This message from 2023 (here, in excerpt) has great relevance to our times. Matthew explains why there is chaos and conflict now.
Cf. “Archangel Michael on Why All This Conflict is Occurring,” September 28, 2023, at
An excerpt from Matthew’s Message, June 1, 2023, at
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. When weaker civilizations fell prey to the darkness, they were captive within its low vibrations. Warring, ignorance, poverty and fear, which are bereft of light, is how dark ones controlled populations, and that is what befell Earth’s peoples.
When a dearth of light put the planet’s very life at risk about 90 years ago, Gaia asked for help. Out of love for her and her residents, highly-evolved civilizations infused the planet with light and souls started leaving their advanced worlds to incarnate on Earth to add their light.
That intensity of light is the reason conflict and chaos are occurring around the globe—it is part and parcel of a world being freed from the grasp of darkness. Light’s high vibrations are clashing with and overwhelming the low vibrations, thereby bringing a long, long era of darkness to its close.
Dear ones, we know you want clear, irrefutable evidence. You want to know when G/NESARA will be announced; the new global economic system will be implemented; the illegal Biden administration will be removed; and the Federal Reserve System, whose tentacles reach all countries, will be abolished.
Citizens who are rebelling against their corrupt governments want to know when they will have leaders with wisdom and integrity, and all of you want to know when the many truths still hidden will come forth.
We wish we could say more than “on the near horizon,” but we don’t know exactly when those vital developments will occur. What we can do is assure you the Divine Plan is smack on target and extraterrestrial family members are part of the liberating forces of light that some call “White Hats.”
And, let us remind you of the light’s progress in just the last two years or so. The Illuminati’s efforts to start WWIII failed; so have all their attempts to demolish strategic cities with nuclear warheads on missiles. Their covid-19 virus did not kill billions of the populace and trying to achieve that goal via vaccinations is not working either.
Their hold on major media is cracking. In several countries their bioweaponry labs and storage facilities and centers for sex trafficking, pedophilia, satanic rituals, adrenochrome production, money laundering and cyber warfare have been demolished. Many of the individuals at the top of their diabolical pyramid have been removed.
The Illuminati’s stronghold is their illegally and immorally amassed fortunes, and the light forces are working to separate them from their funds so that money can be used to end mass impoverishment. (1)
If you think helping in an undertaking of that scope is beyond your ability, let us tell you, it is not—it is right up your alley, so to say. Your light that has been helping the peoples awaken has been undergirding every effort to vanquish darkness from Earth.
We know it is hard for you to think of yourselves as the powerhouses you are, and this is understandable. You get sick, moody, disillusioned, angry, impatient and exhausted. Some of your efforts fall short and you make decisions that in retrospect you realize were poor. You don’t always have satisfying jobs or enough income or fair treatment, and some days are just plain miserable.
That is part of life in a third density world, and before you volunteered to go to Earth—and you did that with fervor—you knew that is what you would experience.
You also knew you would surmount whatever obstacles you encountered because those feelings and circumstances are not who you are. You are eternal beings of love-light, and your energy’s high vibrations have been creating betterment on the planet during all the years you have been there. Simply by BEing, you are that powerful, that influential!