Steve Beckow
Matthew Ward has written the most and the most insightful on how Ascension is a matter of physics. Matthew has been engaged in designing afterlife worlds.
Either one has assimilated and holds enough light to survive in the higher vibrations or one must leave. No one sits in judgment. There is not a punishing God. We determine the matter ourselves, by our own freewill choices.
Darkness and the Law of Attraction
People who commit heinous crimes come into the world as the pure love-light essence of Creator, the source of energy souls use to manifest bodies as humans, reptilians or any other species within this universe. For reasons unique to each, some individuals start succumbing to the lure of power and act upon that enticement through meanness, deviousness, and lying.
As that behavior becomes more extensive and crueler, the light in those individuals keeps dimming until the heart-space is a dark void wherein there is no conscience or other guidance from the soul to the consciousness. With only the spark of light that is the body’s life force, they become captives of the dark forces and act as its puppets.
That is what happened to the weakest souls in the universal family, the Satanists. They became capable of happily committing acts that to others of all species in all civilizations are unspeakable, unthinkable. (Matthew’s Message, Oct. 3, 2022, at All quotes from this source, unless otherwise noted.)
Through the laws of physics that govern life in this world, low vibrations manifest more of themselves: They shoot out into the universal soup and bring back to you more of the very same kinds of vibrations.
The same laws apply to the high vibrations of compassion and love, of course, and in far greater measure because the light in those emotions is so much more powerful than the negativity in low vibrations.
Think of an electric fan, how much more effectively it functions when its setting is on high. Emotional vibrations work like that too, with the difference that a fan has to be turned on and emotions are instantaneous responses to thoughts. Thoughts also emit vibrations, which is why changing a thought from negative to positive automatically uplifts your spirits—you started vibrating “on high.”
That isn’t just an exercise idea that can help you feel more at ease, it is science. Everything comes from—and is—energy, which is neutral, impartial and has no reasoning ability. Without the capacity to differentiate “good” from “bad,” energy simply follows the instructions you give it via your thoughts and feelings, and that is where physics’ law of attraction, or like attracts like, comes in. Send forth the energy of love’s high vibrations and scientifically you reap the grand harvest from what you have sown. (Sept. 9, 2011.)
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Matthew Ward has written the most and the most insightful on how Ascension is a matter of physics. Matthew has been engaged in designing afterlife worlds.
Either one has assimilated and holds enough light to survive in the higher vibrations or one must leave. No one sits in judgment. There is not a punishing God. We determine the matter ourselves, by our own freewill choices.
The Time of Separation is a Matter of Physics
Earth is nearing vibratory levels where the light is so intense that all who have refused the light – the ones we speak of as dark simply to indicate their lack of light – will die. That may sound unduly harsh, but it is not a matter of some “divine” judgment or punishment – it is simply the physics governing life in this universe that bodies bereft of light cannot survive in those higher vibrations. In short, all those who have been causing fearful conditions will be disappearing. (Matthew’s Message, April 23, 2011, at All quotes are from Matthew’s Messages unless otherwise noted.)
As Earth continues apace into successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any form – physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds – can survive. (Mar. 1, 2012.)
By the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, … because individuals who persistently refused the light have carbon-based cells that can’t survive in high vibrations, they will die and their dark activities will cease. (April 1, 2012.)
There is no seat of judgment or arbitrary selection of which humans can ascend and which cannot – it is strictly a matter of science and souls’ own choices. Light changes third density’s carbon-based cellular structure to the crystalline form that lets bodies survive in the higher frequencies, or vibrations, of fourth density and beyond.
Everything in existence is energy vibrating at a specific rate in one of countless frequencies in accordance with the degree of consciousness. From our experience as volunteers like you, we know it’s difficult to think that way about self and what is transpiring on Earth, but that is how the universal laws of physics operate, so let us speak about how that is affecting your world.
The low vibrations of control, greed and deception are being overcome by the high vibrations of self-confidence, optimism and freedom as more and more of Earth’s peoples are absorbing light. Light, the same energy as love, is Creator, the Source of All That Is—that is who you are, who every soul in the cosmos is—and the light you radiate is helping Earth’s peoples awaken into that reality. By observing the ongoing drama of this process but not being drawn into it, you are further empowering yourselves, the peoples, and all other light beings in this universe. (Sept. 1, 2022.)
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Matthew Ward has written the most and the most insightful on how Ascension is a matter of physics. Matthew has been engaged in designing afterlife worlds.
Either one has assimilated and holds enough light to survive in the higher vibrations or one must leave. No one sits in judgment. There is not a punishing God. We determine the matter ourselves, by our own freewill choices.
Fate after Physical Death
At physical death, individuals who hate are automatically drawn by the physics of this universe to a very low level of multi-layered Nirvana where everything is in consonance with those individuals’ vibrations. They live in those dismal conditions until they are willing to accept the love-light energy that can replace all traces of hatred, and some refuse for centuries in your concept of time. That is how destructive hatred is! (Oct. 3, 2022.)
As for consequences befalling those trusted souls who reneged…when they return to this baffling place called heaven, what happens after they enter Nirvana, the proper name of Earth’s spirit world, is far more severe than you can imagine. (November 14, 2014.)
Nirvana comprises many flexible energy layers, and in accordance with the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, souls transitioning from Earth automatically are drawn to the layer that is commensurate with their lifetime energy that was registered moment by moment in the infallible Akashic records. (November 14, 2014.)
At physical death, individuals who hate are automatically drawn by the physics of this universe to a very low level of multi-layered Nirvana where everything is in consonance with those individuals’ vibrations. They live in those dismal conditions until they are willing to accept the love-light energy that can replace all traces of hatred, and some refuse for centuries in your concept of time. That is how destructive hatred is! (Oct. 3, 2022.)
The universal law of physics that pertains to justice is [fulfilled through] lifeprint reviews in a spirit world. Those are like life-long movies wherein the individual feels exactly what was felt by everyone whose life he or she affected, and for the aforementioned individuals, that punishment will be much, much harsher than any penalty your verdict-givers mete out. (Dec. 1, 2021.)
After a time in spirit, souls in the latter group [choosing darkness] will incarnate in a world that corresponds to their Earth lifetime energy registration and have more opportunities to ‘see the light.’ (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010.)