Dear beloved ones,
Do you actually think that you are powerless? Or that your life is governed by destiny or fate?
When we open our eyes, we may look at the billions of stars and planets and think we live in a vast unknowing universe, but if we turn back to look, deep inside to the place where we reside as the observer, we may feel like we live in a self-made universe that is formed by our own thoughts and feelings.
You are in this world with default DNA karma. Your past is your biology. But, you can change it. It is not difficult. Every one of us has the power to change it.
Everyone who lives has the freedom to create, the freedom of choice. A goal is something that inspires us to do our best, an ideal. Choosing to continue creating your own opportunities for living the life you want is a wonderful attitude. With this attitude, success on all levels of life is entirely possible.
You are the creator of your own life. You don't have to live with regrets, mistakes, or being held back. This is your time! Take hold of what you want and go for it, starting now!
When you decide to make changes, you can make them happen. You can be the captain of your own ship--not a slave to other people's opinions.
How you think and what you feel at any given moment are crucial factors in determining your future. It is this powerful combination that creates the events, conditions, circumstances, challenges, opportunities, successes, failures, relationships, and just about everything else in your life.
A popular quote by Buddha says, "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world." And it is even spoken of in the Bible in Proverbs 23:7, "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he."
You have a dream and a goal. You want to reach a particular place through hard work and devotion. You need to understand that to reach the goal; you first have to rise from the ashes of your past. Until and unless you leave this world from where you have been born, nothing will change for you. Problems will continue to survive until the end of time. Then how would you reach that particular place? Because the universe supports your present, not your previous life.
Life repeats itself again and again. The more you have the same vibration, the more you will get the same life, characters, drama, and dialogues in the movie of your life. You are the director of this movie of your life.
Is it possible to truly create a life of magic and miracles? Many people will say that the New Thought movement is a Pollyanna philosophy. But in truth, these principles were shared with us because they work. The Law of attraction allows you to align your energy field with what you want to create.
In theory, when you do this, it creates a pathway that will help to manifest your desires. It's one thing to have a great idea and another to have the skills and ability to bring it into being. By using Law of attraction techniques, you're making your thoughts into form faster than you normally could. You're also able to more quickly increase the chances of whatever it is you're trying.
Life is a set of vibrations generated by the creation of thoughts. It is generated by the repetition of the same thought patterns again and again. The moment our thought pattern changes, a life change automatically happens. Life, thus, can be changed easily if we are ready to change our thought processes.
Your life will not be the same as it was before. You have to make use of your free will to change your life. This is the presentation given by God to human beings.
Only a man can change his life using free will. He can follow any path he likes and moves in any direction he chooses. Every moment of our lives, we are free to change our minds and change our direction. We can either go ahead or go back, standstill, stop, go sideways, or do anything we like. We have the ability to change our conscious levels at will and move to higher levels.
You have the wonderful gift of free will. Having free-will-choice is the galactic codex of our universe. We are blessed with this wonderful power to wish, and consequently, it grants us our wishes.
Make use of it. Using your free will, ask the universal power whatever you want. And live your life as you see fit.
First of all, you have to ask. And thanks to the Law of attraction, you will get it. Using your free will, just form a clear image of what you wish and send it to the universe. The universe works with our mind and energy, so when we focus on it, we will get what we want.
You will notice that your entire life will change the moment you use your free will to ask your wish. And you'll notice that miracles are occurring all around you. Everything in the universe, both animate and inanimate, will conspire in your favor to grant your wish.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation