The second attitude, victimhood, makes the crisis a permanent state. We think that the misery is caused by external circumstances, which we cannot change. You can persist in this attitude for a while, but eventually the misery becomes so great that something has to be done. Ultimately, only the movement within and the letting go of the old brings enlightenment. Then the third phase begins.
3. The Awakening Phase
This is often a phase where people seem to do little. For example, they are covered by a sickness benefit, or have little or no work for other reasons. It is a phase of self-examination. The soul demands attention and that takes time, time in which there is less or no attention to the outside world. In the inner world, there is a process of discovery of the true self, the light of the soul.
Contact with nature almost always plays an important part. Anyone who thinks he doesn’t fit into this world will be touched by the plants and the animals, and the subtle unity of all life when he goes into nature. Anyone who really opens up to the Earth and nature, and feels the love and warmth that comes to us from the Earth, realizes: “Hey, I belong here.”
However, in human society, an atmosphere of fear, division, and oppression of the soul has arisen, so that you can indeed not feel at home there. But as soon as contact with yourself awakens and recovers, you notice that there are still people who “see” you. The moment you decide: “This is me, I give myself a chance to show myself”, a second birth takes place.
There doesn’t have to be many people close by who see and understand you, just a few, or even one other. Through such heart connections, a network of light is created in this world, soul light. Gradually, phase three turns into phase four.
4 The phase of radiation
The light of the soul can now flow through the outer layers of the personality. The tension between the world of the soul, of love and unity, versus the world of adaptation, fear and pigeonholing, has largely been lifted.
It is not that we are going to do spectacular things in this phase. The phase of radiation means that we radiate inner peace: the peace that results from the natural contact with ourselves. We are detached from the frantic energy of human society. Deep down we know who we are and that makes us radiate peace and tranquility. Knowing who we are also means that we can see who the other is and where he is.
This means that we look at our fellow human beings with eyes of love. And eyes of love see the lost child in the other. In conversations, we go into depth and remind others of who they are. We don’t do that by preaching; it happens naturally, because we have no other choice.
Shine in a time of crisis
We are currently living in a time of unrest, fear, and crisis. At a fundamental level, the solution to the crisis is for humanity as a whole to re-establish contact with the source, the soul. There are two attitudes that block this recovery. It is the same attitudes that appear in the personal life of a person who finds himself in crisis.
The first attitude is wanting to go back to the old. That is the response of many people to the crisis, including that of the government. “Thanks to all kinds of measures, we will overcome this crisis, then the economy will get back to normal and wewill return to normal” is the thinking. Even if that seems to work temporarily, the end result will only be another and larger crisis.
The old was not desirable, the old was a world out of balance. The global crisis is ultimately caused by a lack of soul contact, and restoring soul contact is ultimately the only solution.
The second attitude is victimhood. Victimhood traps you in duality. As a result of the crisis, there are many people who are terrified and no longer trust the government, and in some cases even blame the government for everything that goes wrong. This dualistic way of thinking, in which you see yourself as powerless against a powerful government and its affiliates, creates a psychological state of victimization and mistrust that is at odds with the loving creative energy of the soul.
One who is in touch with his soul looks at the other with eyes of love and sees the good in everyone. He sees problems as possibilities for a deeper contact with the soul. That is not a naive attitude; it leads to a deeper descent of the light, which is ultimately the only solution. Also, the wisdom of the soul brings with it the realization that good people can do bad things. However, living from the soul will always mean seeing the good in the other and trying to nurture it by touching it with your own light. “Love your enemies” said Christ. We are all human and in our humanity connected to each other. It is only through love do enemies eventually turn into friends.
All our fear-based ideas form a sphere around the Earth, the so-called astral world: a shell of darkness that blocks the light of the soul and keeps humanity away from the Source. But we can poke a hole in that shell. How do we do that? By admitting the light into our inner world again and starting to shine from there. And the more openings there are, the more contact is restored between the Source and humanity. So, be such an opening of light yourself, be a star on Earth yourself.
What best helps you to reconnect with your divinity, what best helps a human to reconnect with the Source? Often that is the presence of someone who has already achieved that, someone you feel who is connected to his divine essence, who is focused on his or her inner light. Filled with love, filled with contact with the Source. That is someone who doesn’t judge, someone who radiates unconditional love, someone who can say: “I love everyone, I see everyone’s fears, the humanity, the struggle, the uncertainty. I reach out to them.” Such a person was Christ, such a person was Buddha. There have been many teachers who could see the other with a look of unconditional love. It is these people who ensure that others find their way again. Try to be such a person yourself. Try to look at every fellow human being with eyes of love. Try to see every fellow human being. Try to see the lost child in the other. This is how you bring others back to the light. And don’t forget step one: rediscover your own light, restore contact with your own source. Shine!