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Many Of Us Are Starseeds: Our Differences Enrich Us , by Aurora Ray , 22/10/2022

Aurora Ray

Earth is currently undergoing a major spiritual shift right now, and the drivers of this change are beings who are commonly known as _Starseeds_.

Starseeds are essentially souls that are not native to Earth who incarnated here in order to do work for the planet.

These so-called Starseeds, or Starchildren, have felt through this process as if they were stuck in the middle of an ocean without a map or direction; they have experienced feelings of being lost and confused about where their life is going or what their purpose could be.

But now they are awakening around the globe, remembering their divine inheritance and mission. They are all connected, forming a higher dimensional community that is on the front lines of making sure that the human race will go through a period of healing themselves to be able to come together in love, compassion, peace, and kindness.

They have come here to help through difficult times, often referred to as ascension cycles, where we must change our perspective from our current reality into something more aligned with higher frequency energy frequencies.

Starseeds want the people on Earth to know that they are loved unconditionally by the Creator, their ancestors, and those around them, but most importantly, by themselves.

Their message is clear: “We are all made of love, light, and truth”.

Among Starseeds, who have been incarnating on Earth for over 100 years, there are different types and expressions. The first wave of soul incarnations was named as Indigo Children.

Indigo children are kids or adults who have a special blend of gifts and qualities that can make them seem like they're "different." They may be sensitive, intuitive, psychic, and even rebellious.

Indigos simply cannot accept any authority or authoritarian systems.

While all children have their moments of acting out, these kids can be especially challenging at times. But the truth is that they have a lot of potential to go on to do great things in life. The key is to help them connect to their inner guidance, let their light shine, and give them tools for coping with the world as it is.

Another type of souls who came here to guide Earth on its spiritual awakening are the Crystal Children. They are loving, gentle and forgiving souls who share a common mission, with global focus. They live by the law of oneness. They understand the interconnected nature of all living beings. That’s why they are a great example and reference for Global Consciousness.

These Starseeds are known to be clairvoyant and can sense the truth that lies behind people’s masks. That’s why the cannot function well when they are faced by violence or negative emotions. They are here, on Planet Earth, to show what True Love is and teach us how to be at peace with ourselves.

Although they work as a plural entity, many Crystals have difficulty in a social environments and big gatherings of people, finding it difficult to stay calmed and focused. Crystals are very good non-verbal communicators. They may even exhibit telepathy in their early years.

A third type of highly sensitive souls are the Rainbow Children. These Starseeds are highly evolved souls that have not incarnated before on planet Earth. They have been incarnated many times but not on this time and space.

Many of today’s Rainbow Children are acting as guides for other Starseeds who are incarnating on Earth at this very moment. Usually, they are direct descent from Crystal Children.

The Rainbow children are beams of pure light and happiness, bringing joy, fun and unity to their families. They are fearless. They’re vibrational state is so high that many are classified by doctors as suffering from hyperactivity. When, in truth, they are very enthusiastic, creative, and love to share their passion.

They are very good at manifesting. They algo exhibit strong healing abilities. That’s why many of them become healers or energy therapy practitioners.

As you may have noticed, there might be different kind of Starseeds, with different abilities and natures, but they all have one thing in common: they are kind, loving, and gentle beings.

That’s why They are a great example for people on Earth who are usually divided and confronted by their differences of opinion, character, and ideals. When it’s our differences what enriches life on Earth.

If you are a Starseed, your mission is to assist others in awakening their inner light, their most loving truth. You carry great energy that is beyond compare, and you can use it to help and guide others, who may have forgotten who they truly are.

Let’s share our message to the world: “We are all made of love, light, and truth”.


Divine blessings to all,
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation

Art by Aurora Ray

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