr Greer talks about. "In order to make contact, you must meditate and have Peace in your heart. "That is how galactic folks in our Milky Way galaxy interact with each other. “I will see you again soon, Lord Rama! See you in the Light of the most Radiant One!

"Sat nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!"
Wednesday, July 6, 2022 – Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat
I received a text from Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat at 11:55 late this morning.
They said to me, “Lord Rama, we are at Stonehenge, at sunrise, again.

“The news we have heard, is that two members of the British Parliament have resigned, because [British Prime Minister] Boris Johnson is refusing to look into sexual misconduct charges against certain MPs, as well as sexual misconduct [charges] against himself.
“The Schumann Resonance is going sky high again today! The Violet Flame is permeating everything and everyone. You can actually see these purple particles of Light out of the corners of your eyes. "What we are telling you, is that your reality is changing, right now
“As you have an open heart and greet us—those landing their shuttle craft all around the world—as you greet us with an open heart, we will show up and share the next step in your evolutionary development. Which is Star Fleet Academy.
“See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!”

"Sat nam, namaste, and blaze the Violet Fire!"

Thursday, July 7, 2022 – Katherine and Heidi

RAMA: I received a call from Katherine and Heidi today at 12:15 pm early this afternoon.

Here is some background about Katherine and Heidi, and their roles in the story, both past and present. We’ve heard nothing from them for quite some time, so this was quite a surprise call!

Katherine works with the King of Swords and also with other White Knights who work behind the scenes with MI5 and MI6—England's versions of the US's CIA [and FBI].

Heidi, another one of our Faction Three White Knights, played an important role while stationed in Geneva Switzerland for six years—1993 to 1999.

She worked with the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), in order to zero out the economies in all the countries of the world, and to make things ready for the presentation of the NESARA bill to Congress on May 9, 1999.

On May 9, 2000, all of Congress was escorted by Faction Three White Knights through the White House and onto the King of Swords’s starship, where they were surrounded by Faction Three White Knights with their phasers on.

They were told, “You will pass the original NESARA bill into law,” which they did
And finally, on October 10, 2000, Bill Clinton signed the original NESARA bill into law.

Today, at this time, Heidi no longer lives in Geneva, Switzerland, nor does she work for the Bank of International Settlements.

Both Katherine and Heidi are living in Tønsberg, Norway, where they are studying the neutrinos and other elements of the cosmic Light rays coming in from space.

They went on to say, “Lord Rama, we are here witnessing the transfiguration of our Sun, and translating what we are watching into science.
“See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!

“Sat nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

TARA: I'll explain this just a little bit more. People who haven't been with us long and haven't heard a lot of things about NESARA--this is one of them!

On May 9, 1999 the true NESARA bill, the way it was supposed to be, was placed before COngress to be considered.

Very shortly before that, before Congress even got a chance to see that, Bush Sr snatched it off the table, and he put a fake NESARA bill on there for them to consider.

Instead of the one that was the right one, called the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA), George Bush Sr put one out that had all kinds of nonsense, called the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act— Meaning, "We're going to just keep the empire in place, and we're not going to do what the real NESARA bill wants us to do. I'm going to take this one away, and I'm going to put this one [in its place]. And everybody's going to look at that one, and we're going to say, That's the real NESARA bill."

I don't know how all that got cleared up along the way, but there's a whole year between then and then the next year, on May 9th, in 2000.

It was Senator Bernie Sanders who called Rama up and told him about all this! RAMA: Yes!

TARA: Because Bernie Sanders had the experience, and he knew Rama. And Bernie Sanders knows the King of Swords. He knows all the White Knights. And Bernie Sanders is a White Knight, and a half, and then some!

Rama used to serve Bernie his lunch. He used to work at a place where Thom Hartmann used to go to, with Bernie.

RAMA: Yes! Montpelier, Vermont. Port of the Moon Cafe!

TARA: So Bernie knows! Bernie knows Rama, and so does Thom Hartmann. They used to go there a lot, so they're good friends.

There's all kinds of wonderful White Knights working in many places. As we become more aware ourselves, as we choose to be in our hearts and be Love, and take responsibility for being the Ascended Masters that we all are--what was it? RAMA & TARA: "Shit happens, and Grace happens too!" You look for the highest good of all, in everything. I'm working at it! . . . [For full discussion, replays of each show are posted within a week or less, at:]

So we're back to the 9th of May 2000, and Bernie Sanders called Rama up and told him about this.

And all of Congress was escorted by Faction Three White Knights. They were all up in the White House and in Congress. Leading them through the White House onto the King of Swords's starship.

When they got on the starship, I think Saint Germain was present.

RAMA: Yeah!

TARA: So all of Congress had, you might say, a chat with Saint Germain.

There were two members of Congress who were very, very ugly. They were very belligerent, and absolutely, completely out of line.

So what Saint Germain did, is he put his hand out, and everybody saw this in the room: His Violet Flame came out of Saint Germain's hand, and went into the hearts of these two outrageously out-of-place characters, and nothing else happened, except they disappeared.

They completely disappeared.

The only thing that was present [in their place] after that was clones of them. No one knows where they went. They just disappeared, and everyone [in Congress] saw that.

After that was done, there was talking, and when there was peace in the room, then they voted, and they voted for NESARA to be the law of the land.

That happened on May 9, 2000.

And that same year in October, Bill Clinton actually signed that NESARA law that was passed by all of Congress, minus two disappeared members, and he signed it into law on October 10, 2000.

Right before Bill Clinton stepped down, and who stepped in, who was put into the presidency? That was rigged too!

TARA: George W Bush Jr. And he did not win!
RAMA: He stole the election. The Supreme Court voted him in, and that is controlled by Opus Dei.

TARA: The thing though that's so wonderful, that we can see in hindsight, is that NESARA was already the law of the land!

Of course there's one more requirement, besides the fact that it was signed and passed into law. It has to be enacted, and what that means is that it has to be announced, so the whole world knows it is the law. That's called enactment.

That happens at the signal of Saint Germain.

Remember that Saint Germain has had his own office for decades in Washington DC. Joe Wilson, who was killed by the dark ones—he and his wife Valerie Plame were neighbors of ours in Santa Fe for decades. We know where they lived. We’d meet them at the grocery store.

They have twin boys who are right between the ages of Melia and Sasha [Obama]. They’re in the early and mid 20s by now, and so are those twin boys. And they’re all friends. They all know each other and they all talk on the phone.

The fact that Bill Clinton signed that into law, and in real terms, NESARA went into effect when he signed it into law. So NESARA has been in effect without it being announced, since October 10, 2000.

The only way this is going to work, to announce it, because it changes everything, is to help as many people with as many questions they would like to ask, to get answered. That's why we do these shows.

And together as a Roundtable, we have questions and answers we share amongst each other, and we just share the Love.

That's our job, as the Oracle Report said. And what do we share? We share Love of Wisdom!

That doesn’t go away. It keeps on happening, then more things happen!

So that’s where the money comes from. Because NESARA is the law, there is money for that purpose, to make sure that we get what needs to be done to enact it publicly.

So everything that Rama gets on the daily basis, and we think, "What does that mean?" and in the middle of a tired day, we still do all these things. So today at this time, Heidi no longer lives in Geneva, Switzerland. Lady Master Nada went to Geneva to help Heidi, somewhere along the way, and someone else did too—Katherine maybe. That happens a lot. Things you used to remember that you can't remember anymore.

There's always something about that that's for the highest good, so we just need to realize—

We're not losing our mind! But the things we do on the automatic, according to what the old paradigm that gave us to do, is the situation that needs to be really looked at.

Boris Johnson doesn't want to talk about sexual abuse that he committed, along with others.

But 60 members of Parliament quit today, because they know about it, and they don't like it, and they don't want to be associated with it. So they quit! That is beyond amazing! That's never happened like that, that I can remember! Not in the British Parliament!

[For full discussion, replays of each show are posted within a week or less, at:]

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