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LISA RENEE : Self-Leadership , 2nd June 2021

Writer: Drago KulicDrago Kulic


Any person that has a sphere of influence that impacts others is a leader by default. Whether we want to be a leader or not, many awakening people, Starseeds and Indigos that are spiritually activated now, are leaders by default, as the activated lightbody causes ripple effects that greatly influence other people and the environmental energies. When we have energetic influence over others, we must recognize that we hold a higher responsibility during interactions, as a person that is unaware has less influence in cause and effect, than a person who is activated and awakened beyond others. There can be no competent and integral leaders without that person having made effort towards improving Self-Leadership skills. Additionally, self-leadership skill sets give one the confidence and strength to manage their stress and improve their lives in a multitude of ways, which is ultimately personally empowering and spiritually strengthening. When we are truly empowered, confident and strong inside ourselves, and we have a strong spiritual connection, we know who we are and cannot be easily mind controlled or manipulated by human or nonhuman forces.
Essentially, Self-Leadership is an integrated skill set that is formed through deep self-inquiry and reflection, in which a person seeks to know who they really are, what their strengths and weaknesses are. They are working to communicate that honestly with self and others, and are then cultivating personal behaviors that align them to who they really want to be, which is their highest expression. Every person has a unique spiritual Blueprint that holds the fundamental basis of what is more natural and aligned for that individual’s unique spiritual expression. When we are able to creatively connect within and express our spiritual blueprint, we are content and happy, we experience meaningful connection and blissful joy in our life. Expressing our spiritual purpose is what makes us truly fulfilled and happy, no matter what is happening in the state of the world we coexist within.
Simultaneously, we must awaken to recognize that we exist in a mind-controlled reality in which every single human has been oppressed, traumatized and derailed from expressing their true spiritual blueprint, as the Controllers attempt to prevent mass awakening and spiritual ascension on the earth. To oppress and derail the spiritual activation and higher purpose of each individual, the main Psychological Warfare techniques are aimed to incite fear-based thoughts that destroy the concepts of individualism, autonomy and self-leadership in the minds of human beings.
To strengthen spiritually and develop our best qualities, we must accept that life is filled with constant challenges that offer us lessons to grow, and that we cannot fear change or the unknown. We can take these challenges in life and consider them opportunities to develop our self-awareness, self-confidence and self-efficacy in developing skills, so that we can fully actualize our highest spiritual expression. All events in our life have purpose to help us grow and evolve to actualize our spiritual blueprint, and we must remember that nothing is wasted, all is supplied for us to take the opportunity to master ourselves, lead our lives, and actualize our purpose.
In order to move into self-leadership skillsets, the first hurdle is to overcome fear and the mental and emotional triggers we have that descend us into automatic negative reactions. This is because we can never self-lead or be a competent leader for others if we are constantly being triggered by pain, fear or trauma that we have not cleared from ourselves. Triggers will always take control of your mental and emotional body, and will cloud and confuse discernment into impaired decision making. Triggers are also commonly used or played upon by dark force manipulation. They amplify chaos and energy blockages that insert more problems into the situation, while they form etheric attachments into the energetic ball of pain that amplifies the trauma memory. It is highly suggested to revisit the newsletter, Overcoming Fear, for further support.
When we hold awareness of our triggers, then the next step is to become aware of where we place intent, consent and authority. To have integrity and authenticity within our creations, we want to be clear about our personal value system, how we want to hold our intentions for the life we build. When we direct our consciousness energy onto a singular focus or goal, this event produces a powerful and significant force known as intention. When we place attention on cultivating our connection with higher consciousness in order to develop deeper clarity of our truthful intentions, this act towards self-realization conducts the transformation of our energies into the manifestation of whatever we have intended. Consent is an act of the power of the mind to think and understand, to reason and perform careful consideration of participation with something, and to reflect on the consequences of that participation. The proper meaning of consent is a person who exercises sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent decision that is demonstrated through the genuine willingness of an action. Our placed consent leads into the authority of the forces we interact and commune with in co-creation, so discerning the quality of these forces around us is important, so we do not jump on the bandwagon of those who remain unaware and asleep to the war over consciousness.
Self-Leadership Guideline Quick Summary
Self-Awareness: Become self-aware of strengths and weaknesses through observation and perceiving triggers, clearing out fear-based reactions, and work to clear triggers and remove negative impulses from clouding your discernment and decision making. Pay attention to clear survival fears. As we develop self-awareness, we are developing the right relationship to the self. We cannot know the highest expression of our nature, until we know the deepest inner contents of our own being. See Self Awareness.
Personal Value System: Choose who you want to be and what your personal value system entails. Then align your thinking and speech to be coherent with your personal value system, while balancing this understanding to nurture emotional needs. Guide your life towards building a lifestyle that reflects your personal value system. Practice generous amounts of self-love, self-acceptance and self-respect to restore personal dignity. Do not listen to naysayers. See Personal Value System.
Quality of Intention: Consider the intentions and motivations behind your thinking and life goal, which is to actualize your highest expression. When noticing misalignment, make corrections that more fully align to who you want to be. Set all personal intentions to be fully aligned to your highest expression, in service to God/Higher Self. See Quality of Intention.
Consent: Inquire on the consent of the quality of intention, and what forces may be involved in the interactions with others, and adjust actions or decisions for consent accordingly. Consult inner guidance on direction and listen for when to take action. Informed consent is directly related to preserving a human being’s right to self-determination, autonomy and the prevention of abusive conduct. If we are forced to be in consent via participation with a 3D legal instrument, affirm, “I command true spiritual law, all manipulated consent and karmic consequence is made null and void”. See Consent.
Sphere of Influence: Pay attention to the inner and outer energetic environment. Consider how your decisions and actions may impact or influence others around you, as well as consider the consequences of decisions made upon the future. Notice the response or reaction you may get at any given time from people, places and things, and consider this as feedback from the environment sending you intelligent messages. Utilize this subtle information to make ongoing adjustments accordingly.
Self-Confidence: Confidence comes from deeply knowing yourself and following your personal value system. Be true to yourself in all interactions with others. Learn from lessons or missteps, knowing as we make decisions and take actions, we gain the experience that develops confidence in our abilities to overcome anything. Know that no experience is wasted, all is a valuable learning which may further develop self-confidence. Believe in yourself.
Responsibility and Accountability: Self-leadership develops autonomy, which is taking ownership over choices which leads to greater responsibility and accountability. Taking responsibility for our feelings and taking responsibility for our actions, not expecting others to resolve our conflicts. Hold healthy boundaries without infringing on others boundaries. Accountability encompasses the ethical conduct necessary to model integrity through being answerable to the consequences of one’s choices and actions, especially in regard to the impact made upon others, or impact made to a group, organization or impacts made to planetary resources. See Self-Responsibility and Accountability.
Self-Leadership is essentially an ongoing process of inner self-reflection, emotional self-regulation and outer observation to truly know ourselves, and in the process learning to more deeply understand the motivations and behaviors of those around us, which shapes a more accurate assessment of environments. Self-leadership is the humble process of growing into adulthood or into developed maturation, where we become responsible for ourselves and thus stop blindly giving our authority to others, and giving our power away. Self-leadership is about becoming conscious and awake.
When we are children or lack self-leadership, the natural reaction is to project our authority onto other people, groups, organizations and governments that want to take our power away. In this undeveloped or immature state, we look at these outer influences in the culture that promote dominate authority and then use them to determine our personal belief systems, which establish our sense of moral code and conduct. In our community, projection of authority onto an abuser or abusive system is referred to as the False Parent archetype. The False Parent is a Mind Control program that is used to condition adults back into an immature state, based on the childhood trauma they experienced with their biological parents, so they will give all of their power and consent in adulthood to the Controller Pillars of Society. While self-leadership focuses on observing and managing the self towards fulfilling the highest expression, leadership focuses more on how one influences others around them.
Why is Self-Leadership Important?
Comprehending self-leadership and discerning true leadership qualities are important factors in how you lead and direct your own life, setting your course and cultivating personal fulfillment and joy through finding spiritual purpose. Some people are born with a blueprint that helps them to become natural leaders, while others can cultivate these qualities by desiring to improve themselves and their lives through expressing more joy, meaning and purpose. Self-leadership is directly related to personal spiritual development, to know thyself. By having greater self-awareness, personal values and self-confidence, you will better discern others deeper motivations and not blindly follow other people and organizations that abuse power and authority. By understanding our own unique gifts, being honest about personal strengths and weaknesses, and being willing to learn lessons through day to day experiences, we gain immense clarity and knowledge about the interactions we have in every area of our lives. This clarity allows us to prioritize and find single-minded focus for the things that we truly value, and through our direct focus and attention, want to create more of in building a rewarding lifestyle.
The current culture wars are using aggressive mind control tactics to purposely attack Individualism, autonomy and Self-Leadership, to cultivate a generation of non-critical thinkers who automatically follow collectivism, heteronomy (coercion), and blind obedience to another level of global tyranny. This culture war is being marketed through the acceptable Mainstreaming of Satanism, as many are unaware that the roots of these slavery ideologies are indeed satanic. With this in mind, it is worth reflecting on the current macrocosm of world events, and noting how these many mainstream influences may impact your personal life.
What do I believe in and give value to in my life?
What are my strengths and weaknesses, what can I improve?
Where am I going?
Am I able to withstand discomfort in order to make the changes required to be my highest self?
When enduring times of great turmoil that can act as a spiritual catalyst, this is when we undergo tests of moral character, tests of self-awareness in order to refine and distill the purity of our inner spiritual essence. In these challenging stages, we may be met with an increased sensation of dark entity attacks, astral related phenomena, victimizer programming, audio inserts of self-doubt dialogues, all related to perpetuating fear-based programming out to the masses. The intensity of these experiences can help us to better comprehend the self-mastery we must develop over the hidden shadow aspects, as we rise above the fear in order to propel ourselves forward to another stage of spiritual awakening, to arrive at inner clarity.


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