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Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - February 9, 2024

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

You will probably be aware that I hold Kryon’s messages very highly. I am therefore recommending you read the one dated 19th January 2018 “The One Truth”.
It is just 26 minutes long and is able to clarify the position for those trying to understand facts about our existence. I would strongly recommend it, as it also explains much that is not usually covered about the gradual changes that are taking place.

9th February 2024. Mike Quinsey.
Time marches on with world events seeming to suggest a serious confrontation is about to take place, between Nations that take different positions on matters that are not readily peacefully settled. However, whereas every encouragement is given to find amicable solutions to them some countries would rather use force. It would seem to us that the outcome is predictable and we hope it does not get out of hand.
Sometimes troublesome events over many years come to a head, and as has happened many times lead to a serious outcome. We will as always be on hand to do our best to minimise death and destruction but we cannot directly interfere unless matters get out of hand, even then there are limitations to what we can do. As we see what the future holds and where events are leading to we can try and influence the outcome. We can also direct events so that they keep you on a path that still presents opportunities for an outcome that can be used to your advantage. If matters seem to get out of control we shall be with you working for the best result.
We can assure you that regardless of what happens in the future months and years the goal for mankind will result in a wonderful outcome that will have made all of your good work well worthwhile. Try to look ahead and see what opportunities rise up to take Humanity onto a path to peace and happiness. It will come and you will see from events that take place the direction Mankind is going in. You are never fighting a lone battle against the Illuminati although at times they appear to be leading the way forwards. Trust in us and you will not be disappointed we on your side and supported by greater Beings who some call Gods.
Where possible continue your lives as usual and never lose heart, as in time you will clearly see where everything is going and it will be to your liking. Remember that your Universe is heading for a new area in space where the vibrations are much higher than what you are experiencing now. You will be uplifted by them and realise that all along what was happening was to your ultimate advantage, and it was always going to be the outcome.
Your Seers have often seen what was coming and their predictions are reliable even if they did not make a great deal of sense at the time. In other words your future as has been often said is “written in the stars” It is why virtually nothing happens by chance. Bear in mind that even when you do major work for the advancement of Humanity it involves many other people and each in turn is being guided by their Spirit Guides. When it is important you meet certain people they “arrange” events so that you meet each other. Naturally there are some in your life that have no immediate reason and are of no particular importance. Many of you sense when your Guides are around you so do not hesitate to speak to them.
As time passes you will become more psychic and able to foresee the future, and also see spirit people. They “speak” to you by putting thoughts into your mind and if circumstances require it will stop you from speaking the thoughts in your mind. Sometimes when they are around you their energy can be felt or sensed. When you begin to experience such things you will know that you are well on the way to the higher levels. Clearly when you reach the higher levels such experiences become common place.
In the future you will have so more freedom than you could possibly have imagined. It will be far removed from your present experiences that by comparison are so limited, partly by necessity so that you can focus on your life plan. Of course freewill means that you could go astray, but we would quickly help you to return to your life plan. Be assured that although karmic lessons are part of your experiences, all told each one is important for your spiritual growth. So take the knocks in your stride and take heed of the lessons that are intended to keep you on the right path.
The true potential of every soul is immense as all have had numerous experiences through so many lives set at different levels in accordance with your needs. You would not be on Earth at such an important time unless the experience was needed. All things are progressing in spite of some that seem to have no life force or movement at all, and rocks are one example. You have had so much to learn about the different forms of life as the Universe abounds in them. Soon you will be set free from the restrictions that have necessarily been placed upon you, true freedom that you have yet to experience awaits you.
The Earth is one of the most beautiful with its vast array of colour and so many varieties of animals, flowers and plants in general. Of course some planets are much like Mother Earth but few have such variety and beauty, but with an arrangement of colours that exceeds your own. Look to the future as an exciting opportunity to widen your experiences. The Universe is full of different types of planets, and naturally some are water planets similar to your own that is smaller than most of them.
So whilst your present experiences are not what you necessarily would wish for yourselves, it has given so many opportunities to continue advancing your evolution. At present you are seeing and experiencing the parting of the ways, it is inevitable at the end of your cycle that comes nearer to you as the vibrations continue to lift up. Slowly but surely you will gradually notice changes for the better taking place, although some weather extremes are inevitable. All happenings are for the betterment of all life forms and should be welcomed. We hope that with a greater understanding you will be able to accept that all events upon Earth are leading to the most acceptable changes. We are present to ensure all goes according to the greater plan and hope you are uplifted by that knowledge.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.



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