“Kryon now gives an explanation of what the Year of Recovery means, offering the metaphor that humanity has always been in a coma of dark energy. Human civilization has always been about one thing: war. The wars humanity has gone through seem to be continuous. This has been called Human nature. That is a coma of darkness. That’s where humanity has been. The message Kryon gave over thirty years ago is that you will not have Armageddon, and instead you are headed for a battle of dark and light. The battle represents the turning point between dark and light. You will awaken from the darkness and develop the highest consciousness the planet has ever had ~ that will eventually result in peace on Earth. Humanity is starting to awaken from that darkness. There will be those who come out of the coma, and there will be those who don’t. Those who don’t awaken are invested in their reality, and they want to sustain it. They want to remain in the darkness and pull everyone back. The world today will not go in the direction that it did before. Future generations will not repeat what past generations did in going to war. Most countries today don’t want any part of war. That is new. You are recovering from an old energy, and you are awakening from a coma.”
