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Writer's pictureDrago Kulic

Mother Gaia Awakes: Female Energy Empowers Us All, Aurora Ray , 21/10/22

Threatened by destruction caused by disharmony and misbalance through male domination during the history of earth, this time, here and now, is about the ascension of Gaia, the mother of the universe. The Female presence and energy that nurtures everything.

Planet Earth is shifting in dimensional frequency with all its sentient life that is able to raise their vibrational frequency and expand their conscious awareness from the 3D matrix system up to 5D, the reality of heaven on earth.

While the Goddess energy has remained dormant, and we’ve misunderstood and underestimated its power, the male energy has been over working, dominating with its tight fist.

No one has benefited from this. Neither woman, nor man.

Our whole system, our old order is built upon this philosophy, and its flaws are now evident. A new age is awaiting, and for it we must allow female energy to express itself.

Once we start awakening, and remembering her, through acknowledging her function, her importance, and her creation, we start to honor, respect, and love the female Goddess truthfully and unconditionally.

Through this knowing we awaken the Goddess each within ourselves and bring her back into our consciousness and hearts.

This is how we find balance of our feminine and masculine polarities to become whole in ourselves once again. Like Yin and Yang, cold and warm, ice and fire.

The key to ascension is Love. Pure, unconditional love.

The source of this love is the sacred, divine female Goddess energy.

You gain access to this Goddess power through loving her, nourishing her, respecting her, and honoring her. She is the Goddess within yourself, regardless of your gender. Allow yourself to feel it, without shame.

Listen to her needs and wishes. This is of utmost importance in these times where we have forgotten that our creation evolved out of the love of the female Mother Goddess Gaia. Every single creature that walks this Earth owes the gift of life to her.

Sophia Gaia, who gave up her being as a Great Aeon and did not only embody the earth but also incarnated and lived on it to teach, to guide, to create and to love. Always embodying the divine feminine Goddess principle repeatedly.

Male is the keeper of life. He is the savior. He is the light. The knight who will protect the life within you.

Female is the life-giving force, the creator. She represents love in every one of us. Goddess is YOU.

To shine in this energy, is to ignite the spark of life within you, to light up and to live in a state of radiant joy.

To allow your inner light to be present always, to see the beauty in others.

Keep this nurturing Goddess Energy alive and spreading within yourself!

A Goddess is centered, she knows her true self. She understands her strengths and harnesses her vulnerabilities. Because she is connected to her essence. Taking a pause before answering to her calling. She doesn’t react; she responds. And when she does, the answer is clear and strong.

She has great power. But she doesn’t use it unwisely. She knows when to make use of it; and when to rest.

Goddess energy has limitless compassion, with an innate ability to protect and care; serving others with her wisdom and her ability to show us our own inner knowledge.

She is deeply rooted to the spirit of nature and is comfortable with the change and evolvement of the seasons of life. Knowing how to always maintain her inner connection above all else.

She lives according to her divine goddess truth, which because of her connection with nature and Earth, is aligned with the Universal Laws.

That’s why she reminds us how not to be afraid, and to let our feelings come through.

Emotions reflect the guidance system that was installed in you by Divine Intelligence. They will guide you towards your true self, to your full expression. It is the language of your soul. Do not block them. Allow it!

Let the divine female energy flow freely through your entire being. Leave all thoughts of judgment behind and open your heart to truth.

Balance your polarities of male and female aspects to become whole once again, this is the real twin flame you must pay attention to.

The adventure of love cannot be fully lived unless both aspects, both energies are in balance.

Everything is within as it is without. As inside so outside.

When the two become one the kingdom of God will come!

And remember,

You are not alone.

We love you dearly.

We are your family of light.

We are the Galactic Federation

Divine blessings to all,

Aurora Ray

Ambassador of The Galactic Federation

Art by Aurora Ray

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