Short quick summary , on my walk-in experience.....

In 1982, I woke up all pale all over my body, and freezing cold,and yet, it was 28c out side..Me & mum, jumped on the bus, and everyone, wanted to give me a seat, due to bein all white..Everybody knew on the bus, that I HAVE not much time left..? When I got to the doctors, normally, you would wait, but when the secretary saw me, she was in shock, to see me like this.....So she said to my mother, go and seat down with your son, I will go and get the doctor now, And we did that, not more that a minute went by, and the room, that we were in, Dimmed down slowly, but everybody, that was there, just kept doing, there normal waiting period, to see the doctor, But not me, my third eye openend ( PINAL GLAND, GATEWAY BACK TO SOURCE ? )

AS IT GOT SO DARK, IN MY EYES AND ALL AROUND ME, I SAID MUM, GOOD BYE, I LOVE YOU..AND MY WHOLE BODY JUST DROPPED TO THE FLOOR, as I was seeing this, in my Astro body, formless, then I went through the mother gaia dark cave, as we all go through , during birth...?

Now, from here on, I rememered my self some how, as I went through the dark void, I held a still point , in my conscious, no fear, and kept goin, and then a bright small light started to apear, from no where, and then, I came to a stand still- formless, only cosciousness, the observer, seeing all these colors, all around me, which really was me, looking at it self.

( LONG STORY ?) Anyway, I thought to my self, ohhhh I left mum, all by her self, and the thought I put out, my view was given to me, by my reason of feeling this way, and there I am on the table, looking at my body, and the doctor , is trying everything, to awaken me, and mum is crying...I FELT, I NEED TO GO BACK, And just before I decideed to go back, just by my free will, the doctor, was gonna push a big needle in me, and there I was , in a flash, back in my body, all fresh, no pain, felt like I had a shower with love potion.. The doctor then said, you are a lucky man, we were gonna call the emergency Ambalance, to take you to the hospital.....There is a longer story to this...

CHANNELLING FOR THE COUNCIL OF LOVE, Linda was giving out a free Question, on what would you like to know, and here is the result...? ☺️💜
Q . Thankyou Dear Linda...This is Wonderful...I have a Question, about walk - in soul'....I had my experience in 1982....can you tell me more about this , I have waited for so long, just to get a clear view, what happen to me....💚💜🙃😄☺️ PS : what was this view picture I was seeing, out of my body..? BELOW PICTURE..

web site - https://counciloflove.com/
Council of Love Dear Drago what a wonderful snapshot of your soul energy field! My friend you are big! What a wonderful example to share with all of us on just how magnificent we truly are.
I get that in 1982 due to deep soul anguish you decided to take advantage of what we call an exit point – a choice point about whether to stay and continue your mission or return home. I know because I faced the same decision in 1983 when I had a near-death experience in a terrible car accident. In fact, our experiences feel very similar – because like me you chose to stay and walked back into yourself. Not the old you but the fullness of what you had come here to be and experience.
You travelled out into the universe and re-claimed yourself (you’d become very fragmented) and voila here you are. You’ve been waiting my friend – and the universe is asking you to get going. It’s time! Xxx

video Example - Kryon - "The Walk-in and the NDE"